[@@@landmark "auto-off"] open Common type t = { zkey_array : Zkey.t array lazy_t; shell_pair_p: Primitive_shell_pair.t ; shell_pair_q: Primitive_shell_pair.t ; shell_a : Primitive_shell.t ; shell_b : Primitive_shell.t ; shell_c : Primitive_shell.t ; shell_d : Primitive_shell.t ; ang_mom : Angular_momentum.t ; } module Am = Angular_momentum module Co = Coordinate module Ps = Primitive_shell module Psp = Primitive_shell_pair let[@landmark] make shell_pair_p shell_pair_q = let ang_mom = Am.(Psp.ang_mom shell_pair_p + Psp.ang_mom shell_pair_q) in let shell_a = Psp.shell_a shell_pair_p and shell_b = Psp.shell_b shell_pair_p and shell_c = Psp.shell_a shell_pair_q and shell_d = Psp.shell_b shell_pair_q in let zkey_array = lazy ( let open Ps in Am.zkey_array (Am.Quartet (ang_mom shell_a, ang_mom shell_b, ang_mom shell_c, ang_mom shell_d) ) ) in { shell_pair_p ; shell_pair_q ; ang_mom ; shell_a ; shell_b ; shell_c ; shell_d ; zkey_array ; } let monocentric t = Psp.monocentric t.shell_pair_p && Psp.monocentric t.shell_pair_q && Psp.center t.shell_pair_p = Psp.center t.shell_pair_q let ang_mom t = t.ang_mom let shell_pair_p t = t.shell_pair_p let shell_pair_q t = t.shell_pair_q let shell_a t = t.shell_a let shell_b t = t.shell_b let shell_c t = t.shell_c let shell_d t = t.shell_d let p_minus_q t = let p = Psp.center t.shell_pair_p and q = Psp.center t.shell_pair_q in Co.(p |- q) let zkey_array t = Lazy.force t.zkey_array let[@landmark] norm_scales t = let norm_coef_scale_p_list = Array.to_list (Psp.norm_scales t.shell_pair_p) in let norm_coef_scale_q = Psp.norm_scales t.shell_pair_q in List.map (fun v1 -> Array.map (fun v2 -> v1 *. v2) norm_coef_scale_q) norm_coef_scale_p_list |> Array.concat