mirror of https://gitlab.com/scemama/QCaml.git synced 2024-10-04 23:36:08 +02:00

Working on AO shells

This commit is contained in:
Anthony Scemama 2018-01-17 18:19:38 +01:00
parent dad44067f7
commit 6437c5503a
7 changed files with 383 additions and 0 deletions

Basis/Contracted_shell.ml Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
open Util
type t = {
expo : float array;
coef : float array;
center : Coordinate.t;
totAngMom : Angular_momentum.t;
size : int;
norm_coef : (int array -> float) array;
(** Normalization coefficient of contracted function i, which depends on the
exponent and the angular momentum. Two conventions can be chosen : a single
normalisation factor for all functions of the class, or a coefficient which
depends on the powers of x,y and z.
let compute_norm_coef s =
let atot =
Angular_momentum.to_int s.totAngMom
Array.mapi (fun i alpha ->
let c =
((alpha +. alpha) *. pi_inv)**(1.5) *. (pow (4. *. alpha) atot)
let result a =
let dfa = Array.map (fun j ->
fact (j+j) /. ( float_of_int (1 lsl j) *. fact j)
) a
in sqrt (c /. (dfa.(0) *.dfa.(1) *. dfa.(2)))
) s.expo
let create ~expo ~coef ~center ~totAngMom =
assert (Array.length expo = Array.length coef);
assert (Array.length expo > 0);
let tmp =
{ expo ; coef ; center ; totAngMom ; size=Array.length expo ; norm_coef = [||]}
{ tmp with norm_coef = compute_norm_coef tmp }

Basis/Shell_pair.ml Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
open Util
type t = {
expo : float;
expo_inv : float;
center_ab: float array;
center : float array;
norm_sq : float;
norm : float;
coef : float;
norm_fun : int array -> int array -> float;
i : int;
j : int;
exception Null_contribution
let create_array ?(cutoff=0.) p_a p_b =
let log_cutoff =
if (cutoff = 0.) then infinity
else -. (log cutoff)
let x_a = Coordinate.x p_a.Contracted_shell.center
and y_a = Coordinate.y p_a.Contracted_shell.center
and z_a = Coordinate.z p_a.Contracted_shell.center
and x_b = Coordinate.x p_b.Contracted_shell.center
and y_b = Coordinate.y p_b.Contracted_shell.center
and z_b = Coordinate.z p_b.Contracted_shell.center
match p_a.Contracted_shell.center, p_b.Contracted_shell.center with
| [|x_a; y_a; z_a|], [|x_b; y_b; z_b|] ->
let center_ab =
Coordinate.(p_a.Contracted_shell.center |- p_b.Contracted_shell.center)
let norm_sq =
Coordinate.dot center_ab center_ab
Array.init p_a.Contracted_shell.size (fun i ->
let p_a_expo_center =
[| p_a.Contracted_shell.expo.(i) *. x_a ; p_a.Contracted_shell.expo.(i) *. y_a ; p_a.Contracted_shell.expo.(i) *. z_a |]
Array.init p_b.Contracted_shell.size (fun j ->
let f1 =
let f2 =
let norm_fun a b =
f1 a *. f2 b
let norm =
[| Angular_momentum.to_int p_a.Contracted_shell.totAngMom ; 0 ; 0 |]
[| Angular_momentum.to_int p_b.Contracted_shell.totAngMom ; 0 ; 0 |]
if (norm < cutoff) then
raise Null_contribution;
let p_b_expo_center =
[| p_b.Contracted_shell.expo.(j) *. x_b ; p_b.Contracted_shell.expo.(j) *. y_b ; p_b.Contracted_shell.expo.(j) *. z_b |]
let expo = p_a.Contracted_shell.expo.(i) +. p_b.Contracted_shell.expo.(j) in
let expo_inv = 1. /. expo in
let center =
[| (p_a_expo_center.(0) +. p_b_expo_center.(0)) *. expo_inv;
(p_a_expo_center.(1) +. p_b_expo_center.(1)) *. expo_inv;
(p_a_expo_center.(2) +. p_b_expo_center.(2)) *. expo_inv |]
let argexpo =
p_a.Contracted_shell.expo.(i) *. p_b.Contracted_shell.expo.(j)
*. norm_sq *. expo_inv
if (argexpo > log_cutoff) then
raise Null_contribution;
let g =
(pi *. expo_inv)**(1.5) *. exp(-. argexpo)
let norm_inv = 1./.norm in
let norm_fun a b =
norm_inv *. norm_fun a b
let coef =
norm *. p_a.Contracted_shell.coef.(i) *. p_b.Contracted_shell.coef.(j) *. g
if (abs_float coef < cutoff) then
raise Null_contribution;
Some { i ; j ; norm_fun ; norm ; coef ; expo ; expo_inv ; center ; center_ab=(Coordinate.to_float_array center_ab) ; norm_sq }
| Null_contribution -> None
|> Array.to_list
|> Array.concat
|> Array.to_list
|> List.filter (function Some _ -> true | None -> false)
|> List.map (function Some x -> x | None -> assert false)
|> Array.of_list

