#+begin_src elisp tangle: no :results none :exports none (setq pwd (file-name-directory buffer-file-name)) (setq name (file-name-nondirectory (substring buffer-file-name 0 -4))) (setq lib (concat pwd "lib/")) (setq testdir (concat pwd "test/")) (setq mli (concat lib name ".mli")) (setq ml (concat lib name ".ml")) (setq c (concat lib name ".c")) (setq test-ml (concat testdir name ".ml")) (org-babel-tangle) #+end_src * Util :PROPERTIES: :header-args: :noweb yes :comments both :END: Utility functions. ** Test header :noexport: #+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval test-ml) :exports none open Common.Util open Alcotest #+end_src ** External C functions | ~erf_float~ | Error function ~erf~ from =libm= | | ~erfc_float~ | Complementary error function ~erfc~ from =libm= | | ~gamma_float~ | Gamma function ~gamma~ from =libm= | | ~popcnt~ | ~popcnt~ instruction | | ~trailz~ | ~ctz~ instruction | | ~leadz~ | ~bsf~ instruction | #+begin_src c :tangle (eval c) :exports none #include #include #include #+end_src *** Erf #+begin_src c :tangle (eval c) :exports none CAMLprim value erf_float_bytecode(value x) { return caml_copy_double(erf(Double_val(x))); } CAMLprim double erf_float(double x) { return erf(x); } #+end_src #+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval mli) external erf_float : float -> float = "erf_float_bytecode" "erf_float" [@@unboxed] [@@noalloc] #+end_src #+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval ml) :exports none external erf_float : float -> float = "erf_float_bytecode" "erf_float" [@@unboxed] [@@noalloc] #+end_src *** Erfc #+begin_src c :tangle (eval c) :exports none CAMLprim value erfc_float_bytecode(value x) { return caml_copy_double(erfc(Double_val(x))); } CAMLprim double erfc_float(double x) { return erfc(x); } #+end_src #+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval mli) external erfc_float : float -> float = "erfc_float_bytecode" "erfc_float" [@@unboxed] [@@noalloc] #+end_src #+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval ml) :exports none external erfc_float : float -> float = "erfc_float_bytecode" "erfc_float" [@@unboxed] [@@noalloc] #+end_src *** Gamma #+begin_src c :tangle (eval c) :exports none CAMLprim value gamma_float_bytecode(value x) { return caml_copy_double(tgamma(Double_val(x))); } CAMLprim double gamma_float(double x) { return tgamma(x); } #+end_src #+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval mli) external gamma_float : float -> float = "gamma_float_bytecode" "gamma_float" [@@unboxed] [@@noalloc] #+end_src #+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval ml) :exports none external gamma_float : float -> float = "gamma_float_bytecode" "gamma_float" [@@unboxed] [@@noalloc] #+end_src *** Popcnt #+begin_src c :tangle (eval c) :exports none CAMLprim int32_t popcnt(int64_t i) { return __builtin_popcountll (i); } CAMLprim value popcnt_bytecode(value i) { return caml_copy_int32(__builtin_popcountll (Int64_val(i))); } #+end_src #+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval mli) val popcnt : int64 -> int #+end_src #+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval ml) :exports none external popcnt : int64 -> int32 = "popcnt_bytecode" "popcnt" [@@unboxed] [@@noalloc] let popcnt i = (popcnt [@inlined] ) i |> Int32.to_int #+end_src *** Trailz #+begin_src c :tangle (eval c) :exports none CAMLprim int32_t trailz(int64_t i) { return i == 0L ? 64 : __builtin_ctzll (i); } CAMLprim value trailz_bytecode(value i) { return caml_copy_int32(i == 0L ? 64 : __builtin_ctzll (Int64_val(i))); } #+end_src #+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval mli) val trailz : int64 -> int #+end_src #+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval ml) :exports none external trailz : int64 -> int32 = "trailz_bytecode" "trailz" "int" [@@unboxed] [@@noalloc] let trailz i = trailz i |> Int32.to_int #+end_src *** Leadz #+begin_src c :tangle (eval c) :exports none CAMLprim int32_t leadz(int64_t i) { return i == 0L ? 64 : __builtin_clzll(i); } CAMLprim value leadz_bytecode(value i) { return caml_copy_int32(i == 0L ? 64 : __builtin_clzll (Int64_val(i))); } #+end_src #+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval mli) val leadz : int64 -> int #+end_src #+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval ml) :exports none external leadz : int64 -> int32 = "leadz_bytecode" "leadz" "int" [@@unboxed] [@@noalloc] let leadz i = leadz i |> Int32.to_int #+end_src *** Test #+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval test-ml) :exports none let test_external () = check (float 1.e-15) "erf" 0.842700792949715 (erf_float 1.0); check (float 1.e-15) "erf" 0.112462916018285 (erf_float 0.1); check (float 1.e-15) "erf" (-0.112462916018285) (erf_float (-0.1)); check (float 1.e-15) "erfc" 0.157299207050285 (erfc_float 1.0); check (float 1.e-15) "erfc" 0.887537083981715 (erfc_float 0.1); check (float 1.e-15) "erfc" (1.112462916018285) (erfc_float (-0.1)); check (float 1.e-14) "gamma" (1.77245385090552) (gamma_float 0.5); check (float 1.e-14) "gamma" (9.51350769866873) (gamma_float (0.1)); check (float 1.e-14) "gamma" (-3.54490770181103) (gamma_float (-0.5)); check int "popcnt" 6 (popcnt @@ Int64.of_int 63); check int "popcnt" 8 (popcnt @@ Int64.of_int 299605); check int "popcnt" 1 (popcnt @@ Int64.of_int 65536); check int "popcnt" 0 (popcnt @@ Int64.of_int 0); check int "trailz" 3 (trailz @@ Int64.of_int 8); check int "trailz" 2 (trailz @@ Int64.of_int 12); check int "trailz" 0 (trailz @@ Int64.of_int 1); check int "trailz" 64 (trailz @@ Int64.of_int 0); check int "leadz" 60 (leadz @@ Int64.of_int 8); check int "leadz" 60 (leadz @@ Int64.of_int 12); check int "leadz" 63 (leadz @@ Int64.of_int 1); check int "leadz" 64 (leadz @@ Int64.of_int 0); () #+end_src ** General functions #+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval mli) val fact : int -> float (* @raise Invalid_argument for negative arguments or arguments >100. *) val binom : int -> int -> int val binom_float : int -> int -> float val chop : float -> (unit -> float) -> float val pow : float -> int -> float val float_of_int_fast : int -> float val of_some : 'a option -> 'a exception Not_implemented of string val not_implemented : string -> 'a (* @raise Not_implemented. *) #+end_src | ~fact~ | Factorial function. | | ~binom~ | Binomial coefficient. ~binom n k~ = $C_n^k$ | | ~binom_float~ | float variant of ~binom~ | | ~pow~ | Fast implementation of the power function for small integer powers | | ~chop~ | In ~chop a f~, evaluate ~f~ only if the absolute value of ~a~ is larger than ~Constants.epsilon~, and return ~a *. f ()~. | | ~float_of_int_fast~ | Faster implementation of float_of_int for small positive ints | | ~not_implemented~ | Fails if some functionality is not implemented | | ~of_some~ | Extracts the value of an option | #+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval ml) :exports none let memo_float_of_int = Array.init 64 float_of_int let float_of_int_fast i = if Int.logand i 63 = i then memo_float_of_int.(i) else float_of_int i let factmax = 150 let fact_memo = let rec aux accu_l accu = function | 0 -> (aux [@tailcall]) [1.] 1. 1 | i when (i = factmax) -> let x = (float_of_int factmax) *. accu in List.rev (x::accu_l) | i -> let x = (float_of_int i) *. accu in (aux [@tailcall]) (x::accu_l) x (i+1) in aux [] 0. 0 |> Array.of_list let fact = function | i when (i < 0) -> raise (Invalid_argument "Argument of factorial should be non-negative") | i when (i > 150) -> raise (Invalid_argument "Result of factorial is infinite") | i -> fact_memo.(i) let binom = let memo = let m = Array.make_matrix 64 64 0 in for n=0 to Array.length m - 1 do m.(n).(0) <- 1; m.(n).(n) <- 1; for k=1 to (n - 1) do m.(n).(k) <- m.(n-1).(k-1) + m.(n-1).