let max_index = 1 lsl 14 type index_pair = { first : int ; second : int } type storage_t = | Dense of (float, Bigarray.float32_elt, Bigarray.fortran_layout) Bigarray.Genarray.t | Sparse of (int, float) Hashtbl.t type t = { size : int ; four_index : storage_t ; } let key_of_indices ~r1 ~r2 = let { first=i ; second=k } = r1 and { first=j ; second=l } = r2 in let f i k = let p, r = if i <= k then i, k else k, i in p+ (r*r-r)/2 in let p = f i k and q = f j l in f p q let get_four_index ~r1 ~r2 t = match t.four_index with | Dense t -> let { first=i ; second=k } = r1 and { first=j ; second=l } = r2 in Bigarray.Genarray.get t [| i; j; k; l|] | Sparse t -> let key = key_of_indices ~r1 ~r2 in try Hashtbl.find t key with Not_found -> 0. let set_four_index ~r1 ~r2 ~value t = match t.four_index with | Dense t -> let { first=i ; second=k } = r1 and { first=j ; second=l } = r2 in Bigarray.Genarray.set t [| i; j; k; l|] value; Bigarray.Genarray.set t [| k; j; i; l|] value; Bigarray.Genarray.set t [| i; l; k; j|] value; Bigarray.Genarray.set t [| k; l; i; j|] value; Bigarray.Genarray.set t [| j; i; l; k|] value; Bigarray.Genarray.set t [| j; k; l; i|] value; Bigarray.Genarray.set t [| l; i; j; k|] value; Bigarray.Genarray.set t [| l; k; j; i|] value; | Sparse t -> let key = key_of_indices ~r1 ~r2 in Hashtbl.replace t key value let increment_four_index ~r1 ~r2 ~value x = match x.four_index with | Dense t -> let { first=i ; second=k } = r1 and { first=j ; second=l } = r2 in t.{i,j,k,l} <- t.{i,j,k,l} +. value; t.{k,j,i,l} <- t.{k,j,i,l} +. value; t.{i,l,k,j} <- t.{i,l,k,j} +. value; t.{k,l,i,j} <- t.{k,l,i,j} +. value; t.{j,i,l,k} <- t.{j,i,l,k} +. value; t.{j,k,l,i} <- t.{j,k,l,i} +. value; t.{l,i,j,k} <- t.{l,i,j,k} +. value; t.{l,k,j,i} <- t.{l,k,j,i} +. value | Sparse t -> let key = key_of_indices ~r1 ~r2 in let old_value = try Hashtbl.find t key with Not_found -> 0. in Hashtbl.replace t key (old_value +. value) let get ~r1 ~r2 = get_four_index ~r1 ~r2 let set ~r1 ~r2 = set_four_index ~r1 ~r2 let increment ~r1 ~r2 = increment_four_index ~r1 ~r2 let create ~size sparsity = assert (size < max_index); let four_index = match sparsity with | `Dense -> let result = Bigarray.Genarray.create Float32 Bigarray.fortran_layout [| size ; size ; size ; size |] in Bigarray.Genarray.fill result 0.; Dense result | `Sparse -> let result = Hashtbl.create (size*size+13) in Sparse result in { size ; four_index } let size t = t.size (** TODO : remove epsilons *) let get_chem t i j k l = get ~r1:{ first=i ; second=j } ~r2:{ first=k ; second=l } t let get_phys t i j k l = get ~r1:{ first=i ; second=k } ~r2:{ first=j ; second=l } t let set_chem t i j k l value = set ~r1:{ first=i ; second=j } ~r2:{ first=k ; second=l } ~value t let set_phys t i j k l value = set ~r1:{ first=i ; second=k } ~r2:{ first=j ; second=l } ~value t (** Write all integrals to a file with the convention *) let to_file ?(cutoff=Constants.epsilon) ~filename data = let oc = open_out filename in for l_c=1 to size data do for k_c=1 to l_c do for j_c=1 to l_c do for i_c=1 to k_c do let value = get_phys data i_c j_c k_c l_c in if (abs_float value > cutoff) then Printf.fprintf oc " %5d %5d %5d %5d%20.15f\n" i_c j_c k_c l_c value; done; done; done; done; close_out oc