Table of Contents
1 Summary
2 Electrons
Data structure which contains the number of α and β electrons.
2.1 Type
type t
2.2 Creation
open Common val make : int -> int -> t val of_atoms : ?multiplicity:int -> ?charge:int -> Nuclei.t -> t (* @param multiplicity default is 1 @param charge default is 0 @raise Invalid_argument if the spin multiplicity is not compatible with the molecule and the total charge. *)
make |
make n_alfa n_beta |
of_atoms |
Creates the data relative to electrons for a molecular system described by Nuclei.t for a given total charge and spin multiplicity. |
2.3 Access
val charge : t -> Charge.t val n_elec : t -> int val n_alfa : t -> int val n_beta : t -> int val multiplicity : t -> int
charge |
Sum of the charges of the electrons |
n_elec |
Number of electrons |
n_alfa |
Number of alpha electrons |
n_beta |
Number of beta electrons |
multiplicity |
Spin multiplicity: \(2S+1\) |
2.4 Printers
val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
2.5 Tests
3 Element
Chemical elements.
3.1 Type
type t = |X |H |He |Li|Be |B |C |N |O |F |Ne |Na|Mg |Al|Si|P |S |Cl|Ar |K |Ca|Sc|Ti|V |Cr|Mn|Fe|Co|Ni|Cu|Zn|Ga|Ge|As|Se|Br|Kr |Rb|Sr|Y |Zr|Nb|Mo|Tc|Ru|Rh|Pd|Ag|Cd|In|Sn|Sb|Te|I |Xe |Pt exception ElementError of string open Common
3.2 Conversion
val of_string : string -> t val to_string : t -> string val to_long_string : t -> string val to_int : t -> int val of_int : int -> t val to_charge : t -> Charge.t val of_charge : Charge.t -> t
of_string |
Creates an Element.t from a chemical symbol or from the full name of the element (case insensitive) |
to_string |
Gets the chemical symbol of the Element.t in a string |
to_long_string |
Gets the full name of the Element.t in a string |
to_int |
Convert to the atomic charge, with int type |
of_int |
Create from the atomic charge, with int type |
to_charge |
Convert to the atomic charge, with Charge.t type |
of_charge |
Create from the atomic charge, with Charge.t type |
Element.of_string "Fe" ;; - : Element.t = Particles.Element.Fe Element.of_string "hydrogen" ;; - : Element.t = Particles.Element.H Element.of_string "Kryptonite" ;; Exception: Particles.Element.ElementError "Element Kryptonite unknown". Element.(to_long_string Fe) ;; - : string = "Iron" Element.(to_string Fe);; - : string = "Fe"
3.3 Database information
val covalent_radius : t -> Non_negative_float.t val vdw_radius : t -> Non_negative_float.t val mass : t -> Mass.t val small_core : t -> int val large_core : t -> int
covalent_radius |
Covalent radii of the elements, in atomic units |
vdw_radius |
Van der Waals radii of the elements, in atomic units |
mass |
Atomic mass of the elements, in atomic units) |
small_core |
Number of electrons in the small core model (all except the outermost two shells) |
large_core |
Number of electrons in the large core model (all except the outermost shell) |
3.4 Printers
val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit val pp_long : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
4 Atomic mass
Atomic mass, a non-negative float.
include module type of Common.Non_negative_float
5 Nuclei
5.1 Type
open Common type t = (Element.t * Coordinate.t) array
5.2 xyz file lexer/parser
5.2.1 Lexer
contains the description of the lexemes used in
an xyz file.
{ open Xyz_parser } let eol = ['\n'] let white = [' ' '\t']+ let word = [^' ' '\t' '\n']+ let letter = ['A'-'Z' 'a'-'z'] let integer = ['0'-'9']+ let real = '-'? (integer '.' integer | integer '.' | '.' integer) (['e' 'E'] ('+'|'-')? integer)? rule read_all = parse | eof { EOF } | eol { EOL } | white as w { SPACE w } | integer as i { INTEGER (int_of_string i) } | real as f { FLOAT (float_of_string f) } | word as w { WORD w } { (* DEBUG let () = let ic = open_in "" in let lexbuf = Lexing.from_channel ic in while true do let s = match read_all lexbuf with | EOL -> "EOL" | SPACE w -> "SPACE("^w^")" | INTEGER i -> "INTEGER("^(string_of_int i)^")" | FLOAT f -> "FLOAT("^(string_of_float f)^")" | WORD w -> "WORD("^w^")" | EOF -> "EOF" in print_endline s done; *) }
5.2.2 Parser
parses nuclear coordinates in xyz format.
%{ open Common let make_angstrom x y z = Coordinate.(make_angstrom { x ; y ; z }) let output_of f x y z = let a = make_angstrom x y z in fun e -> { Xyz_ast. element = f e; coord = a ; } let output_of_string = output_of Element.of_string let output_of_int = output_of Element.of_int %} %token EOL %token <string> SPACE %token <string> WORD %token <int> INTEGER %token <float> FLOAT %token EOF %start input %type <Xyz_ast.xyz_file> input %% /* Grammar rules and actions follow */ input: | integer title atoms_xyz { { number_of_atoms = $1; file_title = $2; nuclei = $3; } } ; integer: | INTEGER EOL { $1 } | INTEGER SPACE EOL { $1 } | SPACE INTEGER EOL { $2 } | SPACE INTEGER SPACE EOL { $2 } ; title: | title_list EOL { $1 } ; text: | WORD { $1 } | SPACE { $1 } | FLOAT { (string_of_float $1)} | INTEGER { (string_of_int $1)} ; title_list: | { "" } | title_list text { ($1 ^ $2) } ; atoms_xyz: | atoms_list EOL { List.rev $1 } | atoms_list EOF { List.rev $1 } ; atoms_list: | { [] } | atoms_list WORD SPACE FLOAT SPACE FLOAT SPACE FLOAT EOL { output_of_string $4 $6 $8 $2 :: $1 } | atoms_list WORD SPACE FLOAT SPACE FLOAT SPACE FLOAT SPACE EOL { output_of_string $4 $6 $8 $2 :: $1 } | atoms_list INTEGER SPACE FLOAT SPACE FLOAT SPACE FLOAT EOL { output_of_int $4 $6 $8 $2 :: $1 } | atoms_list INTEGER SPACE FLOAT SPACE FLOAT SPACE FLOAT SPACE EOL { output_of_int $4 $6 $8 $2 :: $1 } | atoms_list SPACE WORD SPACE FLOAT SPACE FLOAT SPACE FLOAT EOL { output_of_string $5 $7 $9 $3 :: $1 } | atoms_list SPACE WORD SPACE FLOAT SPACE FLOAT SPACE FLOAT SPACE EOL { output_of_string $5 $7 $9 $3 :: $1 } | atoms_list SPACE INTEGER SPACE FLOAT SPACE FLOAT SPACE FLOAT EOL { output_of_int $5 $7 $9 $3 :: $1 } | atoms_list SPACE INTEGER SPACE FLOAT SPACE FLOAT SPACE FLOAT SPACE EOL { output_of_int $5 $7 $9 $3 :: $1 } ;
When an xyz file is read by xyz_parser.mly
, it is converted into
an xyz_file
data structure.
open Common type nucleus = { element: Element.t ; coord : Coordinate.angstrom Coordinate.point; } type xyz_file = { number_of_atoms : int ; file_title : string ; nuclei : nucleus list ; }
5.3 Conversion
val of_xyz_string : string -> t val to_xyz_string : t -> string val of_xyz_file : string -> t val of_zmt_string : string -> t val of_zmt_file : string -> t val to_string : t -> string val of_filename : string -> t
of_xyz_string |
Create from a string, in xyz format |
of_xyz_file |
Create from a file, in xyz format |
of_zmt_string |
Create from a string, in z-matrix format |
of_zmt_file |
Create from a file, in z-matrix format |
to_string |
Transform to a string, for printing |
of_filename |
Detects the type of file (xyz, z-matrix) and reads the file |
5.4 TODO Query
val formula : t -> string val repulsion : t -> float val charge : t -> Charge.t val small_core : t -> int val large_core : t -> int
formula |
Returns the chemical formula |
repulsion |
Nuclear repulsion energy, in atomic units |
charge |
Sum of the charges of the nuclei |
small_core |
Number of core electrons in the small core model |
large_core |
Number of core electrons in the large core model |
5.5 Printers
val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
5.6 Tests
6 Z-matrix
Z-matrix representation of nuclear coordinates.
6.1 Type
type t
6.2 Conversion
val of_string : string -> t val to_xyz : t -> (Element.t * float * float * float) array val to_xyz_string : t -> string
of_string |
Reads a z-matrix from a string |
to_xyz |
Converts to xyz format, as in the Nuclei module |
to_xyz_string |
Converts to xyz format, as a string |
let zmt = Zmatrix.of_string " n n 1 nn h 1 hn 2 hnn h 2 hn 1 hnn 3 dih4 h 1 hn 2 hnn 4 dih5 h 2 hn 1 hnn 3 dih5 nn 1.446 hn 1.016 hnn 106.0 dih4 -54.38 dih5 54.38 " ;; - : Zmatrix.t = N N 1 1.446000 H 1 1.016000 2 106.000000 H 2 1.016000 1 106.000000 3 -54.380000 H 1 1.016000 2 106.000000 4 54.380000 H 2 1.016000 1 106.000000 3 54.380000 Zmatrix.to_xyz zmt ;; - : (Element.t * float * float * float) array = [|(N, 0., 0., 0.); (N, 0., 0., 1.446); (H, -0.976641883073332107, 0., -0.280047553510071046); (H, -0.568802835186988709, 0.793909757123734683, 1.726047553510071); (H, 0.314092649983635563, 0.924756819385119, -0.280047553510071101); (H, -0.568802835186988709, -0.793909757123734683, 1.726047553510071)|] Zmatrix.to_xyz_string zmt ;; - : string = "N 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 N 0.000000 0.000000 1.446000 H -0.976642 0.000000 -0.280048 H -0.568803 0.793910 1.726048 H 0.314093 0.924757 -0.280048 H -0.568803 -0.793910 1.726048"
6.3 Printers
val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit