mirror of https://gitlab.com/scemama/QCaml.git synced 2024-10-04 23:36:08 +02:00

Shorter documentation

This commit is contained in:
Anthony Scemama 2020-12-27 23:08:12 +01:00
parent e7c9abd0d3
commit 36e7dbc7bd
21 changed files with 698 additions and 1262 deletions

View File

@ -48,18 +48,37 @@ open Powers
** Conversions
*** ~of_char~
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval mli)
val of_char : char -> t
val to_char : t -> char
val to_int : t -> int
val of_int : int -> t
val to_string : t -> string
Returns an ~Angular_momentum.t~ when a shell is given as a character
(case insensitive):
| ~of_char~ | Returns an ~Angular_momentum.t~ when a shell is given as a character (case insensitive) |
| ~to_char~ | Converts the angular momentum into a char |
| ~of_int~ | Returns a shell given an $l$ value. |
| ~to_int~ | Returns the $l_{max}$ value of the shell |
| ~to_string~ | Converts the angular momentum into a string |
Angular_momentum.of_char 'p' -> Angular_momentum.P
Angular_momentum.of_char 'p';;
- : Angular_momentum.t = Qcaml.Common.Angular_momentum.P
Angular_momentum.(to_char P);;
- : char = 'P'
Angular_momentum.of_int 2;;
- : Angular_momentum.t = Qcaml.Common.Angular_momentum.D
Angular_momentum.(to_int D);;
- : int = 2
Angular_momentum.(to_string D);;
- : string = "D"
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval ml) :exports none
@ -72,21 +91,7 @@ let of_char = function
| 'm' | 'M' -> M | 'n' | 'N' -> N
| 'o' | 'O' -> O
| c -> raise (Angular_momentum_error (String.make 1 c))
*** ~to_string~
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval mli)
val to_string : t -> string
Converts the angular momentum into a string:
Angular_momentum.(to_string D) -> "D"
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval ml) :exports none
let to_string = function
| S -> "S" | P -> "P"
| D -> "D" | F -> "F"
@ -95,21 +100,8 @@ let to_string = function
| K -> "K" | L -> "L"
| M -> "M" | N -> "N"
| O -> "O" | Int i -> string_of_int i
*** ~to_char~
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval mli)
val to_char : t -> char
Converts the angular momentum into a char:
Angular_momentum.(to_char D) -> 'D'
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval ml) :exports none
let to_char = function
| S -> 'S' | P -> 'P'
| D -> 'D' | F -> 'F'
@ -118,21 +110,8 @@ let to_char = function
| K -> 'K' | L -> 'L'
| M -> 'M' | N -> 'N'
| O -> 'O' | Int _ -> '_'
*** ~to_int~
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval mli)
val to_int : t -> int
Returns the $l_{max}$ value of the shell:
Angular_momentum.(to_char D) -> 2
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval ml) :exports none
let to_int = function
| S -> 0 | P -> 1
| D -> 2 | F -> 3
@ -141,21 +120,8 @@ let to_int = function
| K -> 8 | L -> 9
| M -> 10 | N -> 11
| O -> 12 | Int i -> i
*** ~of_int~
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval mli)
val of_int : int -> t
Returns a shell given an $l$ value.
Angular_momentum.of_int 3 -> Angular_momentum.F
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval ml) :exports none
let of_int = function
| 0 -> S | 1 -> P
| 2 -> D | 3 -> F
@ -168,17 +134,24 @@ let of_int = function
** Shell functions
*** ~n_functions~
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval mli)
val n_functions : t -> int
val zkey_array : kind -> Zkey.t array
Returns the number of cartesian functions in a shell.
| ~n_functions~ | Returns the number of cartesian functions in a shell. |
| ~zkey_array~ | Array of ~Zkey.t~, where each element is a a key associated with the the powers of $x,y,z$. |
Angular_momentum.n_functions D -> 6
Angular_momentum.(n_functions D) ;;
- : int = 6
Angular_momentum.( zkey_array (Doublet (P,S)) );;
- : Zkey.t array =
[| {Zkey.left = 0; right = 1125899906842624} ;
{Zkey.left = 0; right = 1099511627776} ;
{Zkey.left = 0; right = 1073741824} |]
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval ml) :exports none
@ -187,36 +160,8 @@ let n_functions a =
to_int a
(a*a + 3*a + 2)/2
*** ~zkey_array~
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval mli)
val zkey_array : kind -> Zkey.t array
Array of ~Zkey.t~, where each element is a a key associated with the
the powers of $x,y,z$.
Angular_momentum.( zkey_array Doublet (P,S) ) ->
[| {Zkey.left = 0; right = 1125899906842624} ;
{Zkey.left = 0; right = 1099511627776} ;
{Zkey.left = 0; right = 1073741824} |]
let s,x,y,z =
Powers.( of_int_tuple (0,0,0),
of_int_tuple (1,0,0),
of_int_tuple (0,1,0),
of_int_tuple (0,0,1) )
Array.map (fun (a,b) -> {!Zkey.of_powers_six} a b)
[| (x,s) ; (y,s) ; (z,s) |]
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval ml) :exports none
let zkey_array_memo : (kind, Zkey.t array) Hashtbl.t =
Hashtbl.create 13
@ -301,6 +246,14 @@ val ( + ) : t -> t -> t
val ( - ) : t -> t -> t
Angular_momentum.(D + P);;
- : Angular_momentum.t = Qcaml.Common.Angular_momentum.F
Angular_momentum.(F - P);;
- : Angular_momentum.t = Qcaml.Common.Angular_momentum.D
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval ml) :exports none
let ( + ) a b =
of_int ( (to_int a) + (to_int b) )
@ -311,9 +264,10 @@ let ( - ) a b =
** Printers
Printers can print as a string (~pp_string~) or as an integer (~pp_int~).
Printers can print as a string (default) or as an integer.
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval mli)
val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val pp_string : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val pp_int : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
@ -324,7 +278,8 @@ let pp_string ppf x =
let pp_int ppf x =
Format.fprintf ppf "@[%d@]" (to_int x)
let pp = pp_string
** TODO Tests

