open Util open Constants exception Null_contribution type t = { atomic_shell_a : AtomicShell.t; atomic_shell_b : AtomicShell.t; contracted_shell_pairs : ContractedShellPair.t list; } module Am = AngularMomentum module As = AtomicShell module Co = Coordinate module Cs = ContractedShell module Ps = PrimitiveShell module Psp = PrimitiveShellPair (** Creates an atomic shell pair : an array of pairs of contracted shells. *) let make ?(cutoff=1.e-32) atomic_shell_a atomic_shell_b = let l_a = Array.to_list (As.contracted_shells atomic_shell_a) and l_b = Array.to_list (As.contracted_shells atomic_shell_b) in let contracted_shell_pairs = (fun s_a -> (fun s_b -> Csp.make ~cutoff s_a s_b ) l_b ) l_a in let atomic_shell_a x = x.atomic_shell_a let atomic_shell_b x = x.atomic_shell_b let contracted_shell_pairs = x.contracted_shell_pairs let monocentric x = Csp.monocentric @@ List.hd x.contracted_shell_pairs let center_ab x = Csp.center_ab @@ List.hd x.contracted_shell_pairs let totAngMon x = Csp.totAngMon @@ List.hd x.contracted_shell_pairs let norm_scales x = Csp.norm_scales @@ List.hd x.contracted_shell_pairs let norm_sq x = Csp.norm_sq @@ List.hd x.contracted_shell_pairs (** The array of all shell pairs with their correspondance in the list of contracted shells. *) let of_atomic_shell_array basis = Array.mapi (fun i shell_a -> Array.mapi (fun j shell_b -> make ~cutoff shell_a shell_b) (Array.sub basis 0 (i+1)) ) basis