(* Lexer * * =nuclei_lexer.mll= contains the description of the lexemes used in * an xyz file. *) (* [[file:~/QCaml/particles/nuclei.org::*Lexer][Lexer:1]] *) { open Xyz_parser } let eol = ['\n'] let white = [' ' '\t']+ let word = [^' ' '\t' '\n']+ let letter = ['A'-'Z' 'a'-'z'] let integer = ['0'-'9']+ let real = '-'? (integer '.' integer | integer '.' | '.' integer) (['e' 'E'] ('+'|'-')? integer)? rule read_all = parse | eof { EOF } | eol { EOL } | white as w { SPACE w } | integer as i { INTEGER (int_of_string i) } | real as f { FLOAT (float_of_string f) } | word as w { WORD w } { (* DEBUG let () = let ic = open_in "h2o.xyz" in let lexbuf = Lexing.from_channel ic in while true do let s = match read_all lexbuf with | EOL -> "EOL" | SPACE w -> "SPACE("^w^")" | INTEGER i -> "INTEGER("^(string_of_int i)^")" | FLOAT f -> "FLOAT("^(string_of_float f)^")" | WORD w -> "WORD("^w^")" | EOF -> "EOF" in print_endline s done; *) } (* Lexer:1 ends here *)