mirror of https://gitlab.com/scemama/QCaml.git synced 2024-07-11 22:03:37 +02:00

Introducing tuples in Vectorized

This commit is contained in:
Anthony Scemama 2018-02-02 11:59:30 +01:00
parent 8993c168d6
commit e9c25e7fe4

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@ -34,33 +34,33 @@ let hvrr_two_e_vector (angMom_a, angMom_b, angMom_c, angMom_d)
(** Vertical recurrence relations *)
let rec vrr0_v m angMom_a = function
| 1 -> let i = if angMom_a.(0) = 1 then 0 else if angMom_a.(1) = 1 then 1 else 2
| 1 ->
let xyz =
match angMom_a with
| (1,_,_) -> 0
| (_,1,_) -> 1
| _ -> 2
let f = expo_b *. (Coordinate.coord center_ab i) in
let f = expo_b *. (Coordinate.coord center_ab xyz) in
Array.mapi (fun k c -> c *. expo_inv_p *.
( (Coordinate.coord center_pq.(k) i) *. zero_m_array.(k).(m+1)
( (Coordinate.coord center_pq.(k) xyz) *. zero_m_array.(k).(m+1)
-. f *. zero_m_array.(k).(m) ) ) coef_prod
| 0 -> Array.mapi (fun k c -> c *. zero_m_array.(k).(m)) coef_prod
| totAngMom_a ->
let key = Zkey.of_int_tuple (Zkey.Three
(angMom_a.(0)+1, angMom_a.(1)+1, angMom_a.(2)+1) )
let key = Zkey.of_int_tuple (Zkey.Three angMom_a)
let (found, result) =
try (true, Zmap.find map_1d.(m) key) with
| Not_found -> (false,
let am = [| angMom_a.(0) ; angMom_a.(1) ; angMom_a.(2) |]
and amm = [| angMom_a.(0) ; angMom_a.(1) ; angMom_a.(2) |]
and xyz =
match (angMom_a.(0),angMom_a.(1),angMom_a.(2)) with
| (0,0,_) -> 2
| (0,_,_) -> 1
| _ -> 0
try Zmap.find map_1d.(m) key with
| Not_found ->
let result =
let am, amm, amxyz, xyz =
match angMom_a with
| (x,0,0) -> (* 28_336 *) (x-1,0,0),(x-2,0,0), x-1, 0
| (x,y,0) -> (* 52_221 *) (x,y-1,0),(x,y-2,0), y-1, 1
| (x,y,z) -> (* 87_215 *) (x,y,z-1),(x,y,z-2), z-1, 2
am.(xyz) <- am.(xyz) - 1;
amm.(xyz) <- amm.(xyz) - 2;
if am.(xyz) < 0 then empty else
if amxyz < 0 then empty else
let v1 =
let f =
-. expo_b *. expo_inv_p *. (Coordinate.coord center_ab xyz)
@ -72,8 +72,8 @@ let hvrr_two_e_vector (angMom_a, angMom_b, angMom_c, angMom_d)
Array.mapi (fun k v2k -> v1.(k) +. expo_inv_p *. (Coordinate.coord center_pq.(k) xyz) *. v2k) (vrr0_v (m+1) am (totAngMom_a-1))
if amm.(xyz) < 0 then p1 else
let f = (float_of_int am.(xyz)) *. expo_inv_p *. 0.5
if amxyz < 1 then p1 else
let f = (float_of_int amxyz) *. expo_inv_p *. 0.5
if (abs_float f < cutoff) then empty else
let v1 = vrr0_v m amm (totAngMom_a-2)
@ -84,45 +84,47 @@ let hvrr_two_e_vector (angMom_a, angMom_b, angMom_c, angMom_d)
Array.mapi (fun k _ -> p1.(k) +.