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@ -14,11 +14,11 @@
:header-args: :noweb yes :comments both
We define here a data type to handle bit strings efficiently.
When the bit string contains less than 64 bits, it is stored
internally in a 63-bit integer and uses bitwise instructions.
When more than 63 bits are required, the =zarith= library is used to
consider the bit string as a multi-precision integer.
We define here a data type to handle bit strings efficiently. When
the bit string contains less than 64 bits, it is stored internally
in a 63-bit integer and uses bitwise instructions. When more than
63 bits are required, the =zarith= library is used to consider the
bit string as a multi-precision integer.
** Single-integer implementation :noexport:
@ -110,7 +110,8 @@ type t =
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval test-ml)
open Common.Bitstring
let check msg x = Alcotest.(check bool) msg true x
let check_bool = Alcotest.(check bool)
let check msg x = check_bool msg true x
let test_all () =
let x = 8745687 in
let one_x = of_int x in
@ -120,13 +121,57 @@ let test_all () =
** General implementation
*** ~of_int~
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval mli)
val of_int : int -> t
val of_z : Z.t -> t
val zero : int -> t
val is_zero : t -> bool
val numbits : t -> int
val testbit : t -> int -> bool
val neg : t -> t
val shift_left : t -> int -> t
val shift_right : t -> int -> t
val shift_left_one : int -> int -> t
val logor : t -> t -> t
val logxor : t -> t -> t
val logand : t -> t -> t
val lognot : t -> t
val plus_one : t -> t
val minus_one : t -> t
val hamdist : t -> t -> int
val trailing_zeros : t -> int
val popcount : t -> int
val to_list : ?accu:(int list) -> t -> int list
val permutations : int -> int -> t list
Creates a bit string from an ~int~.
| ~of_int~ | Creates a bit string from an ~int~ |
| ~of_z~ | Creates a bit string from an ~Z.t~ multi-precision integer |
| ~zero~ | ~zero n~ creates a zero bit string with ~n~ bits |
| ~is_zero~ | True if all the bits of the bit string are zero. |
| ~numbits~ | Returns the number of bits used to represent the bit string |
| ~testbit~ | ~testbit t n~ is true if the ~n~-th bit of the bit string ~t~ is set to ~1~ |
| ~neg~ | Returns the negative of the integer interpretation of the bit string |
| ~shift_left~ | ~shift_left t n~ returns a new bit strings with all the bits shifted ~n~ positions to the left |
| ~shift_right~ | ~shift_right t n~ returns a new bit strings with all the bits shifted ~n~ positions to the right |
| ~shift_left_one~ | ~shift_left_one size n~ returns a new bit strings with the ~n~-th bit set to one. It is equivalent as shifting ~1~ by ~n~ bits to the left, ~size~ is the total number of bits of the bit string |
| ~logor~ | Bitwise logical or |
| ~logxor~ | Bitwise logical exclusive or |
| ~logand~ | Bitwise logical and |
| ~lognot~ | Bitwise logical negation |
| ~plus_one~ | Takes the integer representation of the bit string and adds one |
| ~minus_one~ | Takes the integer representation of the bit string and removes one |
| ~hamdist~ | Returns the Hamming distance, i.e. the number of bits differing between two bit strings |
| ~trailing_zeros~ | Returns the number of trailing zeros in the bit string |
| ~permutations~ | ~permutations m n~ generates the list of all possible ~n~-bit strings with ~m~ bits set to ~1~. Algorithm adapted from [[https://graphics.stanford.edu/~seander/bithacks.html#NextBitPermutation][Bit twiddling hacks]] |
| ~popcount~ | Returns the number of bits set to one in the bit string |
| ~to_list~ | Converts a bit string into a list of integers indicating the positions where the bits are set to ~1~. The first value for the position is not ~0~ but ~1~ |
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval ml) :exports none
let of_int x =
@ -134,16 +179,9 @@ let of_int x =
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval test-ml) :exports none
Alcotest.(check bool) "of_x" true (one_x = (of_int x));
check_bool "of_x" true (one_x = (of_int x));
*** ~of_z~
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval mli)
val of_z : Z.t -> t
Creates a bit string from an ~Z.t~ multi-precision integer.
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval ml) :exports none
let of_z x =
@ -151,16 +189,9 @@ let of_z x =
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval test-ml) :exports none
Alcotest.(check bool) "of_z" true (one_x = (of_z (Z.of_int x)));
check_bool "of_z" true (one_x = (of_z (Z.of_int x)));
*** ~zero~
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval mli)
val zero : int -> t
~zero n~ creates a zero bit string with ~n~ bits.
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval ml) :exports none
let zero = function
@ -168,13 +199,6 @@ let zero = function
| _ -> Many (Many.zero)
*** ~numbits~
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval mli)
val numbits : t -> int
Returns the number of bits used to represent the bit string.
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval ml) :exports none
let numbits = function
@ -182,13 +206,6 @@ let numbits = function
| Many x -> Many.numbits x
*** ~is_zero~
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval mli)
val is_zero : t -> bool
True if all the bits of the bit string are zero.
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval ml) :exports none
let is_zero = function
@ -196,17 +213,6 @@ let is_zero = function
| Many x -> Many.is_zero x
*** ~neg~
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval mli)
val neg : t -> t
Returns the negative of the integer interpretation of the bit string.
neg (of_int x) = neg (of_int (-x))
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval ml) :exports none
let neg = function
@ -214,14 +220,6 @@ let neg = function
| Many x -> Many (Many.neg x)
*** ~shift_left~
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval mli)
val shift_left : t -> int -> t
~shift_left t n~ returns a new bit strings with all the bits
shifted ~n~ positions to the left.
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval ml) :exports none
let shift_left x i = match x with
@ -230,20 +228,11 @@ let shift_left x i = match x with
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval test-ml) :exports none
Alcotest.(check bool) "shift_left1" true (of_int (x lsl 3) = shift_left one_x 3);
Alcotest.(check bool) "shift_left2" true (of_z (Z.shift_left z 3) = shift_left many_x 3);
Alcotest.(check bool) "shift_left3" true (of_z (Z.shift_left z 100) = shift_left many_x 100);
check_bool "shift_left1" true (of_int (x lsl 3) = shift_left one_x 3);
check_bool "shift_left2" true (of_z (Z.shift_left z 3) = shift_left many_x 3);
check_bool "shift_left3" true (of_z (Z.shift_left z 100) = shift_left many_x 100);
*** ~shift_right~
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval mli)
val shift_right : t -> int -> t
~shift_right t n~ returns a new bit strings with all the bits
shifted ~n~ positions to the right.
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval ml) :exports none
let shift_right x i = match x with
| One x -> One (One.shift_right x i)
@ -251,20 +240,10 @@ let shift_right x i = match x with
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval test-ml) :exports none
Alcotest.(check bool) "shift_right1" true (of_int (x lsr 3) = shift_right one_x 3);
Alcotest.(check bool) "shift_right2" true (of_z (Z.shift_right z 3) = shift_right many_x 3);
check_bool "shift_right1" true (of_int (x lsr 3) = shift_right one_x 3);
check_bool "shift_right2" true (of_z (Z.shift_right z 3) = shift_right many_x 3);
*** ~shift_left_one~
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval mli)
val shift_left_one : int -> int -> t
~shift_left_one size n~ returns a new bit strings with the ~n~-th
bit set to one.
It is equivalent as shifting ~1~ by ~n~ bits to the left.
~size~ is the total number of bits of the bit string.
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval ml) :exports none
let shift_left_one = function
@ -274,18 +253,10 @@ let shift_left_one = function
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval test-ml) :exports none
Alcotest.(check bool) "shift_left_one1" true (of_int (1 lsl 3) = shift_left_one 4 3);
Alcotest.(check bool) "shift_left_one2" true (of_z (Z.shift_left Z.one 200) = shift_left_one 300 200);
check_bool "shift_left_one1" true (of_int (1 lsl 3) = shift_left_one 4 3);
check_bool "shift_left_one2" true (of_z (Z.shift_left Z.one 200) = shift_left_one 300 200);
*** ~testbit~
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval mli)
val testbit : t -> int -> bool
~testbit t n~ is true if the ~n~-th bit of the bit string ~t~ is
set to ~1~.
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval ml) :exports none
let testbit = function
@ -294,21 +265,14 @@ let testbit = function
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval test-ml) :exports none
Alcotest.(check bool) "testbit1" true (testbit (of_int 8) 3);
Alcotest.(check bool) "testbit2" false (testbit (of_int 8) 2);
Alcotest.(check bool) "testbit3" false (testbit (of_int 8) 4);
Alcotest.(check bool) "testbit4" true (testbit (of_z (Z.of_int 8)) 3);
Alcotest.(check bool) "testbit5" false (testbit (of_z (Z.of_int 8)) 2);
Alcotest.(check bool) "testbit6" false (testbit (of_z (Z.of_int 8)) 4);
check_bool "testbit1" true (testbit (of_int 8) 3);
check_bool "testbit2" false (testbit (of_int 8) 2);
check_bool "testbit3" false (testbit (of_int 8) 4);
check_bool "testbit4" true (testbit (of_z (Z.of_int 8)) 3);
check_bool "testbit5" false (testbit (of_z (Z.of_int 8)) 2);
check_bool "testbit6" false (testbit (of_z (Z.of_int 8)) 4);
*** ~logor~
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval mli)
val logor : t -> t -> t
Bitwise logical or.
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval ml) :exports none
let logor a b =
@ -319,17 +283,10 @@ let logor a b =
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval test-ml) :exports none
Alcotest.(check bool) "logor1" true (of_int (1 lor 2) = logor (of_int 1) (of_int 2));
Alcotest.(check bool) "logor2" true (of_z (Z.of_int (1 lor 2)) = logor (of_z Z.one) (of_z (Z.of_int 2)));
check_bool "logor1" true (of_int (1 lor 2) = logor (of_int 1) (of_int 2));
check_bool "logor2" true (of_z (Z.of_int (1 lor 2)) = logor (of_z Z.one) (of_z (Z.of_int 2)));
*** ~logxor~
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval mli)
val logxor : t -> t -> t
Bitwise logical exclusive or.
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval ml) :exports none
let logxor a b =
@ -340,17 +297,10 @@ let logxor a b =
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval test-ml) :exports none
Alcotest.(check bool) "logxor1" true (of_int (1 lxor 2) = logxor (of_int 1) (of_int 2));
Alcotest.(check bool) "logxor2" true (of_z (Z.of_int (1 lxor 2)) = logxor (of_z Z.one) (of_z (Z.of_int 2)));
check_bool "logxor1" true (of_int (1 lxor 2) = logxor (of_int 1) (of_int 2));
check_bool "logxor2" true (of_z (Z.of_int (1 lxor 2)) = logxor (of_z Z.one) (of_z (Z.of_int 2)));
*** ~logand~
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval mli)
val logand : t -> t -> t
Bitwise logical and.
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval ml) :exports none
let logand a b =
@ -362,17 +312,10 @@ let logand a b =
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval test-ml) :exports none
Alcotest.(check bool) "logand1" true (of_int (1 land 3) = logand (of_int 1) (of_int 3));
Alcotest.(check bool) "logand2" true (of_z (Z.of_int (1 land 3)) = logand (of_z Z.one) (of_z (Z.of_int 3)));
check_bool "logand1" true (of_int (1 land 3) = logand (of_int 1) (of_int 3));
check_bool "logand2" true (of_z (Z.of_int (1 land 3)) = logand (of_z Z.one) (of_z (Z.of_int 3)));
*** ~lognot~
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval mli)
val lognot : t -> t
Bitwise logical negation.
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval ml) :exports none
let lognot = function
@ -380,13 +323,6 @@ let lognot = function
| Many x -> Many (Many.lognot x)
*** ~minus_one~
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval mli)
val minus_one : t -> t
Takes the integer representation of the bit string and removes one.
minus_one (of_int 10) = of_int 9
@ -398,14 +334,6 @@ let minus_one = function
| Many x -> Many (Many.minus_one x)
*** ~plus_one~
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval mli)
val plus_one : t -> t
Takes the integer representation of the bit string and adds one.
plus_one (of_int 10) = of_int 11
@ -416,13 +344,6 @@ let plus_one = function
| Many x -> Many (Many.plus_one x)
*** ~trailing_zeros~
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval mli)
val trailing_zeros : t -> int
Returns the number of trailing zeros in the bit string.
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval ml) :exports none
let trailing_zeros = function
@ -430,14 +351,6 @@ let trailing_zeros = function
| Many x -> Many.trailing_zeros x
*** ~hamdist~
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval mli)
val hamdist : t -> t -> int
Returns the Hamming distance, i.e. the number of bits differing
between two bit strings.
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval ml) :exports none
let hamdist a b = match a, b with
@ -446,13 +359,6 @@ let hamdist a b = match a, b with
| _ -> invalid_arg "Bitstring.hamdist"
*** ~popcount~
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval mli)
val popcount : t -> int
Returns the number of bits set to one in the bit string.
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval ml) :exports none
let popcount = function
@ -460,15 +366,6 @@ let popcount = function
| Many x -> Many.popcount x
*** ~to_list~
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval mli)
val to_list : ?accu:(int list) -> t -> int list
Converts a bit string into a list of integers indicating the
positions where the bits are set to ~1~. The first value for the
position is not ~0~ but ~1~.
Bitstring.to_list (of_int 5);;
@ -486,19 +383,9 @@ let rec to_list ?(accu=[]) = function
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval test-ml) :exports none
Alcotest.(check bool) "to_list" true ([ 1 ; 3 ; 4 ; 6 ] = (to_list (of_int 45)));
check_bool "to_list" true ([ 1 ; 3 ; 4 ; 6 ] = (to_list (of_int 45)));
*** ~permutations~
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval mli)
val permutations : int -> int -> t list
~permutations m n~ generates the list of all possible ~n~-bit
strings with ~m~ bits set to ~1~.
Algorithm adapted from [[https://graphics.stanford.edu/~seander/bithacks.html#NextBitPermutation][Bit twiddling hacks]].
Bitstring.permutations 2 4
|> List.map (fun x -> Format.asprintf "%a" Bitstring.pp x) ;;

View File

@ -29,38 +29,24 @@ type t = float
** Conversions
*** ~of_float~ / ~to_float~
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval mli)
val of_float : float -> t
val to_float : t -> float
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval ml) :exports none
external of_float : float -> t = "%identity"
external to_float : t -> float = "%identity"
*** ~of_int~ / ~to_int~
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval mli)
val of_int : int -> t
val to_int : t -> int
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval ml) :exports none
let of_int = float_of_int
let to_int = int_of_float
*** ~of_string~ / ~to_string~
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval mli)
val of_string: string -> t
val to_string: t -> string
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval ml) :exports none
external of_float : float -> t = "%identity"
external to_float : t -> float = "%identity"
let of_int = float_of_int
let to_int = int_of_float
let of_string = float_of_string
let to_string x =

View File

@ -214,23 +214,20 @@ let output_long max_width x =
** Query functions
*** ~anon_args~
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval mli)
val get : long_opt -> string option
val get_bool : long_opt -> bool
val anon_args : unit -> string list
Returns the list of anonymous arguments
| ~get~ | Returns the argument associated with a long option |
| ~get_bool~ | True if the ~Optional~ argument is present in the command-line |
| ~anon_args~ | Returns the list of anonymous arguments |
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval ml) :exports none
let anon_args () = !anon_args_ref
*** ~help~ :noexport:
Prints the documentation of the program.
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval ml) :exports none
let help () =
(* Print the header *)
@ -296,31 +293,13 @@ let help () =
(* Print footer *)
output_text !footer_doc;
Format.printf "@."
*** ~get~
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval mli)
val get : long_opt -> string option
Returns the argument associated with a long option.
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval ml) :exports none
let get x =
try Some (Hashtbl.find dict x)
with Not_found -> None
*** ~get_bool~
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval mli)
val get_bool : long_opt -> bool
True if the ~Optional~ argument is present in the command-line
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval ml) :exports none
let get_bool x = Hashtbl.mem dict x

View File

@ -18,41 +18,21 @@
** Thresholds
*** ~epsilon~
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval mli)
val epsilon : float
Value below which a float is considered null. Default is
\epsilon = 2.10^{-15}.
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval ml) :exports none
let epsilon = 2.e-15
*** ~integrals_cutoff~
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval mli)
val integrals_cutoff : float
Cutoff value for integrals. Default is \epsilon .
| ~epsilon~ | Value below which a float is considered null. Default is \epsilon = 2.10^{-15} |
| ~integrals_cutoff~ | Cutoff value for integrals. Default is \epsilon |
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval ml) :exports none
let epsilon = 2.e-15
let integrals_cutoff = epsilon
** Mathematical constants
| ~pi~ | $\pi = 3.141~592~653~589~793~12$ |
| ~two_pi~ | $2 \pi$ |
| ~sq_pi~ | $\sqrt{\pi}$ |
| ~sq_pi_over_two~ | $\sqrt{\pi} / 2$ |
| ~pi_inv~ | $1 / \pi$ |
| ~two_over_sq_pi~ | $2 / \sqrt{\pi}$ |
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval mli)
val pi : float
val two_pi : float
@ -62,6 +42,13 @@ val pi_inv : float
val two_over_sq_pi : float
| ~pi~ | $\pi = 3.141~592~653~589~793~12$ |
| ~two_pi~ | $2 \pi$ |
| ~sq_pi~ | $\sqrt{\pi}$ |
| ~sq_pi_over_two~ | $\sqrt{\pi} / 2$ |
| ~pi_inv~ | $1 / \pi$ |
| ~two_over_sq_pi~ | $2 / \sqrt{\pi}$ |
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval ml) :exports none
let pi = acos (-1.)
let two_pi = 2. *. pi
@ -71,14 +58,8 @@ let pi_inv = 1. /. pi
let two_over_sq_pi = 2. /. sq_pi
** Physical constants
| ~a0~ | Bohr's radius : $a_0 = 0.529~177~210~67(23)$ angstrom |
| ~a0_inv~ | $1 / a_0$ |
| ~ha_to_ev~ | Hartree to eV conversion factor : $27.211~386~02(17)$ |
| ~ev_to_ha~ | eV to Hartree conversion factor : 1 / ~ha_to_ev~ |
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval mli)
val a0 : float
val a0_inv : float
@ -86,6 +67,11 @@ val ha_to_ev : float
val ev_to_ha : float
| ~a0~ | Bohr's radius : $a_0 = 0.529~177~210~67(23)$ angstrom |
| ~a0_inv~ | $1 / a_0$ |
| ~ha_to_ev~ | Hartree to eV conversion factor : $27.211~386~02(17)$ |
| ~ev_to_ha~ | eV to Hartree conversion factor : 1 / ~ha_to_ev~ |
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval ml) :exports none
let a0 = 0.529_177_210_67
let a0_inv = 1. /. a0

View File

@ -44,210 +44,140 @@ type axis = X | Y | Z
** Creation / conversion
*** ~make~
** Creation
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval mli)
val make : 'a point -> t
val make_angstrom : 'a point -> angstrom point
val zero : bohr point
Creates a point in atomic units.
| ~make~ | Creates a point in atomic units |
| ~make_angstrom~ | Creates a point in angstrom |
| ~zero~ | $(0., 0., 0.)$ |
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval ml) :exports none
external make : 'a point -> t = "%identity"
*** ~make_angstrom~
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval mli)
val make_angstrom : 'a point -> angstrom point
Creates a point in angstrom.
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval ml) :exports none
external make_angstrom : 'a point -> angstrom point = "%identity"
let zero =
make { x = 0. ; y = 0. ; z = 0. }
*** ~bohr_to_angstrom~
** Conversion
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval mli)
val bohr_to_angstrom : bohr point -> angstrom point
val angstrom_to_bohr : angstrom point -> bohr point
Converts a point in bohr to angstrom.
| ~bohr_to_angstrom~ | Converts a point in bohr to angstrom |
| ~angstrom_to_bohr~ | Converts a point in angstrom to bohr |
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval ml) :exports none
let b_to_a b = Constants.a0 *. b
let bohr_to_angstrom { x ; y ; z } =
make { x = b_to_a x ;
y = b_to_a y ;
z = b_to_a z ; }
*** ~angstrom_to_bohr~
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval mli)
val angstrom_to_bohr : angstrom point -> bohr point
Converts a point in angstrom to bohr.
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval ml) :exports none
let a_to_b a = Constants.a0_inv *. a
let angstrom_to_bohr { x ; y ; z } =
make { x = a_to_b x ;
y = a_to_b y ;
z = a_to_b z ; }
*** ~zero~
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval mli)
val zero : bohr point
~zero~ = (0., 0., 0.)
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval ml) :exports none
let zero =
make { x = 0. ; y = 0. ; z = 0. }
*** ~get~
** Vector operations
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval mli)
val neg : t -> t
val get : axis -> bohr point -> float
val dot : t -> t -> float
val norm : t -> float
val ( |. ) : float -> t -> t
val ( |+ ) : t -> t -> t
val ( |- ) : t -> t -> t
Extracts the projection of the coordinate on an axis.
| ~neg~ | Negative of a point |
| ~get~ | Extracts the projection of the coordinate on an axis |
| ~dot~ | Dot product |
| ~norm~ | $\ell{^2}$ norm of the vector |
| ~¦.~ | Scales the vector by a constant |
| ~¦+~ | Adds two vectors |
| ~¦-~ | Subtracts two vectors |
Coordinate.neg { x=1. ; y=2. ; z=3. } ;;
- : Coordinate.t = {Qcaml.Common.Coordinate.x = -1.; y = -2.; z = -3.}
Coordinate.(get Y { x=1. ; y=2. ; z=3. }) ;;
- : float = 2.
2. |. { x=1. ; y=2. ; z=3. }
) ;;
- : Coordinate.t = {Qcaml.Common.Coordinate.x = 2.; y = 4.; z = 6.}
{ x=1. ; y=2. ; z=3. } |+ { x=2. ; y=3. ; z=1. }
- : Coordinate.t = {Qcaml.Common.Coordinate.x = 3.; y = 5.; z = 4.}
{ x=1. ; y=2. ; z=3. } |- { x=2. ; y=3. ; z=1. }
- : Coordinate.t = {Qcaml.Common.Coordinate.x = -1.; y = -1.; z = 2.}
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval ml) :exports none
let get axis { x ; y ; z } =
match axis with
| X -> x
| Y -> y
| Z -> z
** Vector operations
*** Scale
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval mli)
val ( |. ) : float -> t -> t
2. |. { x=1. ; y=2. ; z=3. }
) ;;
- : Coordinate.t = {Qcaml.Common.Coordinate.x = 2.; y = 4.; z = 6.}
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval ml) :exports none
let ( |. ) s { x ; y ; z } =
make { x = s *. x ;
y = s *. y ;
z = s *. z ; }
*** Add
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval mli)
val ( |+ ) : t -> t -> t
{ x=1. ; y=2. ; z=3. } |+ { x=2. ; y=3. ; z=1. }
- : Coordinate.t = {Qcaml.Common.Coordinate.x = 3.; y = 5.; z = 4.}
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval ml) :exports none
let ( |+ )
{ x = x1 ; y = y1 ; z = z1 }
{ x = x2 ; y = y2 ; z = z2 } =
make { x = x1 +. x2 ;
y = y1 +. y2 ;
z = z1 +. z2 ; }
*** Subtract
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval mli)
val ( |- ) : t -> t -> t
{ x=1. ; y=2. ; z=3. } |- { x=2. ; y=3. ; z=1. }
- : Coordinate.t = {Qcaml.Common.Coordinate.x = -1.; y = -1.; z = 2.}
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval ml) :exports none
let ( |- )
{ x = x1 ; y = y1 ; z = z1 }
{ x = x2 ; y = y2 ; z = z2 } =
make { x = x1 -. x2 ;
y = y1 -. y2 ;
z = z1 -. z2 ; }
*** Negative
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval mli)
val neg : t -> t
Coordinate.neg { x=1. ; y=2. ; z=3. } ;;
- : Coordinate.t = {Qcaml.Common.Coordinate.x = -1.; y = -2.; z = -3.}
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval ml) :exports none
let neg a = -1. |. a
*** Dot product
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval mli)
val dot : t -> t -> float
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval ml) :exports none
let dot
{ x = x1 ; y = y1 ; z = z1 }
{ x = x2 ; y = y2 ; z = z2 } =
x1 *. x2 +.
y1 *. y2 +.
z1 *. z2
*** Norm
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval mli)
val norm : t -> float
$\ell{^2}$ norm of the vector.
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval ml) :exports none
let norm u =
sqrt ( dot u u )
** Printers
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval mli)

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@ -25,15 +25,31 @@ open Powers
(* Returns an ~Angular_momentum.t~ when a shell is given as a character
* (case insensitive):
(* | ~of_char~ | Returns an ~Angular_momentum.t~ when a shell is given as a character (case insensitive) |
* | ~to_char~ | Converts the angular momentum into a char |
* | ~of_int~ | Returns a shell given an $l$ value. |
* | ~to_int~ | Returns the $l_{max}$ value of the shell |
* | ~to_string~ | Converts the angular momentum into a string |
* #+begin_example
* Angular_momentum.of_char 'p' -> Angular_momentum.P
* Angular_momentum.of_char 'p';;
* - : Angular_momentum.t = Qcaml.Common.Angular_momentum.P
* Angular_momentum.(to_char P);;
* - : char = 'P'
* Angular_momentum.of_int 2;;
* - : Angular_momentum.t = Qcaml.Common.Angular_momentum.D
* Angular_momentum.(to_int D);;
* - : int = 2
* Angular_momentum.(to_string D);;
* - : string = "D"
* #+end_example *)
(* [[file:../angular_momentum.org::*~of_char~][~of_char~:2]] *)
(* [[file:../angular_momentum.org::*Conversions][Conversions:2]] *)
let of_char = function
| 's' | 'S' -> S | 'p' | 'P' -> P
| 'd' | 'D' -> D | 'f' | 'F' -> F
@ -43,18 +59,7 @@ let of_char = function
| 'm' | 'M' -> M | 'n' | 'N' -> N
| 'o' | 'O' -> O
| c -> raise (Angular_momentum_error (String.make 1 c))
(* ~of_char~:2 ends here *)
(* Converts the angular momentum into a string:
* #+begin_example
* Angular_momentum.(to_string D) -> "D"
* #+end_example *)
(* [[file:../angular_momentum.org::*~to_string~][~to_string~:2]] *)
let to_string = function
| S -> "S" | P -> "P"
| D -> "D" | F -> "F"
@ -63,18 +68,8 @@ let to_string = function
| K -> "K" | L -> "L"
| M -> "M" | N -> "N"
| O -> "O" | Int i -> string_of_int i
(* ~to_string~:2 ends here *)
(* Converts the angular momentum into a char:
* #+begin_example
* Angular_momentum.(to_char D) -> 'D'
* #+end_example *)
(* [[file:../angular_momentum.org::*~to_char~][~to_char~:2]] *)
let to_char = function
| S -> 'S' | P -> 'P'
| D -> 'D' | F -> 'F'
@ -83,18 +78,8 @@ let to_char = function
| K -> 'K' | L -> 'L'
| M -> 'M' | N -> 'N'
| O -> 'O' | Int _ -> '_'
(* ~to_char~:2 ends here *)
(* Returns the $l_{max}$ value of the shell:
* #+begin_example
* Angular_momentum.(to_char D) -> 2
* #+end_example *)
(* [[file:../angular_momentum.org::*~to_int~][~to_int~:2]] *)
let to_int = function
| S -> 0 | P -> 1
| D -> 2 | F -> 3
@ -103,18 +88,8 @@ let to_int = function
| K -> 8 | L -> 9
| M -> 10 | N -> 11
| O -> 12 | Int i -> i
(* ~to_int~:2 ends here *)
(* Returns a shell given an $l$ value.
* #+begin_example
* Angular_momentum.of_int 3 -> Angular_momentum.F
* #+end_example *)
(* [[file:../angular_momentum.org::*~of_int~][~of_int~:2]] *)
let of_int = function
| 0 -> S | 1 -> P
| 2 -> D | 3 -> F
@ -123,49 +98,34 @@ let of_int = function
| 8 -> K | 9 -> L
| 10 -> M | 11 -> N
| 12 -> O | i -> Int i
(* ~of_int~:2 ends here *)
(* Conversions:2 ends here *)
(* Returns the number of cartesian functions in a shell.
(* | ~n_functions~ | Returns the number of cartesian functions in a shell. |
* | ~zkey_array~ | Array of ~Zkey.t~, where each element is a a key associated with the the powers of $x,y,z$. |
* #+begin_example
* Angular_momentum.n_functions D -> 6
* Angular_momentum.(n_functions D) ;;
* - : int = 6
* Angular_momentum.( zkey_array (Doublet (P,S)) );;
* - : Zkey.t array =
* [| {Zkey.left = 0; right = 1125899906842624} ;
* {Zkey.left = 0; right = 1099511627776} ;
* {Zkey.left = 0; right = 1073741824} |]
* #+end_example *)
(* [[file:../angular_momentum.org::*~n_functions~][~n_functions~:2]] *)
(* [[file:../angular_momentum.org::*Shell functions][Shell functions:2]] *)
let n_functions a =
let a =
to_int a
(a*a + 3*a + 2)/2
(* ~n_functions~:2 ends here *)
(* Array of ~Zkey.t~, where each element is a a key associated with the
* the powers of $x,y,z$.
* #+begin_example
* Angular_momentum.( zkey_array Doublet (P,S) ) ->
* [| {Zkey.left = 0; right = 1125899906842624} ;
* {Zkey.left = 0; right = 1099511627776} ;
* {Zkey.left = 0; right = 1073741824} |]
* =
* let s,x,y,z =
* Powers.( of_int_tuple (0,0,0),
* of_int_tuple (1,0,0),
* of_int_tuple (0,1,0),
* of_int_tuple (0,0,1) )
* in
* Array.map (fun (a,b) -> {!Zkey.of_powers_six} a b)
* [| (x,s) ; (y,s) ; (z,s) |]
* #+end_example *)
(* [[file:../angular_momentum.org::*~zkey_array~][~zkey_array~:2]] *)
let zkey_array_memo : (kind, Zkey.t array) Hashtbl.t =
Hashtbl.create 13
@ -241,7 +201,18 @@ let zkey_array a =
Hashtbl.add zkey_array_memo a result;
(* ~zkey_array~:2 ends here *)
(* Shell functions:2 ends here *)
(* #+begin_example
* Angular_momentum.(D + P);;
* - : Angular_momentum.t = Qcaml.Common.Angular_momentum.F
* Angular_momentum.(F - P);;
* - : Angular_momentum.t = Qcaml.Common.Angular_momentum.D
* #+end_example *)
(* [[file:../angular_momentum.org::*Arithmetic][Arithmetic:2]] *)
let ( + ) a b =
@ -257,4 +228,6 @@ let pp_string ppf x =
let pp_int ppf x =
Format.fprintf ppf "@[%d@]" (to_int x)
let pp = pp_string
(* Printers:2 ends here *)

View File

@ -16,54 +16,26 @@ type kind =
| Quartet of (t * t * t * t)
(* types ends here *)
(* ~of_char~ *)
(* Conversions *)
(* [[file:../angular_momentum.org::*~of_char~][~of_char~:1]] *)
(* [[file:../angular_momentum.org::*Conversions][Conversions:1]] *)
val of_char : char -> t
(* ~of_char~:1 ends here *)
(* ~to_string~ *)
(* [[file:../angular_momentum.org::*~to_string~][~to_string~:1]] *)
val to_string : t -> string
(* ~to_string~:1 ends here *)
(* ~to_char~ *)
(* [[file:../angular_momentum.org::*~to_char~][~to_char~:1]] *)
val to_char : t -> char
(* ~to_char~:1 ends here *)
(* ~to_int~ *)
(* [[file:../angular_momentum.org::*~to_int~][~to_int~:1]] *)
val to_int : t -> int
(* ~to_int~:1 ends here *)
(* ~of_int~ *)
(* [[file:../angular_momentum.org::*~of_int~][~of_int~:1]] *)
val of_int : int -> t
(* ~of_int~:1 ends here *)
(* ~n_functions~ *)
val to_string : t -> string
(* Conversions:1 ends here *)
(* Shell functions *)
(* [[file:../angular_momentum.org::*~n_functions~][~n_functions~:1]] *)
(* [[file:../angular_momentum.org::*Shell functions][Shell functions:1]] *)
val n_functions : t -> int
(* ~n_functions~:1 ends here *)
(* ~zkey_array~ *)
(* [[file:../angular_momentum.org::*~zkey_array~][~zkey_array~:1]] *)
val zkey_array : kind -> Zkey.t array
(* ~zkey_array~:1 ends here *)
(* Shell functions:1 ends here *)
(* Arithmetic *)
@ -75,10 +47,11 @@ val ( - ) : t -> t -> t
(* Printers
* Printers can print as a string (~pp_string~) or as an integer (~pp_int~). *)
* Printers can print as a string (default) or as an integer. *)
(* [[file:../angular_momentum.org::*Printers][Printers:1]] *)
val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val pp_string : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val pp_int : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
(* Printers:1 ends here *)

View File

@ -81,249 +81,173 @@ type t =
(* Creates a bit string from an ~int~. *)
(* | ~of_int~ | Creates a bit string from an ~int~ |
* | ~of_z~ | Creates a bit string from an ~Z.t~ multi-precision integer |
* | ~zero~ | ~zero n~ creates a zero bit string with ~n~ bits |
* | ~is_zero~ | True if all the bits of the bit string are zero. |
* | ~numbits~ | Returns the number of bits used to represent the bit string |
* | ~testbit~ | ~testbit t n~ is true if the ~n~-th bit of the bit string ~t~ is set to ~1~ |
* | ~neg~ | Returns the negative of the integer interpretation of the bit string |
* | ~shift_left~ | ~shift_left t n~ returns a new bit strings with all the bits shifted ~n~ positions to the left |
* | ~shift_right~ | ~shift_right t n~ returns a new bit strings with all the bits shifted ~n~ positions to the right |
* | ~shift_left_one~ | ~shift_left_one size n~ returns a new bit strings with the ~n~-th bit set to one. It is equivalent as shifting ~1~ by ~n~ bits to the left, ~size~ is the total number of bits of the bit string |
* | ~logor~ | Bitwise logical or |
* | ~logxor~ | Bitwise logical exclusive or |
* | ~logand~ | Bitwise logical and |
* | ~lognot~ | Bitwise logical negation |
* | ~plus_one~ | Takes the integer representation of the bit string and adds one |
* | ~minus_one~ | Takes the integer representation of the bit string and removes one |
* | ~hamdist~ | Returns the Hamming distance, i.e. the number of bits differing between two bit strings |
* | ~trailing_zeros~ | Returns the number of trailing zeros in the bit string |
* | ~permutations~ | ~permutations m n~ generates the list of all possible ~n~-bit strings with ~m~ bits set to ~1~. Algorithm adapted from [[https://graphics.stanford.edu/~seander/bithacks.html#NextBitPermutation][Bit twiddling hacks]] |
* | ~popcount~ | Returns the number of bits set to one in the bit string |
* | ~to_list~ | Converts a bit string into a list of integers indicating the positions where the bits are set to ~1~. The first value for the position is not ~0~ but ~1~ | *)
(* [[file:../bitstring.org::*~of_int~][~of_int~:2]] *)
(* [[file:../bitstring.org::*General implementation][General implementation:2]] *)
let of_int x =
One (One.of_int x)
(* ~of_int~:2 ends here *)
(* General implementation:2 ends here *)
(* Creates a bit string from an ~Z.t~ multi-precision integer. *)
(* [[file:../bitstring.org::*~of_z~][~of_z~:2]] *)
(* [[file:../bitstring.org::*General implementation][General implementation:4]] *)
let of_z x =
if Z.numbits x < 64 then One (Z.to_int x) else Many (Many.of_z x)
(* ~of_z~:2 ends here *)
(* General implementation:4 ends here *)
(* ~zero n~ creates a zero bit string with ~n~ bits. *)
(* [[file:../bitstring.org::*~zero~][~zero~:2]] *)
(* [[file:../bitstring.org::*General implementation][General implementation:6]] *)
let zero = function
| n when n < 64 -> One (One.zero)
| _ -> Many (Many.zero)
(* ~zero~:2 ends here *)
(* General implementation:6 ends here *)
(* Returns the number of bits used to represent the bit string. *)
(* [[file:../bitstring.org::*~numbits~][~numbits~:2]] *)
(* [[file:../bitstring.org::*General implementation][General implementation:7]] *)
let numbits = function
| One x -> One.numbits x
| Many x -> Many.numbits x
(* ~numbits~:2 ends here *)
(* General implementation:7 ends here *)
(* True if all the bits of the bit string are zero. *)
(* [[file:../bitstring.org::*~is_zero~][~is_zero~:2]] *)
(* [[file:../bitstring.org::*General implementation][General implementation:8]] *)
let is_zero = function
| One x -> One.is_zero x
| Many x -> Many.is_zero x
(* ~is_zero~:2 ends here *)
(* General implementation:8 ends here *)
(* Returns the negative of the integer interpretation of the bit string.
* #+begin_example
* neg (of_int x) = neg (of_int (-x))
* #+end_example *)
(* [[file:../bitstring.org::*~neg~][~neg~:2]] *)
(* [[file:../bitstring.org::*General implementation][General implementation:9]] *)
let neg = function
| One x -> One (One.neg x)
| Many x -> Many (Many.neg x)
(* ~neg~:2 ends here *)
(* General implementation:9 ends here *)
(* ~shift_left t n~ returns a new bit strings with all the bits
* shifted ~n~ positions to the left. *)
(* [[file:../bitstring.org::*~shift_left~][~shift_left~:2]] *)
(* [[file:../bitstring.org::*General implementation][General implementation:10]] *)
let shift_left x i = match x with
| One x -> One (One.shift_left x i)
| Many x -> Many (Many.shift_left x i)
(* ~shift_left~:2 ends here *)
(* General implementation:10 ends here *)
(* ~shift_right t n~ returns a new bit strings with all the bits
* shifted ~n~ positions to the right. *)
(* [[file:../bitstring.org::*~shift_right~][~shift_right~:2]] *)
(* [[file:../bitstring.org::*General implementation][General implementation:12]] *)
let shift_right x i = match x with
| One x -> One (One.shift_right x i)
| Many x -> Many (Many.shift_right x i)
(* ~shift_right~:2 ends here *)
(* General implementation:12 ends here *)
(* ~shift_left_one size n~ returns a new bit strings with the ~n~-th
* bit set to one.
* It is equivalent as shifting ~1~ by ~n~ bits to the left.
* ~size~ is the total number of bits of the bit string. *)
(* [[file:../bitstring.org::*~shift_left_one~][~shift_left_one~:2]] *)
(* [[file:../bitstring.org::*General implementation][General implementation:14]] *)
let shift_left_one = function
| n when n < 64 -> fun i -> One (One.shift_left_one i)
| _ -> fun i -> Many (Many.shift_left_one i)
(* ~shift_left_one~:2 ends here *)
(* General implementation:14 ends here *)
(* ~testbit t n~ is true if the ~n~-th bit of the bit string ~t~ is
* set to ~1~. *)
(* [[file:../bitstring.org::*~testbit~][~testbit~:2]] *)
(* [[file:../bitstring.org::*General implementation][General implementation:16]] *)
let testbit = function
| One x -> One.testbit x
| Many x -> Many.testbit x
(* ~testbit~:2 ends here *)
(* General implementation:16 ends here *)
(* Bitwise logical or. *)
(* [[file:../bitstring.org::*~logor~][~logor~:2]] *)
(* [[file:../bitstring.org::*General implementation][General implementation:18]] *)
let logor a b =
match a,b with
| One a, One b -> One (One.logor a b)
| Many a, Many b -> Many (Many.logor a b)
| _ -> invalid_arg "Bitstring.logor"
(* ~logor~:2 ends here *)
(* General implementation:18 ends here *)
(* Bitwise logical exclusive or. *)
(* [[file:../bitstring.org::*~logxor~][~logxor~:2]] *)
(* [[file:../bitstring.org::*General implementation][General implementation:20]] *)
let logxor a b =
match a,b with
| One a, One b -> One (One.logxor a b)
| Many a, Many b -> Many (Many.logxor a b)
| _ -> invalid_arg "Bitstring.logxor"
(* ~logxor~:2 ends here *)
(* General implementation:20 ends here *)
(* Bitwise logical and. *)
(* [[file:../bitstring.org::*~logand~][~logand~:2]] *)
(* [[file:../bitstring.org::*General implementation][General implementation:22]] *)
let logand a b =
match a,b with
| One a, One b -> One (One.logand a b)
| Many a, Many b -> Many (Many.logand a b)
| _ -> invalid_arg "Bitstring.logand"
(* ~logand~:2 ends here *)
(* General implementation:22 ends here *)
(* Bitwise logical negation. *)
(* [[file:../bitstring.org::*~lognot~][~lognot~:2]] *)
(* [[file:../bitstring.org::*General implementation][General implementation:24]] *)
let lognot = function
| One x -> One (One.lognot x)
| Many x -> Many (Many.lognot x)
(* ~lognot~:2 ends here *)
(* General implementation:24 ends here *)
(* Takes the integer representation of the bit string and removes one.
* #+begin_example
(* #+begin_example
* minus_one (of_int 10) = of_int 9
* #+end_example *)
(* [[file:../bitstring.org::*~minus_one~][~minus_one~:2]] *)
(* [[file:../bitstring.org::*General implementation][General implementation:25]] *)
let minus_one = function
| One x -> One (One.minus_one x)
| Many x -> Many (Many.minus_one x)
(* ~minus_one~:2 ends here *)
(* General implementation:25 ends here *)
(* Takes the integer representation of the bit string and adds one.
* #+begin_example
(* #+begin_example
* plus_one (of_int 10) = of_int 11
* #+end_example *)
(* [[file:../bitstring.org::*~plus_one~][~plus_one~:2]] *)
(* [[file:../bitstring.org::*General implementation][General implementation:26]] *)
let plus_one = function
| One x -> One (One.plus_one x)
| Many x -> Many (Many.plus_one x)
(* ~plus_one~:2 ends here *)
(* General implementation:26 ends here *)
(* Returns the number of trailing zeros in the bit string. *)
(* [[file:../bitstring.org::*~trailing_zeros~][~trailing_zeros~:2]] *)
(* [[file:../bitstring.org::*General implementation][General implementation:27]] *)
let trailing_zeros = function
| One x -> One.trailing_zeros x
| Many x -> Many.trailing_zeros x
(* ~trailing_zeros~:2 ends here *)
(* General implementation:27 ends here *)
(* Returns the Hamming distance, i.e. the number of bits differing
* between two bit strings. *)
(* [[file:../bitstring.org::*~hamdist~][~hamdist~:2]] *)
(* [[file:../bitstring.org::*General implementation][General implementation:28]] *)
let hamdist a b = match a, b with
| One a, One b -> One.hamdist a b
| Many a, Many b -> Many.hamdist a b
| _ -> invalid_arg "Bitstring.hamdist"
(* ~hamdist~:2 ends here *)
(* General implementation:28 ends here *)
(* Returns the number of bits set to one in the bit string. *)
(* [[file:../bitstring.org::*~popcount~][~popcount~:2]] *)
(* [[file:../bitstring.org::*General implementation][General implementation:29]] *)
let popcount = function
| One x -> One.popcount x
| Many x -> Many.popcount x
(* ~popcount~:2 ends here *)
(* General implementation:29 ends here *)
(* Converts a bit string into a list of integers indicating the
* positions where the bits are set to ~1~. The first value for the
* position is not ~0~ but ~1~.
* #+begin_example
(* #+begin_example
* Bitstring.to_list (of_int 5);;
* - : int list = [1; 3]
* #+end_example *)
(* [[file:../bitstring.org::*~to_list~][~to_list~:2]] *)
(* [[file:../bitstring.org::*General implementation][General implementation:30]] *)
let rec to_list ?(accu=[]) = function
| t when (is_zero t) -> List.rev accu
| t -> let newlist =
@ -331,15 +255,11 @@ let rec to_list ?(accu=[]) = function
logand t @@ minus_one t
|> (to_list [@tailcall]) ~accu:newlist
(* ~to_list~:2 ends here *)
(* General implementation:30 ends here *)
(* ~permutations m n~ generates the list of all possible ~n~-bit
* strings with ~m~ bits set to ~1~.
* Algorithm adapted from [[https://graphics.stanford.edu/~seander/bithacks.html#NextBitPermutation][Bit twiddling hacks]].
* #+begin_example
(* #+begin_example
* Bitstring.permutations 2 4
* |> List.map (fun x -> Format.asprintf "%a" Bitstring.pp x) ;;
* - : string list =
@ -352,7 +272,7 @@ let rec to_list ?(accu=[]) = function
* #+end_example *)
(* [[file:../bitstring.org::*~permutations~][~permutations~:2]] *)
(* [[file:../bitstring.org::*General implementation][General implementation:32]] *)
let permutations m n =
let rec aux k u rest =
@ -370,7 +290,7 @@ let permutations m n =
(aux [@tailcall]) (k-1) (logor t' t'') (u :: rest)
aux (Util.binom n m) (minus_one (shift_left_one n m)) []
(* ~permutations~:2 ends here *)
(* General implementation:32 ends here *)
(* [[file:../bitstring.org::*Printers][Printers:2]] *)
let pp ppf = function