(k) done done; m in let rec f n k = assert (k >= 0); assert (n >= k); if k = 0 || k = n then 1 else if n < 64 then memo.(n).(k) else f (n-1) (k-1) + f (n-1) k in f let binom_float n k = binom n k |> float_of_int_fast let rec pow a = function | 0 -> 1. | 1 -> a | 2 -> a *. a | 3 -> a *. a *. a | -1 -> 1. /. a | n when n > 0 -> let b = pow a (n / 2) in b *. b *. (if n mod 2 = 0 then 1. else a) | n when n < 0 -> (pow [@tailcall]) (1./.a) (-n) | _ -> assert false let chop f g = if (abs_float f) < Constants.epsilon then 0. else f *. (g ()) exception Not_implemented of string let not_implemented string = raise (Not_implemented string) let of_some = function | Some a -> a | None -> assert false #+end_src #+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval test-ml) :exports none let test_general () = check int "of_some_of_int_fast" 1 (of_some (Some 1)) ; check int "binom" 35 (binom 7 4); check (float 1.e-15) "fact" 5040. (fact 7); check (float 1.e-15) "binom_float" 35.0 (binom_float 7 4); check (float 1.e-15) "pow" 729.0 (pow 3.0 6); check (float 1.e-15) "float_of_int_fast" 10.0 (float_of_int_fast 10); () #+end_src ** Functions related to the Boys function #+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval mli) val incomplete_gamma : alpha:float -> float -> float (* @raise Failure when the calculation doesn't converge. *) #+end_src The lower [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incomplete_gamma_function][Incomplete Gamma function]] is implemented : \[ \gamma(\alpha,x) = \int_0^x e^{-t} t^{\alpha-1} dt \] p: $\frac{1}{\Gamma(\alpha)} \int_0^x e^{-t} t^{\alpha-1} dt$ q: $\frac{1}{\Gamma(\alpha)} \int_x^\infty e^{-t} t^{\alpha-1} dt$ Reference : Haruhiko Okumura: C-gengo niyoru saishin algorithm jiten (New Algorithm handbook in C language) (Gijyutsu hyouron sha, Tokyo, 1991) p.227 [in Japanese] #+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval ml) :exports none let incomplete_gamma ~alpha x = assert (alpha >= 0.); assert (x >= 0.); let a = alpha in let a_inv = 1./. a in let gf = gamma_float alpha in let loggamma_a = log gf in let rec p_gamma x = if x >= 1. +. a then 1. -. q_gamma x else if x = 0. then 0. else let rec pg_loop prev res term k = if k > 1000. then failwith "p_gamma did not converge." else if prev = res then res else let term = term *. x /. (a +. k) in (pg_loop [@tailcall]) res (res +. term) term (k +. 1.) in let r0 = exp (a *. log x -. x -. loggamma_a) *. a_inv in pg_loop min_float r0 r0 1. and q_gamma x = if x < 1. +. a then 1. -. p_gamma x else let rec qg_loop prev res la lb w k = if k > 1000. then failwith "q_gamma did not converge." else if prev = res then res else let k_inv = 1. /. k in let kma = (k -. 1. -. a) *. k_inv in let la, lb = lb, kma *. (lb -. la) +. (k +. x) *. lb *. k_inv in let w = w *. kma in let prev, res = res, res +. w /. (la *. lb) in (qg_loop [@tailcall]) prev res la lb w (k +. 1.) in let w = exp (a *. log x -. x -. loggamma_a) in let lb = (1. +. x -. a) in qg_loop min_float (w /. lb) 1. lb w 2.0 in gf *. p_gamma x #+end_src #+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval mli) val boys_function : maxm:int -> float -> float array #+end_src The [[https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10910-005-9023-3][Generalized Boys function]] is implemented, ~maxm~ is the maximum total angular momentum. \[ F_m(x) = \frac{\gamma(m+1/2,x)}{2x^{m+1/2}} \] where $\gamma$ is the incomplete gamma function. - $F_0(0.) = 1$ - $F_0(t) = \frac{\sqrt{\pi}}{2\sqrt{t}} \text{erf} ( \sqrt{t} )$ - $F_m(0.) = \frac{1}{2m+1}$ - $F_m(t) = \frac{\gamma{m+1/2,t}}{2t^{m+1/2}}$ - $F_m(t) = \frac{ 2t\, F_{m+1}(t) + e^{-t} }{2m+1}$ #+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval ml) :exports none let boys_function ~maxm t = assert (t >= 0.); match maxm with | 0 -> begin if t = 0. then [| 1. |] else let sq_t = sqrt t in [| (Constants.sq_pi_over_two /. sq_t) *. erf_float sq_t |] end | _ -> begin assert (maxm > 0); let result = Array.init (maxm+1) (fun m -> 1. /. float_of_int (2*m+1)) in let power_t_inv = (maxm+maxm+1) in try let fmax = let t_inv = sqrt (1. /. t) in let n = float_of_int maxm in let dm = 0.5 +. n in let f = (pow t_inv power_t_inv ) in match classify_float f with | FP_normal -> (incomplete_gamma ~alpha:dm t) *. 0.5 *. f | FP_zero | FP_subnormal -> 0. | _ -> raise Exit in let emt = exp (-. t) in result.(maxm) <- fmax; for n=maxm-1 downto 0 do result.(n) <- ( (t+.t) *. result.(n+1) +. emt) *. result.(n) done; result with Exit -> result end #+end_src #+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval test-ml) :exports none let test_boys () = check (float 1.e-15) "incomplete_gamma" 0.0 (incomplete_gamma ~alpha:0.5 0.); check (float 1.e-15) "incomplete_gamma" 1.114707979049507 (incomplete_gamma ~alpha:0.5 0.4); check (float 1.e-15) "incomplete_gamma" 1.4936482656248544 (incomplete_gamma ~alpha:0.5 1.); check (float 1.e-15) "incomplete_gamma" 1.7724401246392805 (incomplete_gamma ~alpha:0.5 10.); check (float 1.e-15) "incomplete_gamma" 1.7724538509055159 (incomplete_gamma ~alpha:0.5 100.); check (float 1.e-15) "boys" 1.0 (boys_function ~maxm:0 0.).(0); check (float 1.e-15) "boys" 0.2 (boys_function ~maxm:2 0.).(2); check (float 1.e-15) "boys" (1./.3.) (boys_function ~maxm:2 0.).(1); check (float 1.e-15) "boys" 0.8556243918921488 (boys_function ~maxm:0 0.5).(0); check (float 1.e-15) "boys" 0.14075053682591263 (boys_function ~maxm:2 0.5).(2); check (float 1.e-15) "boys" 0.00012711171070276764 (boys_function ~maxm:3 15.).(3); () #+end_src ** List functions #+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval mli) val list_some : 'a option list -> 'a list val list_range : int -> int -> int list val list_pack : int -> 'a list -> 'a list list #+end_src | ~list_some~ | Filters out all ~None~ elements of the list, and returns the elements without the ~Some~ | | ~list_range~ | Creates a list of consecutive integers | | ~list_pack~ | ~list_pack n l~ Creates a list of ~n~-elements lists | #+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval ml) :exports none let list_some l = List.filter (function None -> false | _ -> true) l |> List.rev_map (function Some x -> x | _ -> assert false) |> List.rev let list_range first last = if last < first then [] else let rec aux accu = function | 0 -> first :: accu | i -> (aux [@tailcall]) ( (first+i)::accu ) (i-1) in aux [] (last-first) let list_pack n l = assert (n>=0); let rec aux i accu1 accu2 = function | [] -> if accu1 = [] then List.rev accu2 else List.rev ((List.rev accu1) :: accu2) | a :: rest -> match i with | 0 -> (aux [@tailcall]) (n-1) [] ((List.rev (a::accu1)) :: accu2) rest | _ -> (aux [@tailcall]) (i-1) (a::accu1) accu2 rest in aux (n-1) [] [] l #+end_src #+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval test-ml) :exports none let test_list () = check bool "list_range" true ([ 2; 3; 4 ] = list_range 2 4); check bool "list_some" true ([ 2; 3; 4 ] = list_some ([ None ; Some 2 ; None ; Some 3 ; None ; None ; Some 4]) ); check bool "list_pack" true (list_pack 3 (list_range 1 20) = [[1; 2; 3]; [4; 5; 6]; [7; 8; 9]; [10; 11; 12]; [13; 14; 15]; [16; 17; 18]; [19; 20]]); () #+end_src ** Array functions #+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval mli) val array_range : int -> int -> int array val array_sum : float array -> float val array_product : float array -> float #+end_src | ~array_range~ | Creates an array of consecutive integers | | ~array_sum~ | Returns the sum of all the elements of the array | | ~array_product~ | Returns the product of all the elements of the array | #+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval ml) :exports none let array_range first last = if last < first then [| |] else Array.init (last-first+1) (fun i -> i+first) let array_sum a = Array.fold_left ( +. ) 0. a let