f *. (v1.(k) +. v2.(k) *. expo_inv_p ) ) coef_prod
if not found then
Zmap.add map_1d.(m) key result;
in Zmap.add map_1d.(m) key result;
and vrr_v m angMom_a angMom_c totAngMom_a totAngMom_c =
match (totAngMom_a, totAngMom_c) with
| (i,0) -> if (i=0) then
Array.mapi (fun k c -> c *. zero_m_array.(k).(m)) coef_prod
| (i,0) -> if (i>0) then
vrr0_v m angMom_a totAngMom_a
(* TODO : TRANSPOSE zero_m_array *)
Array.mapi (fun k c -> c *. zero_m_array.(k).(m)) coef_prod
| (_,_) ->
let key = Zkey.of_int_tuple (Zkey.Six
((angMom_a.(0)+1, angMom_a.(1)+1, angMom_a.(2)+1),
(angMom_c.(0)+1, angMom_c.(1)+1, angMom_c.(2)+1)) )
let key = Zkey.of_int_tuple (Zkey.Six (angMom_a, angMom_c))
let (found, result) =
try (true, Zmap.find map_2d.(m) key) with
| Not_found -> (false,
let am = [| angMom_a.(0) ; angMom_a.(1) ; angMom_a.(2) |]
and cm = [| angMom_c.(0) ; angMom_c.(1) ; angMom_c.(2) |]
and cmm = [| angMom_c.(0) ; angMom_c.(1) ; angMom_c.(2) |]
and xyz =
match (angMom_c.(0),angMom_c.(1),angMom_c.(2)) with
| (0,0,_) -> 2
| (0,_,_) -> 1
| _ -> 0
try Zmap.find map_2d.(m) key with
| Not_found ->
let result =
let am, cm, cmm, axyz, cxyz, xyz =
let angMom_ax, angMom_ay, angMom_az = angMom_a
and angMom_cx, angMom_cy, angMom_cz = angMom_c in
match angMom_c with
| (_,0,0) -> (* 321_984 *)
(angMom_ax-1, angMom_ay, angMom_az),
(angMom_cx-1, angMom_cy, angMom_cz),
(angMom_cx-2, angMom_cy, angMom_cz),
angMom_ax,angMom_cx, 0
| (_,_,0) -> (* 612_002 *)
(angMom_ax, angMom_ay-1, angMom_az),
(angMom_cx, angMom_cy-1, angMom_cz),
(angMom_cx, angMom_cy-2, angMom_cz),
angMom_ay,angMom_cy, 1
| _ -> (* 1_067_324 *)
(angMom_ax, angMom_ay, angMom_az-1),
(angMom_cx, angMom_cy, angMom_cz-1),
(angMom_cx, angMom_cy, angMom_cz-2),
angMom_az,angMom_cz, 2
am.(xyz) <- am.(xyz) - 1;
cm.(xyz) <- cm.(xyz) - 1;
cmm.(xyz) <- cmm.(xyz) - 2;
if cm.(xyz) < 0 then
if cxyz < 1 then empty else
let f1 =
Array.mapi (fun k _ ->
expo_d.(k) *. expo_inv_q.(k) *. (Coordinate.coord center_cd.(k) xyz) ) expo_inv_q
@ -144,9 +146,9 @@ let hvrr_two_e_vector (angMom_a, angMom_b, angMom_c, angMom_d)
Array.mapi (fun k _ -> -. v1.(k) *. f1.(k) -. v2.(k) *. f2.(k)) coef_prod
let p2 =
if cmm.(xyz) < 0 then p1 else
if cxyz < 2 then p1 else
let fcm =
(float_of_int cm.(xyz)) *. 0.5
(float_of_int (cxyz-1)) *. 0.5
let f1 =
Array.mapi (fun k _ -> fcm *. expo_inv_q.(k) ) coef_prod
@ -166,9 +168,9 @@ let hvrr_two_e_vector (angMom_a, angMom_b, angMom_c, angMom_d)
Array.mapi (fun k _ -> p1.(k) +. f1.(k) *. v1.(k) +. f2.(k) *. v2.(k)) coef_prod
if (am.(xyz) < 0) || (cm.(xyz) < 0) then p2 else
if (axyz < 1) || (cxyz < 1) then p2 else
let fa =
(float_of_int angMom_a.(xyz)) *. expo_inv_p *. 0.5
(float_of_int axyz) *. expo_inv_p *. 0.5
let f1 =
Array.mapi (fun k _ -> fa *. expo_inv_q.(k) ) coef_prod
@ -179,11 +181,8 @@ let hvrr_two_e_vector (angMom_a, angMom_b, angMom_c, angMom_d)
Array.mapi (fun k _ -> p2.(k) -. f1.(k) *. v.(k)) coef_prod
else p2
if not found then
Zmap.add map_2d.(m) key result;
in Zmap.add map_2d.(m) key result;
@ -201,9 +200,15 @@ let hvrr_two_e_vector (angMom_a, angMom_b, angMom_c, angMom_d)
| (_,0) -> vrr0_v 0 angMom_a totAngMom_a
| (_,_) -> vrr_v 0 angMom_a angMom_c totAngMom_a totAngMom_c
