(** Two-electron integrals with an arbitrary operator, with a functorial interface parameterized by the fundamental two-electron integrals. {% $(00|00)^m = \int \int \phi_p(r1) \hat{O} \phi_q(r2) dr_1 dr_2 $ %} : Fundamental two-electron integral *) module type TwoEI_structure = sig val name : string (** Name of the kind of integrals, for printing purposes. *) val class_of_contracted_shell_pair_couple : ContractedShellPairCouple.t -> float Zmap.t (** Returns an integral class from a couple of contracted shells. The results is stored in a Zmap. *) end module Make : functor (T : TwoEI_structure) -> sig include module type of FourIdxStorage val filter_contracted_shell_pairs : ?cutoff:float -> ContractedShellPair.t list -> ContractedShellPair.t list (** Uses Schwartz screening on contracted shell pairs. *) val of_basis : Basis.t -> t (** Compute all ERI's for a given {!Basis.t}. *) end