View File

@ -5,153 +5,38 @@
type t
(* Type:1 ends here *)
(* ~of_int~ *)
(* General implementation *)
(* [[file:../bitstring.org::*~of_int~][~of_int~:1]] *)
(* [[file:../bitstring.org::*General implementation][General implementation:1]] *)
val of_int : int -> t
(* ~of_int~:1 ends here *)
(* ~of_z~ *)
(* [[file:../bitstring.org::*~of_z~][~of_z~:1]] *)
val of_z : Z.t -> t
(* ~of_z~:1 ends here *)
(* ~zero~ *)
(* [[file:../bitstring.org::*~zero~][~zero~:1]] *)
val zero : int -> t
(* ~zero~:1 ends here *)
(* ~numbits~ *)
(* [[file:../bitstring.org::*~numbits~][~numbits~:1]] *)
val numbits : t -> int
(* ~numbits~:1 ends here *)
(* ~is_zero~ *)
(* [[file:../bitstring.org::*~is_zero~][~is_zero~:1]] *)
val is_zero : t -> bool
(* ~is_zero~:1 ends here *)
(* ~neg~ *)
(* [[file:../bitstring.org::*~neg~][~neg~:1]] *)
val neg : t -> t
(* ~neg~:1 ends here *)
(* ~shift_left~ *)
(* [[file:../bitstring.org::*~shift_left~][~shift_left~:1]] *)
val shift_left : t -> int -> t
(* ~shift_left~:1 ends here *)
(* ~shift_right~ *)
(* [[file:../bitstring.org::*~shift_right~][~shift_right~:1]] *)
val shift_right : t -> int -> t
(* ~shift_right~:1 ends here *)
(* ~shift_left_one~ *)
(* [[file:../bitstring.org::*~shift_left_one~][~shift_left_one~:1]] *)
val shift_left_one : int -> int -> t
(* ~shift_left_one~:1 ends here *)
(* ~testbit~ *)
(* [[file:../bitstring.org::*~testbit~][~testbit~:1]] *)
val numbits : t -> int
val testbit : t -> int -> bool
(* ~testbit~:1 ends here *)
(* ~logor~ *)
val neg : t -> t
val shift_left : t -> int -> t
val shift_right : t -> int -> t
val shift_left_one : int -> int -> t
(* [[file:../bitstring.org::*~logor~][~logor~:1]] *)
val logor : t -> t -> t
(* ~logor~:1 ends here *)
(* ~logxor~ *)
(* [[file:../bitstring.org::*~logxor~][~logxor~:1]] *)
val logxor : t -> t -> t
(* ~logxor~:1 ends here *)
(* ~logand~ *)
(* [[file:../bitstring.org::*~logand~][~logand~:1]] *)
val logand : t -> t -> t
(* ~logand~:1 ends here *)
(* ~lognot~ *)
(* [[file:../bitstring.org::*~lognot~][~lognot~:1]] *)
val lognot : t -> t
(* ~lognot~:1 ends here *)
(* ~minus_one~ *)
(* [[file:../bitstring.org::*~minus_one~][~minus_one~:1]] *)
val minus_one : t -> t
(* ~minus_one~:1 ends here *)
(* ~plus_one~ *)
(* [[file:../bitstring.org::*~plus_one~][~plus_one~:1]] *)
val plus_one : t -> t
(* ~plus_one~:1 ends here *)
val minus_one : t -> t
(* ~trailing_zeros~ *)
(* [[file:../bitstring.org::*~trailing_zeros~][~trailing_zeros~:1]] *)
val trailing_zeros : t -> int
(* ~trailing_zeros~:1 ends here *)
(* ~hamdist~ *)
(* [[file:../bitstring.org::*~hamdist~][~hamdist~:1]] *)
val hamdist : t -> t -> int
(* ~hamdist~:1 ends here *)
(* ~popcount~ *)
(* [[file:../bitstring.org::*~popcount~][~popcount~:1]] *)
val trailing_zeros : t -> int
val popcount : t -> int
(* ~popcount~:1 ends here *)
(* ~to_list~ *)
(* [[file:../bitstring.org::*~to_list~][~to_list~:1]] *)
val to_list : ?accu:(int list) -> t -> int list
(* ~to_list~:1 ends here *)
(* ~permutations~ *)
(* [[file:../bitstring.org::*~permutations~][~permutations~:1]] *)
val permutations : int -> int -> t list
(* ~permutations~:1 ends here *)
(* General implementation:1 ends here *)
(* Printers *)

View File

@ -1,18 +1,19 @@
(* This type should be used for all charges in the program (electrons, nuclei,...). *)
(* [[file:../charge.org::*Type][Type:2]] *)
type t = float
(* Type:2 ends here *)
(* [[file:../charge.org::*~of_float~ / ~to_float~][~of_float~ / ~to_float~:2]] *)
(* [[file:../charge.org::*Conversions][Conversions:2]] *)
external of_float : float -> t = "%identity"
external to_float : t -> float = "%identity"
(* ~of_float~ / ~to_float~:2 ends here *)
(* [[file:../charge.org::*~of_int~ / ~to_int~][~of_int~ / ~to_int~:2]] *)
let of_int = float_of_int
let to_int = int_of_float
(* ~of_int~ / ~to_int~:2 ends here *)
(* [[file:../charge.org::*~of_string~ / ~to_string~][~of_string~ / ~to_string~:2]] *)
let of_string = float_of_string
let to_string x =
@ -22,7 +23,7 @@ let to_string x =
Printf.sprintf "%f" x
(* ~of_string~ / ~to_string~:2 ends here *)
(* Conversions:2 ends here *)
(* [[file:../charge.org::*Simple operations][Simple operations:2]] *)
let gen_op op =

View File

@ -1,35 +1,23 @@
(* Type
* This type should be used for all charges in the program (electrons, nuclei,...). *)
(* Type *)
(* [[file:../charge.org::*Type][Type:1]] *)
type t
(* Type:1 ends here *)
(* ~of_float~ / ~to_float~ *)
(* Conversions *)
(* [[file:../charge.org::*~of_float~ / ~to_float~][~of_float~ / ~to_float~:1]] *)
(* [[file:../charge.org::*Conversions][Conversions:1]] *)
val of_float : float -> t
val to_float : t -> float
(* ~of_float~ / ~to_float~:1 ends here *)
(* ~of_int~ / ~to_int~ *)
(* [[file:../charge.org::*~of_int~ / ~to_int~][~of_int~ / ~to_int~:1]] *)
val of_int : int -> t
val to_int : t -> int
(* ~of_int~ / ~to_int~:1 ends here *)
(* ~of_string~ / ~to_string~ *)
(* [[file:../charge.org::*~of_string~ / ~to_string~][~of_string~ / ~to_string~:1]] *)
val of_string: string -> t
val to_string: t -> string
(* ~of_string~ / ~to_string~:1 ends here *)
(* Conversions:1 ends here *)
(* Simple operations *)

View File

@ -151,19 +151,15 @@ let output_long max_width x =
(* Returns the list of anonymous arguments *)
(* | ~get~ | Returns the argument associated with a long option |
* | ~get_bool~ | True if the ~Optional~ argument is present in the command-line |
* | ~anon_args~ | Returns the list of anonymous arguments | *)
(* [[file:../command_line.org::*~anon_args~][~anon_args~:2]] *)
(* [[file:../command_line.org::*Query functions][Query functions:2]] *)
let anon_args () = !anon_args_ref
(* ~anon_args~:2 ends here *)
(* ~help~ :noexport:
* Prints the documentation of the program. *)
(* [[file:../command_line.org::*~help~][~help~:1]] *)
let help () =
(* Print the header *)
@ -229,27 +225,15 @@ let help () =
(* Print footer *)
output_text !footer_doc;
Format.printf "@."
(* ~help~:1 ends here *)
(* Returns the argument associated with a long option. *)
(* [[file:../command_line.org::*~get~][~get~:2]] *)
let get x =
try Some (Hashtbl.find dict x)
with Not_found -> None
(* ~get~:2 ends here *)
(* True if the ~Optional~ argument is present in the command-line *)
(* [[file:../command_line.org::*~get_bool~][~get_bool~:2]] *)
let get_bool x = Hashtbl.mem dict x
(* ~get_bool~:2 ends here *)
(* Query functions:2 ends here *)

View File

@ -28,26 +28,14 @@ val set_footer_doc : string -> unit
val anonymous : long_opt -> optional -> documentation -> description
(* Mutable attributes:4 ends here *)
(* ~anon_args~ *)
(* Query functions *)
(* [[file:../command_line.org::*~anon_args~][~anon_args~:1]] *)
val anon_args : unit -> string list
(* ~anon_args~:1 ends here *)
(* ~get~ *)
(* [[file:../command_line.org::*~get~][~get~:1]] *)
(* [[file:../command_line.org::*Query functions][Query functions:1]] *)
val get : long_opt -> string option
(* ~get~:1 ends here *)
(* ~get_bool~ *)
(* [[file:../command_line.org::*~get_bool~][~get_bool~:1]] *)
val get_bool : long_opt -> bool
(* ~get_bool~:1 ends here *)
val anon_args : unit -> string list
(* Query functions:1 ends here *)
(* Specification *)

View File

@ -15,84 +15,69 @@ type t = bohr point
type axis = X | Y | Z
(* Type:2 ends here *)
(* [[file:../coordinate.org::*~make~][~make~:2]] *)
(* | ~make~ | Creates a point in atomic units |
* | ~make_angstrom~ | Creates a point in angstrom |
* | ~zero~ | $(0., 0., 0.)$ | *)
(* [[file:../coordinate.org::*Creation][Creation:2]] *)
external make : 'a point -> t = "%identity"
(* ~make~:2 ends here *)
(* [[file:../coordinate.org::*~make_angstrom~][~make_angstrom~:2]] *)
external make_angstrom : 'a point -> angstrom point = "%identity"
(* ~make_angstrom~:2 ends here *)
(* [[file:../coordinate.org::*~bohr_to_angstrom~][~bohr_to_angstrom~:2]] *)
let zero =
make { x = 0. ; y = 0. ; z = 0. }
(* Creation:2 ends here *)
(* | ~bohr_to_angstrom~ | Converts a point in bohr to angstrom |
* | ~angstrom_to_bohr~ | Converts a point in angstrom to bohr | *)
(* [[file:../coordinate.org::*Conversion][Conversion:2]] *)
let b_to_a b = Constants.a0 *. b
let bohr_to_angstrom { x ; y ; z } =
make { x = b_to_a x ;
y = b_to_a y ;
z = b_to_a z ; }
(* ~bohr_to_angstrom~:2 ends here *)
(* [[file:../coordinate.org::*~angstrom_to_bohr~][~angstrom_to_bohr~:2]] *)
let a_to_b a = Constants.a0_inv *. a
let angstrom_to_bohr { x ; y ; z } =
make { x = a_to_b x ;
y = a_to_b y ;
z = a_to_b z ; }
(* ~angstrom_to_bohr~:2 ends here *)
(* [[file:../coordinate.org::*~zero~][~zero~:2]] *)
let zero =
make { x = 0. ; y = 0. ; z = 0. }
(* ~zero~:2 ends here *)
(* [[file:../coordinate.org::*~get~][~get~:2]] *)
let get axis { x ; y ; z } =
match axis with
| X -> x
| Y -> y
| Z -> z
(* ~get~:2 ends here *)
(* Conversion:2 ends here *)
(* #+begin_example
(* | ~neg~ | Negative of a point |
* | ~get~ | Extracts the projection of the coordinate on an axis |
* | ~dot~ | Dot product |
* | ~norm~ | $\ell{^2}$ norm of the vector |
* | ~¦.~ | Scales the vector by a constant |
* | ~¦+~ | Adds two vectors |
* | ~¦-~ | Subtracts two vectors |
* #+begin_example
* Coordinate.neg { x=1. ; y=2. ; z=3. } ;;
* - : Coordinate.t = {Qcaml.Common.Coordinate.x = -1.; y = -2.; z = -3.}
* Coordinate.(get Y { x=1. ; y=2. ; z=3. }) ;;
* - : float = 2.
* Coordinate.(
* 2. |. { x=1. ; y=2. ; z=3. }
* ) ;;
* - : Coordinate.t = {Qcaml.Common.Coordinate.x = 2.; y = 4.; z = 6.}
* #+end_example *)
(* [[file:../coordinate.org::*Scale][Scale:2]] *)
let ( |. ) s { x ; y ; z } =
make { x = s *. x ;
y = s *. y ;
z = s *. z ; }
(* Scale:2 ends here *)
(* #+begin_example
* Coordinate.(
* { x=1. ; y=2. ; z=3. } |+ { x=2. ; y=3. ; z=1. }
* );;
* - : Coordinate.t = {Qcaml.Common.Coordinate.x = 3.; y = 5.; z = 4.}
* #+end_example *)
(* [[file:../coordinate.org::*Add][Add:2]] *)
let ( |+ )
{ x = x1 ; y = y1 ; z = z1 }
{ x = x2 ; y = y2 ; z = z2 } =
make { x = x1 +. x2 ;
y = y1 +. y2 ;
z = z1 +. z2 ; }
(* Add:2 ends here *)
(* #+begin_example
* Coordinate.(
* { x=1. ; y=2. ; z=3. } |- { x=2. ; y=3. ; z=1. }
* );;
@ -100,45 +85,56 @@ let ( |+ )
* #+end_example *)
(* [[file:../coordinate.org::*Subtract][Subtract:2]] *)
(* [[file:../coordinate.org::*Vector operations][Vector operations:2]] *)
let get axis { x ; y ; z } =
match axis with
| X -> x
| Y -> y
| Z -> z
let ( |. ) s { x ; y ; z } =
make { x = s *. x ;
y = s *. y ;
z = s *. z ; }
let ( |+ )
{ x = x1 ; y = y1 ; z = z1 }
{ x = x2 ; y = y2 ; z = z2 } =
make { x = x1 +. x2 ;
y = y1 +. y2 ;
z = z1 +. z2 ; }
let ( |- )
{ x = x1 ; y = y1 ; z = z1 }
{ x = x2 ; y = y2 ; z = z2 } =
make { x = x1 -. x2 ;
y = y1 -. y2 ;
z = z1 -. z2 ; }
(* Subtract:2 ends here *)
(* #+begin_example
* Coordinate.neg { x=1. ; y=2. ; z=3. } ;;
* - : Coordinate.t = {Qcaml.Common.Coordinate.x = -1.; y = -2.; z = -3.}
* #+end_example *)
(* [[file:../coordinate.org::*Negative][Negative:2]] *)
let neg a = -1. |. a
(* Negative:2 ends here *)
(* [[file:../coordinate.org::*Dot product][Dot product:2]] *)
let dot
{ x = x1 ; y = y1 ; z = z1 }
{ x = x2 ; y = y2 ; z = z2 } =
x1 *. x2 +.
y1 *. y2 +.
z1 *. z2
(* Dot product:2 ends here *)
(* $\ell{^2}$ norm of the vector. *)
(* [[file:../coordinate.org::*Norm][Norm:2]] *)
let norm u =
sqrt ( dot u u )
(* Norm:2 ends here *)
(* Vector operations:2 ends here *)
(* Coordinates can be printed in bohr or angstrom. *)
(* [[file:../coordinate.org::*Printers][Printers:2]] *)
open Format

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@ -19,110 +19,37 @@ type t = bohr point
type axis = X | Y | Z
(* types ends here *)
(* ~make~
* Creates a point in atomic units. *)
(* Creation *)
(* [[file:../coordinate.org::*~make~][~make~:1]] *)
(* [[file:../coordinate.org::*Creation][Creation:1]] *)
val make : 'a point -> t
(* ~make~:1 ends here *)
(* ~make_angstrom~
* Creates a point in angstrom. *)
(* [[file:../coordinate.org::*~make_angstrom~][~make_angstrom~:1]] *)
val make_angstrom : 'a point -> angstrom point
(* ~make_angstrom~:1 ends here *)
(* ~bohr_to_angstrom~
* Converts a point in bohr to angstrom. *)
(* [[file:../coordinate.org::*~bohr_to_angstrom~][~bohr_to_angstrom~:1]] *)
val bohr_to_angstrom : bohr point -> angstrom point
(* ~bohr_to_angstrom~:1 ends here *)
(* ~angstrom_to_bohr~
* Converts a point in angstrom to bohr. *)
(* [[file:../coordinate.org::*~angstrom_to_bohr~][~angstrom_to_bohr~:1]] *)
val angstrom_to_bohr : angstrom point -> bohr point
(* ~angstrom_to_bohr~:1 ends here *)
(* ~zero~
* ~zero~ = (0., 0., 0.) *)
(* [[file:../coordinate.org::*~zero~][~zero~:1]] *)
val zero : bohr point
(* ~zero~:1 ends here *)
(* Creation:1 ends here *)
(* ~get~
* Extracts the projection of the coordinate on an axis.
* #+begin_example
* Coordinate.(get Y { x=1. ; y=2. ; z=3. })
* - float: 2.
* #+end_example *)
(* Conversion *)
(* [[file:../coordinate.org::*~get~][~get~:1]] *)
val get : axis -> bohr point -> float
(* ~get~:1 ends here *)
(* [[file:../coordinate.org::*Conversion][Conversion:1]] *)
val bohr_to_angstrom : bohr point -> angstrom point
val angstrom_to_bohr : angstrom point -> bohr point
(* Conversion:1 ends here *)
(* Scale *)
(* Vector operations *)
(* [[file:../coordinate.org::*Scale][Scale:1]] *)
val ( |. ) : float -> t -> t
(* Scale:1 ends here *)
(* Add *)
(* [[file:../coordinate.org::*Add][Add:1]] *)
val ( |+ ) : t -> t -> t
(* Add:1 ends here *)
(* Subtract *)
(* [[file:../coordinate.org::*Subtract][Subtract:1]] *)
val ( |- ) : t -> t -> t
(* Subtract:1 ends here *)
(* Negative *)
(* [[file:../coordinate.org::*Negative][Negative:1]] *)
(* [[file:../coordinate.org::*Vector operations][Vector operations:1]] *)
val neg : t -> t
(* Negative:1 ends here *)
(* Dot product *)
(* [[file:../coordinate.org::*Dot product][Dot product:1]] *)
val get : axis -> bohr point -> float
val dot : t -> t -> float
(* Dot product:1 ends here *)
(* Norm *)
(* [[file:../coordinate.org::*Norm][Norm:1]] *)
val norm : t -> float
(* Norm:1 ends here *)
val ( |. ) : float -> t -> t
val ( |+ ) : t -> t -> t
val ( |- ) : t -> t -> t
(* Vector operations:1 ends here *)
(* Printers
* Coordinates can be printed in bohr or angstrom. *)
(* Printers *)
(* [[file:../coordinate.org::*Printers][Printers:1]] *)

