(** Type for coordinates in 3D space. All operations on points are done in atomic units. Therefore, all coordinates are given in {!Bohr.t} and manipulated with this module. *) type t = Bohr.t type axis = X | Y | Z val bohr_to_angstrom : Bohr.t -> Angstrom.t (** Converts a point in Bohr to Angstrom. *) val angstrom_to_bohr : Angstrom.t -> Bohr.t (** Converts a point in Angstrom to Bohr. *) val zero : Bohr.t (** [zero = { Bohr.x = 0. ; y=0. ; z=0. }] *) val get : axis -> Bohr.t -> float (** Extracts the projection of the coordinate on an axis. Example: [Coordinate.(get Y) { Bohr.x=1. ; y=2. ; z=3. } -> 2.] *) (** {1 Vector operations} *) val ( |. ) : float -> Bohr.t -> Bohr.t (** Scale by a float. Example: [ 2. |. { Bohr.x=1. ; y=2. ; z=3. } -> { Bohr.x=2. ; y=4. ; z=6. } ] *) val ( |+ ) : Bohr.t -> Bohr.t -> Bohr.t (** Add two vectors. Example: {[{ Bohr.x=1. ; y=2. ; z=3. } |+ { Bohr.x=2. ; y=3. ; z=1. } -> { Bohr.x=3. ; y=5. ; z=4. }]} *) val ( |- ) : Bohr.t -> Bohr.t -> Bohr.t (** Subtract two vectors. Example: {[{ Bohr.x=1. ; y=2. ; z=3. } |- { Bohr.x=2. ; y=3. ; z=1. } -> { Bohr.x=-1. ; y=-1. ; z=2. }]} *) val neg : Bohr.t -> Bohr.t (** Example: {[Coordinate.neg { Bohr.x=1. ; y=2. ; z=-3. } -> { Bohr.x=-1. ; y=-2. ; z=3. }]} *) val dot : Bohr.t -> Bohr.t -> float (** Dot product. *) val norm : Bohr.t -> float (** L{^2} norm of the vector. *) (** {2 Printers} *) val pp_bohr: Format.formatter -> Bohr.t -> unit val pp_angstrom : Format.formatter -> Bohr.t -> unit