array_product a = Array.fold_left ( *. ) 1. a #+end_src #+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval test-ml) :exports none let test_array () = check bool "array_range" true ([| 2; 3; 4 |] = array_range 2 4); check (float 1.e-15) "array_sum" 9. (array_sum [| 2.; 3.; 4. |]); check (float 1.e-15) "array_product" 24. (array_product [| 2.; 3.; 4. |]); () #+end_src ** Stream functions #+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval mli) val stream_range : int -> int -> int Stream.t val stream_to_list : 'a Stream.t -> 'a list val stream_fold : ('a -> 'b -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'b Stream.t -> 'a #+end_src | ~stream_range~ | Creates a stream returning consecutive integers | | ~stream_to_list~ | Read a stream and put items in a list | | ~stream_fold~ | Apply a fold to the elements of the stream | #+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval ml) :exports none let stream_range first last = Stream.from (fun i -> let result = i+first in if result <= last then Some result else None ) let stream_to_list stream = let rec aux accu = let new_accu = try Some (Stream.next stream :: accu) with Stream.Failure -> None in match new_accu with | Some new_accu -> (aux [@tailcall]) new_accu | None -> accu in List.rev @@ aux [] let stream_fold f init stream = let rec aux accu = let new_accu = try let element = Stream.next stream in Some (f accu element) with Stream.Failure -> None in match new_accu with | Some new_accu -> (aux [@tailcall]) new_accu | None -> accu in aux init #+end_src ** Printers #+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval mli) val pp_float_array_size : Format.formatter -> float array -> unit val pp_float_array : Format.formatter -> float array -> unit val pp_float_2darray_size : Format.formatter -> float array array -> unit val pp_float_2darray : Format.formatter -> float array array -> unit val pp_bitstring : int -> Format.formatter -> Z.t -> unit #+end_src | ~pp_float_array~ | Printer for float arrays | | ~pp_float_array_size~ | Printer for float arrays with size | | ~pp_float_2darray~ | Printer for matrices | | ~pp_float_2darray_size~ | Printer for matrices with size | | ~pp_bitstring~ | Printer for bit strings (used by ~Bitstring~ module) | Example: #+begin_example pp_float_array_size: [ 6: 1.000000 1.732051 1.732051 1.000000 1.732051 1.000000 ] pp_float_array: [ 1.000000 1.732051 1.732051 1.000000 1.732051 1.000000 ] pp_float_2darray_size [ 2:[ 6: 1.000000 1.732051 1.732051 1.000000 1.732051 1.000000 ] [ 4: 1.000000 2.000000 3.000000 4.000000 ] ] pp_float_2darray: [ [ 1.000000 1.732051 1.732051 1.000000 1.732051 1.000000 ] [ 1.000000 2.000000 3.000000 4.000000 ] ] pp_bitstring 14: +++++------+-- #+end_example #+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval ml) :exports none let pp_float_array ppf a = Format.fprintf ppf "@[<2>[@ "; Array.iter (fun f -> Format.fprintf ppf "@[%10f@]@ " f) a; Format.fprintf ppf "]@]" let pp_float_array_size ppf a = Format.fprintf ppf "@[<2>@[ %d:@[<2>" (Array.length a); Array.iter (fun f -> Format.fprintf ppf "@[%10f@]@ " f) a; Format.fprintf ppf "]@]@]" let pp_float_2darray ppf a = Format.fprintf ppf "@[<2>[@ "; Array.iter (fun f -> Format.fprintf ppf "@[%a@]@ " pp_float_array f) a; Format.fprintf ppf "]@]" let pp_float_2darray_size ppf a = Format.fprintf ppf "@[<2>@[ %d:@[" (Array.length a); Array.iter (fun f -> Format.fprintf ppf "@[%a@]@ " pp_float_array_size f) a; Format.fprintf ppf "]@]@]" let pp_bitstring n ppf bs = String.init n (fun i -> if (Z.testbit bs i) then '+' else '-') |> Format.fprintf ppf "@[%s@]" #+end_src ** Test footer :noexport: #+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval test-ml) :exports none let tests = [ "External", `Quick, test_external; "General" , `Quick, test_general; "Boys" , `Quick, test_boys; "List" , `Quick, test_list; "Array" , `Quick, test_array; ] #+end_src