View File

@ -52,3 +52,68 @@ let of_int = function
type kind =
| Kind_2 of (t*t)
| Kind_4 of (t*t*t*t)
(** Returns an array of Zkeys corresponding to all possible angular momenta *)
let zkey_array a =
let keys_1d l =
let create_z (x,y,_) =
let rec create_y accu xyz =
let (x,y,z) = xyz in
match y with
| 0 -> (create_z xyz)::accu
| i -> let ynew = y-1 in
create_y ( (create_z xyz)::accu) (x,ynew,z)
let rec create_x accu xyz =
let (x,y,z) = xyz in
match x with
| 0 -> (create_y [] xyz)@accu
| i -> let xnew = x-1 in
let ynew = l-xnew in
create_x ((create_y [] xyz)@accu) (xnew, ynew, z)
create_x [] (l,0,0)
|> List.rev
match a with
| Kind_2 (l1, l2) ->
let a = Array.init 6 (fun _ -> 0) in
List.map (fun (cx,cy,cz) ->
a.(0) <- cx ; a.(1) <- cy ; a.(2) <- cz ;
List.map (fun (dx,dy,dz) ->
a.(3) <- dx ; a.(4) <- dy ; a.(5) <- dz ;
Zkey.(of_int_array Kind_6 a)
) (keys_1d @@ to_int l1)
) (keys_1d @@ to_int l2)
| Kind_4 (l1, l2, l3, l4) ->
let a = Array.init 12 (fun _ -> 0) in
List.map (fun (ax,ay,az) ->
a.(0) <- ax ; a.(1) <- ay ; a.(2) <- az ;
List.map (fun (bx,by,bz) ->
a.(3) <- bx ; a.(4) <- by ; a.(5) <- bz ;
List.map (fun (cx,cy,cz) ->
a.(6) <- cx ; a.(7) <- cy ; a.(8) <- cz ;
List.map (fun (dx,dy,dz) ->
a.(9) <- dx ; a.(10) <- dy ; a.(11) <- dz ;
Zkey.(of_int_array Kind_12 a)
) (keys_1d @@ to_int l4)
) (keys_1d @@ to_int l3)
|> List.concat
) (keys_1d @@ to_int l2)
|> List.concat
) (keys_1d @@ to_int l1)
|> List.concat
|> Array.of_list

Utils/Coordinate.ml Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
type t = float array
let zero =
[| 0. ; 0. ; 0. |]
let of_float_triplet (x,y,z) =
let of_3_floats x y z =
let to_string x =
(string_of_float x.(0))^" "^(string_of_float x.(1))^" "^(string_of_float x.(2))
let x a = a.(0)
let y a = a.(1)
let z a = a.(2)
let coord a = function
| 0 -> a.(0)
| 1 -> a.(1)
| 2 -> a.(2)
| _ -> raise (Invalid_argument "Coordinate")
let to_float_array a = a
(** Linear algebra *)
let (|-) a b =
match a,b with
| [|x;y;z|], [|x';y';z'|] -> [| x-.x'; y-.y'; z-.z' |]
| _ -> assert false
let (|+) a b =
match a,b with
| [|x;y;z|], [|x';y';z'|] -> [| x+.x'; y+.y'; z+.z' |]
| _ -> assert false
let (|.) s a =
match a with
| [|x;y;z|] -> [| s*.x; s*.y; s*.z |]
| _ -> assert false
let dot a b =
match a,b with
| [|x;y;z|], [|x';y';z'|] -> x*.x' +. y*.y' +. z*.z'
| _ -> assert false
let norm u =
sqrt @@ dot u u

Utils/Coordinate.mli Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
type t
val zero : t
val of_float_triplet : float * float * float -> t
val of_3_floats : float -> float -> float -> t
val to_string : t -> string
val x : t -> float
val y : t -> float
val z : t -> float
val coord : t -> int -> float
val to_float_array : t -> float array
val (|-) : t -> t -> t
val (|+) : t -> t -> t
val (|.) : float -> t -> t
val dot : t -> t -> float
val norm : t -> float

