(** Two electron integral functor for operators that are separable among %{ $(x,y,z)$ %}. It is parameterized by the [zero_m] function. *) open Constants let cutoff = integrals_cutoff module Bs = Basis module Cs = ContractedShell module Csp = ContractedShellPair module Cspc = ContractedShellPairCouple module Fis = FourIdxStorage include FourIdxStorage (* type gaussian_geminal = { expo_s : float ; coef_g : *) (** Exponent of the geminal *) let expo_s = 0.6 (** Slater geminal *) (** Coefficients and exponents of the Gaussian fit of the Slater Geminal*) let coef_g = [| 0.3144 ; 0.3037 ; 0.1681 ; 0.09811 ; 0.06024 ; 0.03726 |] let expo_sg_inv = Array.map (fun x -> 1. /. (x *. expo_s *. expo_s)) [| 0.2209 ; 1.004 ; 3.622 ; 12.16 ; 45.87 ; 254.4 |] (* (** r12 * Slater *) (** Coefficients and exponents of the Gaussian fit of the Slater Geminal*) let coef_g = [| 0.2454 ; 0.2938 ; 0.1815 ; 0.11281 ; 0.07502 ; 0.05280 |] let expo_sg_inv = Array.map (fun x -> 1. /. (x *. expo_s *. expo_s)) [| 0.1824 ; 0.7118; 2.252 ; 6.474 ; 19.66 ; 77.92 |] *) (* (** Coefficients and exponents of the Gaussian fit of the Slater Geminal*) let coef_g = [| -3.4793465193721626604883567779324948787689208984375 ; -0.00571703486454788484955047422886309504974633455276489257812 ; 4.14878218728681513738365538301877677440643310546875 ; 0.202874298181392742623785352407139725983142852783203125 ; 0.0819187742387294803858566183407674543559551239013671875 ; 0.04225945671351955673644695821167260874062776565551757812 ; |] let expo_sg_inv = Array.map (fun x -> 1. /. (x *. expo_s *. expo_s)) [| 0.63172472556807146570889699432882480323314666748046875; 26.3759196683467962429858744144439697265625; 0.63172102793029016876147352377302013337612152099609375; 7.08429025944207335641067402320913970470428466796875; 42.4442841447001910637482069432735443115234375; 391.44036073596890901171718724071979522705078125 ; |] *) (* Fit of 1/r: let coef_g = [| 841.88478132 ; 70.590185207 ; 18.3616020768 ; 7.2608642093 ; 3.57483416444 ; 2.01376031082 ; 1.24216542801 ; 0.81754348620 ; 0.564546514023 ; 0.404228610699 ; 0.297458536575 ; 0.223321219537 ; 0.169933732064 ; 0.130190978230 ; 0.099652303426 ; 0.075428246546 ; 0.0555635614051 ; 0.0386791283055 ; 0.0237550435652 ; 0.010006278387 ; |] let expo_sg_inv = Array.map (fun x -> 1. /. (x *. expo_s *. expo_s)) [| 84135.654509 ; 2971.58727634 ; 474.716025959 ; 130.676724560 ; 47.3938388887 ; 20.2078651631 ; 9.5411021938 ; 4.8109546955 ; 2.52795733067 ; 1.35894103210 ; 0.73586710268 ; 0.39557629706 ; 0.20785895177 ; 0.104809693858 ; 0.049485682527 ; 0.021099788990 ; 0.007652472186 ; 0.0021065225215 ; 0.0003365204879 ; 0.0000118855674 |] *) let class_of_contracted_shell_pair_couple shell_pair_couple = F12RR.contracted_class_shell_pair_couple expo_sg_inv coef_g shell_pair_couple module Zero_m = struct let name = "F12" end let filter_contracted_shell_pairs ?(cutoff=integrals_cutoff) shell_pairs = List.map (fun pair -> match Cspc.make ~cutoff pair pair with | Some cspc -> let cls = class_of_contracted_shell_pair_couple cspc in (pair, Zmap.fold (fun key value accu -> max (abs_float value) accu) cls 0. ) (* TODO \sum_k |coef_k * integral_k| *) | None -> (pair, -1.) ) shell_pairs |> List.filter (fun (_, schwartz_p_max) -> schwartz_p_max >= cutoff) |> List.map fst (* TODO let filter_contracted_shell_pair_couples ?(cutoff=integrals_cutoff) shell_pair_couples = List.map (fun pair -> let cls = class_of_contracted_shell_pairs pair pair in (pair, Zmap.fold (fun key value accu -> max (abs_float value) accu) cls 0. ) ) shell_pairs |> List.filter (fun (_, schwartz_p_max) -> schwartz_p_max >= cutoff) |> List.map fst *) let store_class basis ?(cutoff=integrals_cutoff) data contracted_shell_pair_couple cls = let to_powers x = let open Zkey in match to_powers x with | Three x -> x | _ -> assert false in let shell_p = Cspc.shell_pair_p contracted_shell_pair_couple and shell_q = Cspc.shell_pair_q contracted_shell_pair_couple in let s = Overlap.of_basis basis |> Overlap.matrix in let lambda_inv = 1. /. expo_s in Array.iteri (fun i_c powers_i -> let i_c = Cs.index (Csp.shell_a shell_p) + i_c + 1 in let xi = to_powers powers_i in Array.iteri (fun j_c powers_j -> let j_c = Cs.index (Csp.shell_b shell_p) + j_c + 1 in let xj = to_powers powers_j in Array.iteri (fun k_c powers_k -> let k_c = Cs.index (Csp.shell_a shell_q) + k_c + 1 in let xk = to_powers powers_k in Array.iteri (fun l_c powers_l -> let l_c = Cs.index (Csp.shell_b shell_q) + l_c + 1 in let xl = to_powers powers_l in let key = Zkey.of_powers_twelve xi xj xk xl in let value = Zmap.find cls key in lambda_inv *. (s.{i_c,j_c} *. s.{k_c,l_c} -. value) |> set_chem data i_c j_c k_c l_c ) (Cs.zkey_array (Csp.shell_b shell_q)) ) (Cs.zkey_array (Csp.shell_a shell_q)) ) (Cs.zkey_array (Csp.shell_b shell_p)) ) (Cs.zkey_array (Csp.shell_a shell_p)) let of_basis_serial basis = let n = Bs.size basis and shell = Bs.contracted_shells basis in let eri_array = Fis.create ~size:n `Dense (* Fis.create ~size:n `Sparse *) in let t0 = Unix.gettimeofday () in let shell_pairs = Csp.of_contracted_shell_array shell |> filter_contracted_shell_pairs ~cutoff in Printf.printf "%d significant shell pairs computed in %f seconds\n" (List.length shell_pairs) (Unix.gettimeofday () -. t0); let t0 = Unix.gettimeofday () in let ishell = ref 0 in List.iter (fun shell_p -> let () = if (Cs.index (Csp.shell_a shell_p) > !ishell) then (ishell := Cs.index (Csp.shell_a shell_p) ; print_int !ishell ; print_newline ()) in let sp = Csp.shell_pairs shell_p in try List.iter (fun shell_q -> let () = if Cs.index (Csp.shell_a shell_q) > Cs.index (Csp.shell_a shell_p) then raise Exit in let sq = Csp.shell_pairs shell_q in let cspc = if Array.length sp < Array.length sq then Cspc.make ~cutoff shell_p shell_q else Cspc.make ~cutoff shell_q shell_p in match cspc with | Some cspc -> let cls = class_of_contracted_shell_pair_couple cspc in store_class basis ~cutoff eri_array cspc cls | None -> () ) shell_pairs with Exit -> () ) shell_pairs ; Printf.printf "Computed ERIs in %f seconds\n%!" (Unix.gettimeofday () -. t0); eri_array (* Parallel functions *) let of_basis_parallel basis = let n = Bs.size basis and shell = Bs.contracted_shells basis in let store_class_parallel ?(cutoff=integrals_cutoff) contracted_shell_pair_couple cls = let to_powers x = let open Zkey in match to_powers x with | Three x -> x | _ -> assert false in let shell_p = Cspc.shell_pair_p contracted_shell_pair_couple and shell_q = Cspc.shell_pair_q contracted_shell_pair_couple in let result = ref [] in Array.iteri (fun i_c powers_i -> let i_c = Cs.index (Csp.shell_a shell_p) + i_c + 1 in let xi = to_powers powers_i in Array.iteri (fun j_c powers_j -> let j_c = Cs.index (Csp.shell_b shell_p) + j_c + 1 in let xj = to_powers powers_j in Array.iteri (fun k_c powers_k -> let k_c = Cs.index (Csp.shell_a shell_q) + k_c + 1 in let xk = to_powers powers_k in Array.iteri (fun l_c powers_l -> let l_c = Cs.index (Csp.shell_b shell_q) + l_c + 1 in let xl = to_powers powers_l in let key = Zkey.of_powers_twelve xi xj xk xl in let value = Zmap.find cls key in result := (i_c, j_c, k_c, l_c, value) :: !result ) (Cs.zkey_array (Csp.shell_b shell_q)) ) (Cs.zkey_array (Csp.shell_a shell_q)) ) (Cs.zkey_array (Csp.shell_b shell_p)) ) (Cs.zkey_array (Csp.shell_a shell_p)); !result in let t0 = Unix.gettimeofday () in let shell_pairs = Csp.of_contracted_shell_array shell |> filter_contracted_shell_pairs ~cutoff in if Parallel.master then Printf.printf "%d significant shell pairs computed in %f seconds\n" (List.length shell_pairs) (Unix.gettimeofday () -. t0); let t0 = Unix.gettimeofday () in let ishell = ref max_int in let input_stream = Stream.of_list (List.rev shell_pairs) in let f shell_p = let () = if Parallel.rank < 2 && Cs.index (Csp.shell_a shell_p) < !ishell then (ishell := Cs.index (Csp.shell_a shell_p) ; print_int !ishell ; print_newline ()) in let sp = Csp.shell_pairs shell_p in let result = ref [] in try List.iter (fun shell_q -> let () = if Cs.index (Csp.shell_a shell_q) > Cs.index (Csp.shell_a shell_p) then raise Exit in let sq = Csp.shell_pairs shell_q in let cspc = if Array.length sp < Array.length sq then Cspc.make ~cutoff shell_p shell_q else Cspc.make ~cutoff shell_q shell_p in match cspc with | Some cspc -> let cls = class_of_contracted_shell_pair_couple cspc in result := (store_class_parallel ~cutoff cspc cls) :: !result; | None -> () ) shell_pairs; raise Exit with Exit -> List.concat !result |> Array.of_list in let eri_array = if Parallel.master then Fis.create ~size:n `Dense else Fis.create ~size:0 `Dense in let s = Overlap.of_basis basis |> Overlap.matrix in let lambda_inv = 1. /. expo_s in Farm.run ~ordered:false ~f input_stream |> Stream.iter (fun l -> Array.iter (fun (i_c,j_c,k_c,l_c,value) -> lambda_inv *. (s.{i_c,j_c} *. s.{k_c,l_c} -. value) |> set_chem eri_array i_c j_c k_c l_c) l); if Parallel.master then Printf.printf "Computed %s Integrals in parallel in %f seconds\n%!" Zero_m.name (Unix.gettimeofday () -. t0); Parallel.broadcast (lazy eri_array) let of_basis = match Parallel.size with | 1 -> of_basis_serial | _ -> of_basis_parallel