(** Module for handling distributed parallelism *) let size = 1 let rank = 0 let master = true let barrier () = () let broadcast x = Lazy.force x let broadcast_int x = x let broadcast_int_array x = x let broadcast_float x = x let broadcast_float_array x = x let broadcast_vec x = x module Node = struct let name = Unix.gethostname () let comm = None let rank = 0 let master = true let broadcast x = Lazy.force x let barrier () = () end module Vec = struct type t = { global_first : int ; (* Lower index in the global array *) global_last : int ; (* Higher index in the global array *) local_first : int ; (* Lower index in the local array *) local_last : int ; (* Higher index in the local array *) data : Lacaml.D.vec ; (* Lacaml vector containing the data *) } let dim vec = vec.global_last - vec.global_first + 1 let local_first vec = vec.local_first let local_last vec = vec.local_last let global_first vec = vec.global_first let global_last vec = vec.global_last let data vec = vec.data let pp ppf v = Format.fprintf ppf "@[<2>"; Format.fprintf ppf "@[ gf : %d@]@;" v.global_first; Format.fprintf ppf "@[ gl : %d@]@;" v.global_last; Format.fprintf ppf "@[ lf : %d@]@;" v.local_first; Format.fprintf ppf "@[ ll : %d@]@;" v.local_last; Format.fprintf ppf "@[ data : %a@]@;" (Lacaml.Io.pp_lfvec ()) v.data; Format.fprintf ppf "@]@."; () let create n = { global_first = 1 ; global_last = n ; local_first = 1 ; local_last = n ; data = Lacaml.D.Vec.create n } let make n x = let result = create n in { result with data = Lacaml.D.Vec.make (Lacaml.D.Vec.dim result.data) x } let make0 n = make n 0. let init n f = let result = create n in { result with data = Lacaml.D.Vec.init (Lacaml.D.Vec.dim result.data) (fun i -> f (i+result.local_first-1)) } let of_array a = let length_a = Array.length a in let a = let n = length_a mod size in if n > 0 then Array.concat [ a ; Array.make (size-n) 0. ] else a in let result = create length_a in let a_local = Array.make (Array.length a) 0. in { result with data = Lacaml.D.Vec.of_array a_local } let to_array vec = Lacaml.D.Vec.to_array vec.data |> Array.copy let of_vec a = Lacaml.D.Vec.to_array a |> of_array let to_vec v = to_array v |> Lacaml.D.Vec.of_array end let dot v1 v2 = if Vec.dim v1 <> Vec.dim v2 then invalid_arg "Incompatible dimensions"; Lacaml.D.dot (Vec.data v1) (Vec.data v2)