(* Sparse or dense vectors *) open Lacaml.D type t (** {1 Accessors} *) val is_sparse : t -> bool (** True is the vector is sparse. *) val is_dense : t -> bool (** True is the vector is dense. *) val get : t -> int -> float (** [get v i] returns the i-th element of [v]. *) val dim : t -> int (** Dimension of the vector *) (** {1 Converters } *) val to_vec : t -> Vec.t (** Convert into a Lacaml Vec. *) val to_assoc_list : ?threshold:float -> t -> (int * float) list (** Convert into an association list. *) val sparse_of_dense : ?threshold:float -> t -> t (** Creates a sparse vector from a dense vector. Default threshold is {!Constants.epsilon}. *) val dense_of_sparse : t -> t (** Creates a dense vector from a sparse vector. *) val dense_of_vec : Vec.t -> t (** Create a dense vector from a Lacaml Vec *) val sparse_of_vec : ?threshold:float -> Vec.t -> t (** Create a sparse vector from a Lacaml Vec. Default threshold is {!Constants.epsilon}. *) val sparse_of_assoc_list : int -> (int * float) list -> t (** Create a sparse vector from an association list [(index,value)]. The first integer is the size of the vector. *) (** {1 Operations} *) val neg : t -> t (** Returns the negative of the vector. *) val scale : ?threshold:float -> float -> t -> t (** Scale a vector by a constant *) val add : ?threshold:float -> t -> t -> t (** Add two vectors *) val sub : ?threshold:float -> t -> t -> t (** Subtract two vectors *) val axpy : ?threshold:float -> ?alpha:float -> t -> t -> t (** {% $a \mathbf{x} + \mathbf{y}$ %} *) val dot : t -> t -> float (** Dot product. *) (** {1 Printers } *) val pp_vector : Format.formatter -> t -> unit (** {1 Unit testing} *) val test_case : unit -> (string * [> `Quick ] * (unit -> unit)) list