(** Type for the Fock operator in AO basis. *) open Linear_algebra type t type ao = Ao.Ao_dim.t (** {1 Accessors} *) val fock : t -> (ao,ao) Matrix.t (** Fock matrix in AO basis *) val core : t -> (ao,ao) Matrix.t (** Core Hamiltonian : {% $\langle i | \hat{h} | j \rangle$ %} *) val coulomb : t -> (ao,ao) Matrix.t (** Coulomb matrix : {% $\langle i | J | j \rangle$ %} *) val exchange : t -> (ao,ao) Matrix.t (** Exchange matrix : {% $\langle i | K | j \rangle$ %} *) (** {1 Creators} *) val make_rhf : density:(ao,ao) Matrix.t -> ?threshold:float -> Ao.Basis.t -> t (** Create a Fock operator in the RHF formalism. Expected density is {% $2 \mathbf{C\, C}^\dagger$ %}. [threshold] is a threshold on the integrals. *) val make_uhf : density_same:(ao,ao) Matrix.t -> density_other:(ao,ao) Matrix.t -> ?threshold:float -> Ao.Basis.t -> t (** Create a Fock operator in the UHF formalism. Expected density is {% $\mathbf{C\, C}^\dagger$ %}. When building the {% $\alpha$ %} Fock operator, [density_same] is the {% $\alpha$ %} density and [density_other] is the {% $\beta$ %} density. [threshold] is a threshold on the integrals. *) (** {1 Operations} *) val add : t -> t -> t (** Add two Fock operators sharing the same core Hamiltonian. *) val sub : t -> t -> t (** Subtract two Fock operators sharing the same core Hamiltonian. *) val scale : float -> t -> t (** Scale the Fock matrix by a constant *) (** {1 Printers} *) val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit