mirror of https://gitlab.com/scemama/QCaml.git synced 2024-10-05 15:56:05 +02:00
This commit is contained in:
Anthony Scemama 2019-02-28 16:55:50 +01:00
parent 04caf1930c
commit e1aafcbd32
3 changed files with 75 additions and 88 deletions

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@ -8,10 +8,13 @@ type t =
m_H : Matrix.t lazy_t ;
m_S2 : Matrix.t lazy_t ;
eigensystem : (Mat.t * Vec.t) lazy_t;
n_states : int;
let det_space t = t.det_space
let n_states t = t.n_states
let m_H t = Lazy.force t.m_H
let m_S2 t = Lazy.force t.m_S2
@ -49,73 +52,12 @@ let h_ij mo_basis ki kj =
let make det_space =
let make ?(n_states=1) det_space =
let ndet = Ds.size det_space in
let det = Ds.determinants det_space in
let mo_basis = Ds.mo_basis det_space in
let m_H = lazy (
let ntasks = int_of_float @@ sqrt @@ float_of_int ndet in
List.init ntasks (fun i ->
let m =
if i = (ntasks-1) then
(ndet - i*ntasks)
List.init m (fun j -> i*ntasks + j)
|> Stream.of_list
|> Farm.run ~ordered:true
~f:(fun l ->
Printf.eprintf "Start\n%!";
List.map (fun i ->
let ki = det.(i) in
Printf.eprintf "%d / %d\n%!" i ndet;
Array.init ndet (fun j -> let kj = det.(j) in
h_ij mo_basis ki kj)
) l)
|> Util.stream_to_list
|> List.concat
|> List.map Vec.of_array
|> Mat.of_col_vecs_list
) in
(* Parallel
let m_H = lazy (
let h =
if Parallel.master then
Array.make_matrix ndet ndet 0.
|> Mat.of_array
Array.make_matrix 1 1 0.
|> Mat.of_array
List.init ndet (fun i -> i)
|> Stream.of_list
|> Farm.run ~ordered:false
~f:(fun i ->
let ki = det.(i) in
Printf.eprintf "%8d / %8d\r%!" i ndet;
List.init ndet (fun j ->
let kj = det.(j) in
let x = h_ij mo_basis ki kj in
if x <> 0. then Some (i,j,x) else None
|> Util.list_some
|> Util.stream_to_list
|> List.iter (fun l -> if Parallel.master then
List.iter (fun (i,j,x) -> h.{i+1,j+1} <- x) l);
Parallel.broadcast (lazy h)
) in
let m_H = lazy (
let m_H =
let m_H_arbitrary det = lazy (
let v = Vec.make0 ndet in
Array.init ndet (fun i -> let ki = det.(i) in
Printf.eprintf "%8d / %8d\r%!" i ndet;
@ -124,10 +66,46 @@ let make det_space =
|> Stream.iter (fun kj ->
v.{!j} <- h_ij mo_basis ki kj ; incr j);
Vector.sparse_of_vec v)
|> Matrix.sparse_of_vector_array
|> Matrix.sparse_of_vector_array)
let m_H_spin a b = lazy (
let v = Vec.make0 ndet in
let i = ref 0 in
let result = Array.make ndet (Vector.sparse_of_vec @@ Vec.make0 1) in
Array.iteri (fun ia i_alfa ->
Array.iteri (fun ib i_beta ->
Printf.eprintf "%8d / %8d\r%!" !i ndet;
let ki =
Determinant.of_spindeterminants i_alfa i_beta
let j = ref 0 in
Array.iteri (fun ja j_alfa ->
Array.iteri (fun jb j_beta ->
let kj =
Determinant.of_spindeterminants j_alfa j_beta
incr j;
v.{!j} <- h_ij mo_basis ki kj
) b;
) a;
result.(!i) <- Vector.sparse_of_vec v;
incr i;
) b
) a;
Matrix.sparse_of_vector_array result
match Ds.determinants det_space with
| Ds.Arbitrary a -> m_H_arbitrary a
| Ds.Spin (a,b) -> m_H_spin a b
let m_S2 = lazy (
match Ds.determinants det_space with
| Ds.Spin (a,b) -> failwith "Not implemented"
| Ds.Arbitrary det ->
let v = Vec.make0 ndet in
Array.init ndet (fun i -> let ki = det.(i) in
Array.iteri (fun j kj ->
@ -136,21 +114,20 @@ let make det_space =
|> Matrix.sparse_of_vector_array
let eigensystem = lazy (
let m_H = Lazy.force m_H in
Parallel.broadcast @@
lazy (Util.diagonalize_symm m_H)
let m_H =
Lazy.force m_H
let diagonal =
Vec.init (Matrix.dim1 m_H) (fun i -> Matrix.get m_H i i)
let matrix_prod psi =
Matrix.mm ~transa:`T m_H psi
Davidson.make diagonal matrix_prod
Davidson.make ~n_states diagonal matrix_prod
{ det_space ; m_H ; m_S2 ; eigensystem }
{ det_space ; m_H ; m_S2 ; eigensystem ; n_states }

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@ -49,7 +49,10 @@ let determinant_stream t =
let determinants t =
let determinants t = t.determinants
let determinants_array t =
match t.determinants with
| Arbitrary a -> a
| Spin (a,b) ->

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@ -4,6 +4,10 @@ The determinant space in which we solve the Schrodinger equation.
type t
type determinant_storage =
| Arbitrary of Determinant.t array
| Spin of (Spindeterminant.t array * Spindeterminant.t array)
(** {1 Accessors} *)
val n_alfa : t -> int
@ -18,7 +22,10 @@ val mo_class : t -> MOClass.t
val mo_basis : t -> MOBasis.t
(** The MO basis on which the determinants are expanded. *)
val determinants : t -> Determinant.t array
val determinants : t -> determinant_storage
(** All the determinants belonging to the space. *)
val determinants_array : t -> Determinant.t array
(** All the determinants belonging to the space. *)
val determinant_stream : t -> Determinant.t Stream.t