(** Data structure for an MP2 calculation *) (** * let mp2 = * Perturbation.Mp2.make ~frozen_core:(Mo.Frozen_core.(make Small nuclei)) mo_basis * ;; * val mp2 : Perturbation.Mp2.t = E(MP2)=-0.185523 * *) (** Type *) type t (** Creation *) val make : frozen_core:Mo.Frozen_core.t -> Mo.Basis.t -> t (** Access *) val energy : t -> float (* Returns the MP2 energy *) val mo_basis : t -> Mo.Basis.t (* Returns the MO basis on which the MP2 energy was computed *) val frozen_core : t -> Mo.Frozen_core.t (* Returns the frozen_core scheme used to compute the MP2 energy *) (** Printers *) val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit