open Lacaml.D open Util type guess = | Hcore of Mat.t | Huckel of Mat.t type t = guess module Ao = AOBasis module El = Electrons module Ov = Overlap let hcore_guess ao_basis = let eN_ints = Lazy.force ao_basis.Ao.eN_ints |> NucInt.matrix and kin_ints = Lazy.force ao_basis.Ao.kin_ints |> KinInt.matrix in Mat.add eN_ints kin_ints let huckel_guess ao_basis = let c = 0.5 *. 1.75 in let ao_num = Basis.size ao_basis.Ao.basis in let eN_ints = Lazy.force ao_basis.Ao.eN_ints |> NucInt.matrix and kin_ints = Lazy.force ao_basis.Ao.kin_ints |> KinInt.matrix and overlap = Lazy.force ao_basis.Ao.overlap |> Ov.matrix and m_X = Lazy.force ao_basis.Ao.ortho in let diag = Array.init (ao_num+1) (fun i -> if i=0 then 0. else eN_ints.{i,i} +. kin_ints.{i,i}) in function | 0 -> invalid_arg "Huckel guess needs a non-zero number of occupied MOs." | nocc -> let density = gemm ~alpha:2. ~transb:`T ~k:nocc m_X m_X in let fock = Fock.make ~density ao_basis in let m_F = fock.Fock.fock in for j=1 to ao_num do for i=1 to ao_num do if (i <> j) then m_F.{i,j} <- c *. overlap.{i,j} *. (diag.(i) +. diag.(j)) (*TODO Pseudo *) done; done; m_F let make ?(nocc=0) ~guess ao_basis = match guess with | `Hcore -> Hcore (hcore_guess ao_basis) | `Huckel -> Huckel (huckel_guess ao_basis nocc) let test_case ao_basis = let test_hcore () = match make ~guess:`Hcore ao_basis with | Hcore matrix -> let a = Lacaml.D.Mat.to_array matrix in let reference = Lacaml.D.Mat.add (Lazy.force ao_basis.AOBasis.eN_ints |> NucInt.matrix) (Lazy.force ao_basis.AOBasis.kin_ints |> KinInt.matrix) |> Lacaml.D.Mat.to_array in Array.iteri (fun i x -> Alcotest.(check (array (float 1.e-15))) "same guess" a.(i) x) reference | _ -> assert false in [ "HCore", `Quick, test_hcore; ]