mirror of https://gitlab.com/scemama/QCaml.git synced 2024-10-04 23:36:08 +02:00

Canonical orthogonalization OK in cart. TODO: spherical.

This commit is contained in:
Anthony Scemama 2018-05-28 19:58:40 +02:00
parent 9599c91959
commit 57f8c0710c
9 changed files with 57 additions and 11 deletions

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@ -77,6 +77,7 @@ let filter_contracted_shell_pairs ?(cutoff=integrals_cutoff) shell_pairs =
| Some cspc ->
let cls = class_of_contracted_shell_pair_couple cspc in
(pair, Zmap.fold (fun key value accu -> max (abs_float value) accu) cls 0. )
(* TODO \sum_k |coef_k * integral_k| *)
| None -> (pair, -1.)
) shell_pairs
|> List.filter (fun (_, schwartz_p_max) -> schwartz_p_max >= cutoff)

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@ -7,7 +7,21 @@ type t =
| Svd of Mat.t
let make_lowdin ?(thresh=1.e-12) ~overlap =
let make_canonical ~cartesian ~thresh ~overlap =
let result =
if cartesian then
canonical_ortho ~thresh ~overlap (Mat.identity @@ Mat.dim1 overlap)
(* TODO *)
canonical_ortho ~thresh ~overlap (Mat.identity @@ Mat.dim1 overlap)
Canonical result
let make_lowdin ~thresh ~overlap =
let u_vec, u_val = diagonalize_symm overlap in
@ -26,4 +40,9 @@ let make_lowdin ?(thresh=1.e-12) ~overlap =
Lowdin result
let make = make_lowdin
let make ~cartesian ?(thresh=1.e-12) overlap =
make_lowdin ~thresh ~overlap
make_canonical ~cartesian ~thresh ~overlap

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@ -127,7 +127,6 @@ let of_basis basis =
(** Write all overlap integrals to a file *)
let to_file ~filename overlap =
@ -146,4 +145,3 @@ let to_file ~filename overlap =

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@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ let make ?guess:(guess=`Hcore) ?max_scf:(max_scf=64)
| Svd x -> x
(* Core Hamiltonian *)
let m_Hc =
let m_T = Lazy.force simulation.kin_ints

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@ -9,9 +9,15 @@ type t = {
kin_ints : KinInt.t lazy_t;
ee_ints : ERI.t lazy_t;
nuclear_repulsion : float;
cartesian : bool;
let make ?multiplicity:(multiplicity=1) ?charge:(charge=0) ~nuclei basis =
let make ?cartesian:(cartesian=true)
(* Tune Garbage Collector *)
let gc = Gc.get () in
@ -29,20 +35,21 @@ let make ?multiplicity:(multiplicity=1) ?charge:(charge=0) ~nuclei basis =
charge ;
basis ; nuclei ; electrons ; overlap ;
overlap_ortho = lazy (Orthonormalization.make (Lazy.force overlap));
overlap_ortho = lazy (Orthonormalization.make ~cartesian (Lazy.force overlap));
eN_ints = lazy (NucInt.of_basis_nuclei basis nuclei);
kin_ints = lazy (KinInt.of_basis basis);
ee_ints = lazy (ERI.of_basis basis);
nuclear_repulsion = Nuclei.repulsion nuclei;
cartesian ;
let of_filenames ?multiplicity:(multiplicity=1) ?charge:(charge=0) ~nuclei basis_filename =
let of_filenames ?cartesian:(cartesian=false) ?multiplicity:(multiplicity=1) ?charge:(charge=0) ~nuclei basis_filename =
let nuclei =
Nuclei.of_filename nuclei
let basis =
Basis.of_nuclei_and_basis_filename ~nuclei basis_filename
make ~charge ~multiplicity ~nuclei basis
make ~cartesian ~charge ~multiplicity ~nuclei basis

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@ -647,7 +647,7 @@ let matrix = function
| _ -> invalid_arg "Not implemented"
let index nx ny nz =
let index ~nx ~ny ~nz =
let l = nx + ny + nz in
((l-nx)*(l-nx+1))/2 + nz + 1

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@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
(** Conversion from spherical coordinate to cartesian corrdinates. *)
val matrix : AngularMomentum.t -> float array
(** Returns a transformation matrix to rotate between the basis of atom-centered
spherical coordinates to x,y,z coordinates.
@ -12,12 +14,12 @@ val matrix : AngularMomentum.t -> float array
val index : int -> int -> int -> int
val index : nx:int -> ny:int -> nz:int -> int
(** Unique index given to a triplet of powers. Used to identify a cartesian shell.
let nx, ny, nz = 3, 2, 1 in
SphericalToCartesian.index nx ny nz -> 8
SphericalToCartesian.index ~nx ~ny ~nz -> 8

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@ -182,6 +182,20 @@ let xt_o_x ~o ~x =
|> gemm ~transa:`T x
let canonical_ortho ?thresh:(thresh=1.e-6) ~overlap c =
let d, u, _ = gesvd (lacpy overlap) in
let d0 = Vec.sqrt d in
let n = Vec.fold (fun accu x -> if x > thresh then accu + 1 else accu) 0 d in
let d = Vec.map (fun x ->
if x >= thresh then 1. /. x
else 0. ) ~y:d d0
if n < Vec.dim d0 then
Printf.printf "Removed linear dependencies below %f\n" (1. /. d.{n})
Mat.scal_cols u d ;
gemm c u
(** {2 Printers} *)

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@ -69,6 +69,10 @@ val diagonalize_symm : Lacaml.D.mat -> Lacaml.D.mat * Lacaml.D.vec
val xt_o_x : o:Lacaml.D.mat -> x:Lacaml.D.mat -> Lacaml.D.mat
(** Computes X{^T}.O.X *)
val canonical_ortho: ?thresh:float -> overlap:Lacaml.D.mat -> Lacaml.D.mat -> Lacaml.D.mat
(** Canonical orthogonalization. [overlap] is the overlap matrix, and the last argument
contains the vectors to orthogonalize. *)
(** {2 Printers} *)
val pp_float_array_size : Format.formatter -> float array -> unit