open Util open Constants type t = { expo : float array; coef : float array; norm_coef : float array; norm_coef_scale : float array; prim : PrimitiveShell.t array; center : Coordinate.t; ang_mom : AngularMomentum.t; index : int; } module Am = AngularMomentum module Co = Coordinate module Ps = PrimitiveShell let make ?(index=0) lc = assert (Array.length lc > 0); let coef = fst lc and prim = snd lc in let center = prim.(0) in let rec unique_center = function | 0 -> true | i -> if prim.(i) = center then unique_center (i-1) else false in if not (unique_center (Array.length prim - 1)) then invalid_arg "ContractedShell.make Coordinate.t differ"; let ang_mom = Ps.ang_mom prim.(0) in let rec unique_angmom = function | 0 -> true | i -> if Ps.ang_mom prim.(i) = ang_mom then unique_angmom (i-1) else false in if not (unique_angmom (Array.length prim - 1)) then invalid_arg "ContractedShell.make: AngularMomentum.t differ"; let expo = Ps.exponent prim in let norm_coef = Ps.normalization prim in let norm_coef_scale = Ps.norm_scales prim.(0) in { index ; expo ; coef ; center ; ang_mom ; norm_coef ; norm_coef_scale ; prim } let with_index a i = { a with index = i } let exponents x = x.expo let coefficients x = x.coef let center x = let ang_mom x = x.ang_mom let size x = Array.length x.prim let normalizations x = x.norm_coef let norm_scales x = x.norm_coef_scale let index x = x.index let size_of_shell x = Array.length x.norm_coef_scale let primitives x = x.prim let zkey_array x = Ps.zkey_array x.prim.(0) (** {2 Printers} *) open Format let pp_debug ppf x = fprintf ppf "@[<2>{@ "; fprintf ppf "@[<2>expo =@ %a ;@]@ " pp_float_array_size x.expo; fprintf ppf "@[<2>coef =@ %a ;@]@ " pp_float_array_size x.coef; fprintf ppf "@[<2>center =@ %a ;@]@ " Co.pp_angstrom; fprintf ppf "@[<2>ang_mom =@ %a ;@]@ " Am.pp_string x.ang_mom; fprintf ppf "@[<2>norm_coef =@ %a ;@]@ " pp_float_array_size x.norm_coef; fprintf ppf "@[<2>norm_coef_scale =@ %a ;@]@ " pp_float_array_size x.norm_coef_scale; fprintf ppf "@[<2>index =@ %d ;@]@ " x.index; fprintf ppf "}@,@]" let pp ppf s = (match s.ang_mom with | Am.S -> fprintf ppf "@[%3d@] " (s.index+1) | _ -> fprintf ppf "@[%3d-%-3d@]" (s.index+1) (s.index+(Array.length s.norm_coef_scale)) ); fprintf ppf "@[%a@ %a@]@[" Am.pp_string s.ang_mom Co.pp; Array.iter2 (fun e c -> fprintf ppf "@[%16.8e %16.8e@]@;" e c) s.expo s.coef; fprintf ppf "@]"