Utils/Zkey.ml Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
(** Key for hastables that contain tuples of integers encoded in a Zarith integer *)
include Z
type kind =
| Kind_2
| Kind_3
| Kind_4
| Kind_6
| Kind_12
(** Build a Zkey from an array or 2, 3, 4, 6, or 12 integers *)
let of_int_array ~kind a =
let (<|) x a =
Z.logor (Z.shift_left x 64) a
let (<<) x a =
Int64.logor (Int64.shift_left x 10) (Int64.of_int a)
let (<+) x a =
Int64.logor (Int64.shift_left x 16) (Int64.of_int a)
match kind with
| Kind_2 -> (Int64.of_int a.(0)) <+ a.(1) |> Z.of_int64
| Kind_3 -> (Int64.of_int a.(0)) << a.(1) << a.(2) |> Z.of_int64
| Kind_4 -> (Int64.of_int a.(0)) <+ a.(1) <+ a.(2) <+ a.(3) |> Z.of_int64
| Kind_6 -> (Int64.of_int a.(0)) << a.(1) << a.(2) << a.(3) << a.(4) << a.(5)
|> Z.of_int64
| Kind_12 ->
let a =
(Int64.of_int a.(0)) << a.(1) << a.(2) << a.(3) << a.(4) << a.(5)
|> Z.of_int64
and b =
(Int64.of_int a.(6)) << a.(7) << a.(8) << a.(9) << a.(10) << a.(11)
|> Z.of_int64
in a <| b
(** Transform the Zkey into an int array *)
let to_int_array ~kind a =
match kind with
| Kind_2 -> [| Z.to_int @@ Z.extract a 16 16 ;
Z.to_int @@ Z.extract a 0 16 |]
| Kind_3 -> [| Z.to_int @@ Z.extract a 20 10 ;
Z.to_int @@ Z.extract a 10 10 ;
Z.to_int @@ Z.extract a 0 10 |]
| Kind_4 -> [| Z.to_int @@ Z.extract a 48 16 ;
Z.to_int @@ Z.extract a 32 16 ;
Z.to_int @@ Z.extract a 16 16 ;
Z.to_int @@ Z.extract a 0 16 |]
| Kind_6 -> [| Z.to_int @@ Z.extract a 50 10 ;
Z.to_int @@ Z.extract a 40 10 ;
Z.to_int @@ Z.extract a 30 10 ;
Z.to_int @@ Z.extract a 20 10 ;
Z.to_int @@ Z.extract a 10 10 ;
Z.to_int @@ Z.extract a 0 10 |]
| Kind_12 -> [| Z.to_int @@ Z.extract a 114 10 ;
Z.to_int @@ Z.extract a 104 10 ;
Z.to_int @@ Z.extract a 94 10 ;
Z.to_int @@ Z.extract a 84 10 ;
Z.to_int @@ Z.extract a 74 10 ;
Z.to_int @@ Z.extract a 64 10 ;
Z.to_int @@ Z.extract a 50 10 ;
Z.to_int @@ Z.extract a 40 10 ;
Z.to_int @@ Z.extract a 30 10 ;
Z.to_int @@ Z.extract a 20 10 ;
Z.to_int @@ Z.extract a 10 10 ;
Z.to_int @@ Z.extract a 0 10 |]
let to_string ~kind a =
"< " ^ ( Z.to_string a ) ^ " | " ^ (
to_int_array kind a
|> Array.map string_of_int
|> Array.to_list
|> String.concat ", "
) ^ " >"
let debug () =
let k2 = of_int_array Kind_2 [| 1 ; 2 |]
and k3 = of_int_array Kind_3 [| 1 ; 2 ; 3 |]
and k4 = of_int_array Kind_4 [| 1 ; 2 ; 3; 4 |]
and k6 = of_int_array Kind_6 [| 1 ; 2 ; 3; 4 ; 5; 6|]
and k12 = of_int_array Kind_12 [| 1 ; 2 ; 3; 4 ; 5; 6 ; 7 ; 8 ; 9 ; 10 ; 11; 12|]
print_endline @@ to_string Kind_2 k2 ;
print_endline @@ to_string Kind_3 k3 ;
print_endline @@ to_string Kind_4 k4 ;
print_endline @@ to_string Kind_6 k6 ;
print_endline @@ to_string Kind_12 k12
let () = debug ()

Utils/Zmap.ml Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
(** Hash table where the keys are of type Zkey.t (tuples of integers) *)
module Zmap = Hashtbl.Make(Zkey)
include Zmap