open Util open Constants (** Computes all the kinetic integrals of the contracted shell pair *) let contracted_class shell_a shell_b : float Zmap.t = let shell_p = Shell_pair.create_array shell_a shell_b in (* Pre-computation of integral class indices *) let class_indices = Angular_momentum.zkey_array (Angular_momentum.Doublet Contracted_shell.(totAngMom shell_a, totAngMom shell_b)) in let contracted_class = Array.make (Array.length class_indices) 0. in (* Compute all integrals in the shell for each pair of significant shell pairs *) for ab=0 to (Array.length shell_p - 1) do let coef_prod = shell_p.(ab).Shell_pair.coef in (** Screening on thr product of coefficients *) if (abs_float coef_prod) > 1.e-4*.cutoff then begin let center_ab = shell_p.(ab).Shell_pair.center_ab in let center_pa = shell_p.(ab).Shell_pair.center_a in let expo_inv = shell_p.(ab).Shell_pair.expo_inv in let norm_coef_scale = shell_p.(ab).Shell_pair.norm_coef_scale in let i, j = shell_p.(ab).Shell_pair.i, shell_p.(ab).Shell_pair.j in let expo_a = Contracted_shell.expo shell_p.(ab).Shell_pair.shell_a i and expo_b = Contracted_shell.expo shell_p.(ab).Shell_pair.shell_b j in Array.iteri (fun i key -> let (angMomA,angMomB) = let a = Zkey.to_int_array Zkey.Kind_6 key in ( [| a.(0) ; a.(1) ; a.(2) |], [| a.(3) ; a.(4) ; a.(5) |] ) in let ov a b k = Overlap_primitives.hvrr (a, b) expo_inv (Coordinate.coord center_ab k, Coordinate.coord center_pa k) in let f k = ov angMomA.(k) angMomB.(k) k and g k = let s1 = ov (angMomA.(k)-1) (angMomB.(k)-1) k and s2 = ov (angMomA.(k)+1) (angMomB.(k)-1) k and s3 = ov (angMomA.(k)-1) (angMomB.(k)+1) k and s4 = ov (angMomA.(k)+1) (angMomB.(k)+1) k and a = float_of_int angMomA.(k) and b = float_of_int angMomB.(k) in 0.5 *. a *. b *. s1 -. expo_a *. b *. s2 -. expo_b *. a *. s3 +. 2.0 *. expo_a *. expo_b *. s4 in let s = Array.init 3 f and k = Array.init 3 g in let norm = norm_coef_scale.(i) in let integral = chop norm (fun () -> k.(0)*.s.(1)*.s.(2) +. s.(0)*.k.(1)*.s.(2) +. s.(0)*.s.(1)*.k.(2) ) in contracted_class.(i) <- contracted_class.(i) +. coef_prod *. integral ) class_indices end done; let result = Zmap.create (Array.length contracted_class) in Array.iteri (fun i key -> Zmap.add result key contracted_class.(i)) class_indices; result (** Write all kinetic integrals to a file *) let to_file ~filename basis = let to_int_tuple x = let open Zkey in match to_int_tuple Kind_3 x with | Three x -> x | _ -> assert false in let oc = open_out filename in for i=0 to (Array.length basis) - 1 do print_int basis.(i).Contracted_shell.indice ; print_newline (); for j=0 to i do (* Compute all the integrals of the class *) let cls = contracted_class basis.(i) basis.(j) in (* Write the data in the output file *) Array.iteri (fun i_c powers_i -> let i_c = basis.(i).Contracted_shell.indice + i_c + 1 in let xi = to_int_tuple powers_i in Array.iteri (fun j_c powers_j -> let j_c = basis.(j).Contracted_shell.indice + j_c + 1 in let xj = to_int_tuple powers_j in let key = Zkey.of_int_tuple (Zkey.Six (xi,xj)) in let value = try Zmap.find cls key with Not_found -> failwith "Bug in Kinetic integrals" in if (abs_float value > cutoff) then Printf.fprintf oc "%4d %4d %20.12e\n" i_c j_c value ) basis.(j).Contracted_shell.powers ) basis.(i).Contracted_shell.powers; done; done; close_out oc