| 1 -> let xyz = if angMom_b.(0) = 1 then 0 else if angMom_b.(1) = 1 then 1 else 2 in
let ap = [| angMom_a.(0) ; angMom_a.(1) ; angMom_a.(2) |] in
ap.(xyz) <- ap.(xyz) + 1;
| 1 ->
let angMom_ax, angMom_ay, angMom_az = angMom_a in
(* 5_045_008 *)
let ap, xyz =
match angMom_b with
| (1,_,_) -> (angMom_ax+1,angMom_ay,angMom_az), 0
| (_,1,_) -> (angMom_ax,angMom_ay+1,angMom_az), 1
| (_,_,_) -> (angMom_ax,angMom_ay,angMom_az+1), 2
let f = Coordinate.coord center_ab xyz in
let v1 =
vrr_v 0 ap angMom_c (totAngMom_a+1) totAngMom_c
@ -214,17 +219,23 @@ let hvrr_two_e_vector (angMom_a, angMom_b, angMom_c, angMom_d)
Array.map2 (fun v1 v2 -> v1 +. v2 *. f) v1 v2
| _ ->
let ap = [| angMom_a.(0) ; angMom_a.(1) ; angMom_a.(2) |]
and bm = [| angMom_b.(0) ; angMom_b.(1) ; angMom_b.(2) |]
and xyz =
match (angMom_b.(0),angMom_b.(1),angMom_b.(2)) with
| (0,0,_) -> 2
| (0,_,_) -> 1
| _ -> 0
let angMom_ax, angMom_ay, angMom_az = angMom_a
and angMom_bx, angMom_by, angMom_bz = angMom_b in
(* 3_403_478 *)
let bxyz, xyz =
match angMom_b with
| (1,_,_) -> angMom_bx, 0
| (_,1,_) -> angMom_by, 1
| (_,_,_) -> angMom_bz, 2
ap.(xyz) <- ap.(xyz) + 1;
bm.(xyz) <- bm.(xyz) - 1;
if (bm.(xyz) < 0) then empty else
if (bxyz < 1) then empty else
let ap, bm =
match xyz with
| 0 -> (angMom_ax+1,angMom_ay,angMom_az),(angMom_bx-1,angMom_by,angMom_bz)
| 1 -> (angMom_ax,angMom_ay+1,angMom_az),(angMom_bx,angMom_by-1,angMom_bz)
| _ -> (angMom_ax,angMom_ay,angMom_az+1),(angMom_bx,angMom_by,angMom_bz-1)
let h1 =
hrr0_v ap bm angMom_c (totAngMom_a+1) (totAngMom_b-1) totAngMom_c
@ -238,19 +249,19 @@ let hvrr_two_e_vector (angMom_a, angMom_b, angMom_c, angMom_d)
totAngMom_a totAngMom_b totAngMom_c totAngMom_d =
match (totAngMom_b, totAngMom_d) with
| (0,0) -> vrr_v 0 angMom_a angMom_c totAngMom_a totAngMom_c
| (_,0) -> hrr0_v angMom_a angMom_b angMom_c totAngMom_a totAngMom_b totAngMom_c
| (_,0) -> if (totAngMom_b = 0) then
vrr_v 0 angMom_a angMom_c totAngMom_a totAngMom_c
hrr0_v angMom_a angMom_b angMom_c totAngMom_a totAngMom_b totAngMom_c
| (_,_) ->
let cp = [| angMom_c.(0) ; angMom_c.(1) ; angMom_c.(2) |]
and dm = [| angMom_d.(0) ; angMom_d.(1) ; angMom_d.(2) |]
and xyz =
match (angMom_d.(0),angMom_d.(1),angMom_d.(2)) with
| (0,0,_) -> 2
| (0,_,_) -> 1
| _ -> 0
let (angMom_cx, angMom_cy, angMom_cz) = angMom_c
and (angMom_dx, angMom_dy, angMom_dz) = angMom_d in
let cp, dm, xyz =
match angMom_d with
| (_,0,0) -> (* 1_524_451 *) (angMom_cx+1, angMom_cy, angMom_cz), (angMom_dx-1, angMom_dy, angMom_dz), 0
| (_,_,0) -> (* 1_302_937 *) (angMom_cx, angMom_cy+1, angMom_cz), (angMom_dx, angMom_dy-1, angMom_dz), 1
| _ -> (* 1_302_937 *) (angMom_cx, angMom_cy, angMom_cz+1), (angMom_dx, angMom_dy, angMom_dz-1), 2
cp.(xyz) <- cp.(xyz) + 1;
dm.(xyz) <- dm.(xyz) - 1;
let h1 =
hrr_v angMom_a angMom_b cp dm totAngMom_a totAngMom_b (totAngMom_c+1) (totAngMom_d-1)
and h2 =
@ -258,8 +269,12 @@ let hvrr_two_e_vector (angMom_a, angMom_b, angMom_c, angMom_d)
Array.mapi (fun k center_cd -> h1.(k) +. h2.(k) *. (Coordinate.coord center_cd xyz)) center_cd
hrr_v angMom_a angMom_b angMom_c angMom_d totAngMom_a totAngMom_b
totAngMom_c totAngMom_d
totAngMom_a totAngMom_b totAngMom_c totAngMom_d