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@ -1,5 +1,14 @@
(* [[file:../non_negative_float.org::*Type][Type:2]] *)
type t = float
(* Type:2 ends here *)
(* The ~of_float~ function checks that the float is non-negative.
* The unsafe variant doesn't do this check. *)
(* [[file:../non_negative_float.org::*Conversions][Conversions:2]] *)
let of_float x =
if x < 0. then invalid_arg (__FILE__^": of_float");
@ -12,4 +21,4 @@ let to_string x =
let of_string x =
let f = float_of_string x in of_float f
(* Conversions:2 ends here *)

View File

@ -1,7 +1,18 @@
(** Floats >= 0. *)
(* Type *)
(* [[file:../non_negative_float.org::*Type][Type:1]] *)
type t = private float
(* Type:1 ends here *)
(* Conversions *)
(* [[file:../non_negative_float.org::*Conversions][Conversions:1]] *)
val of_float : float -> t
val unsafe_of_float : float -> t
val to_float : t -> float
val to_string : t -> string
val of_string : string -> t
val to_string : t -> string
(* Conversions:1 ends here *)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
#+begin_src elisp tangle: no :results none :exports none
(setq pwd (file-name-directory buffer-file-name))
(setq name (file-name-nondirectory (substring buffer-file-name 0 -4)))
(setq lib (concat pwd "lib/"))
(setq testdir (concat pwd "test/"))
(setq mli (concat lib name ".mli"))
(setq ml (concat lib name ".ml"))
(setq test-ml (concat testdir name ".ml"))
* Non-negative float
:header-args: :noweb yes :comments both
** Type
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval mli)
type t = private float
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval ml) :exports none
type t = float
** Conversions
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval mli)
val of_float : float -> t
val unsafe_of_float : float -> t
val to_float : t -> float
val of_string : string -> t
val to_string : t -> string
The ~of_float~ function checks that the float is non-negative.
The unsafe variant doesn't do this check.
#+begin_src ocaml :tangle (eval ml) :exports none
let of_float x =
if x < 0. then invalid_arg (__FILE__^": of_float");
external to_float : t -> float = "%identity"
external unsafe_of_float : float -> t = "%identity"
let to_string x =
let f = to_float x in string_of_float f
let of_string x =
let f = float_of_string x in of_float f

View File

@ -3,7 +3,8 @@
(* [[file:../bitstring.org::*Tests header][Tests header:1]] *)
open Common.Bitstring
let check msg x = Alcotest.(check bool) msg true x
let check_bool = Alcotest.(check bool)
let check msg x = check_bool msg true x
let test_all () =
let x = 8745687 in
let one_x = of_int x in
@ -11,63 +12,63 @@ let test_all () =
let many_x = of_z z in
(* Tests header:1 ends here *)
(* [[file:../bitstring.org::*~of_int~][~of_int~:3]] *)
Alcotest.(check bool) "of_x" true (one_x = (of_int x));
(* ~of_int~:3 ends here *)
(* [[file:../bitstring.org::*General implementation][General implementation:3]] *)
check_bool "of_x" true (one_x = (of_int x));
(* General implementation:3 ends here *)
(* [[file:../bitstring.org::*~of_z~][~of_z~:3]] *)
Alcotest.(check bool) "of_z" true (one_x = (of_z (Z.of_int x)));
(* ~of_z~:3 ends here *)
(* [[file:../bitstring.org::*General implementation][General implementation:5]] *)
check_bool "of_z" true (one_x = (of_z (Z.of_int x)));
(* General implementation:5 ends here *)
(* [[file:../bitstring.org::*~shift_left~][~shift_left~:3]] *)
Alcotest.(check bool) "shift_left1" true (of_int (x lsl 3) = shift_left one_x 3);
Alcotest.(check bool) "shift_left2" true (of_z (Z.shift_left z 3) = shift_left many_x 3);
Alcotest.(check bool) "shift_left3" true (of_z (Z.shift_left z 100) = shift_left many_x 100);
(* ~shift_left~:3 ends here *)
(* [[file:../bitstring.org::*General implementation][General implementation:11]] *)
check_bool "shift_left1" true (of_int (x lsl 3) = shift_left one_x 3);
check_bool "shift_left2" true (of_z (Z.shift_left z 3) = shift_left many_x 3);
check_bool "shift_left3" true (of_z (Z.shift_left z 100) = shift_left many_x 100);
(* General implementation:11 ends here *)
(* [[file:../bitstring.org::*~shift_right~][~shift_right~:3]] *)
Alcotest.(check bool) "shift_right1" true (of_int (x lsr 3) = shift_right one_x 3);
Alcotest.(check bool) "shift_right2" true (of_z (Z.shift_right z 3) = shift_right many_x 3);
(* ~shift_right~:3 ends here *)
(* [[file:../bitstring.org::*General implementation][General implementation:13]] *)
check_bool "shift_right1" true (of_int (x lsr 3) = shift_right one_x 3);
check_bool "shift_right2" true (of_z (Z.shift_right z 3) = shift_right many_x 3);
(* General implementation:13 ends here *)
(* [[file:../bitstring.org::*~shift_left_one~][~shift_left_one~:3]] *)
Alcotest.(check bool) "shift_left_one1" true (of_int (1 lsl 3) = shift_left_one 4 3);
Alcotest.(check bool) "shift_left_one2" true (of_z (Z.shift_left Z.one 200) = shift_left_one 300 200);
(* ~shift_left_one~:3 ends here *)
(* [[file:../bitstring.org::*General implementation][General implementation:15]] *)
check_bool "shift_left_one1" true (of_int (1 lsl 3) = shift_left_one 4 3);
check_bool "shift_left_one2" true (of_z (Z.shift_left Z.one 200) = shift_left_one 300 200);
(* General implementation:15 ends here *)
(* [[file:../bitstring.org::*~testbit~][~testbit~:3]] *)
Alcotest.(check bool) "testbit1" true (testbit (of_int 8) 3);
Alcotest.(check bool) "testbit2" false (testbit (of_int 8) 2);
Alcotest.(check bool) "testbit3" false (testbit (of_int 8) 4);
Alcotest.(check bool) "testbit4" true (testbit (of_z (Z.of_int 8)) 3);
Alcotest.(check bool) "testbit5" false (testbit (of_z (Z.of_int 8)) 2);
Alcotest.(check bool) "testbit6" false (testbit (of_z (Z.of_int 8)) 4);
(* ~testbit~:3 ends here *)
(* [[file:../bitstring.org::*General implementation][General implementation:17]] *)
check_bool "testbit1" true (testbit (of_int 8) 3);
check_bool "testbit2" false (testbit (of_int 8) 2);
check_bool "testbit3" false (testbit (of_int 8) 4);
check_bool "testbit4" true (testbit (of_z (Z.of_int 8)) 3);
check_bool "testbit5" false (testbit (of_z (Z.of_int 8)) 2);
check_bool "testbit6" false (testbit (of_z (Z.of_int 8)) 4);
(* General implementation:17 ends here *)
(* [[file:../bitstring.org::*~logor~][~logor~:3]] *)
Alcotest.(check bool) "logor1" true (of_int (1 lor 2) = logor (of_int 1) (of_int 2));
Alcotest.(check bool) "logor2" true (of_z (Z.of_int (1 lor 2)) = logor (of_z Z.one) (of_z (Z.of_int 2)));
(* ~logor~:3 ends here *)
(* [[file:../bitstring.org::*General implementation][General implementation:19]] *)
check_bool "logor1" true (of_int (1 lor 2) = logor (of_int 1) (of_int 2));
check_bool "logor2" true (of_z (Z.of_int (1 lor 2)) = logor (of_z Z.one) (of_z (Z.of_int 2)));
(* General implementation:19 ends here *)
(* [[file:../bitstring.org::*~logxor~][~logxor~:3]] *)
Alcotest.(check bool) "logxor1" true (of_int (1 lxor 2) = logxor (of_int 1) (of_int 2));
Alcotest.(check bool) "logxor2" true (of_z (Z.of_int (1 lxor 2)) = logxor (of_z Z.one) (of_z (Z.of_int 2)));
(* ~logxor~:3 ends here *)
(* [[file:../bitstring.org::*General implementation][General implementation:21]] *)
check_bool "logxor1" true (of_int (1 lxor 2) = logxor (of_int 1) (of_int 2));
check_bool "logxor2" true (of_z (Z.of_int (1 lxor 2)) = logxor (of_z Z.one) (of_z (Z.of_int 2)));
(* General implementation:21 ends here *)
(* [[file:../bitstring.org::*~logand~][~logand~:3]] *)
Alcotest.(check bool) "logand1" true (of_int (1 land 3) = logand (of_int 1) (of_int 3));
Alcotest.(check bool) "logand2" true (of_z (Z.of_int (1 land 3)) = logand (of_z Z.one) (of_z (Z.of_int 3)));
(* ~logand~:3 ends here *)
(* [[file:../bitstring.org::*General implementation][General implementation:23]] *)
check_bool "logand1" true (of_int (1 land 3) = logand (of_int 1) (of_int 3));
check_bool "logand2" true (of_z (Z.of_int (1 land 3)) = logand (of_z Z.one) (of_z (Z.of_int 3)));
(* General implementation:23 ends here *)
(* [[file:../bitstring.org::*~to_list~][~to_list~:3]] *)
Alcotest.(check bool) "to_list" true ([ 1 ; 3 ; 4 ; 6 ] = (to_list (of_int 45)));
(* ~to_list~:3 ends here *)
(* [[file:../bitstring.org::*General implementation][General implementation:31]] *)
check_bool "to_list" true ([ 1 ; 3 ; 4 ; 6 ] = (to_list (of_int 45)));
(* General implementation:31 ends here *)
(* [[file:../bitstring.org::*~permutations~][~permutations~:3]] *)
(* [[file:../bitstring.org::*General implementation][General implementation:33]] *)
check "permutations"
(permutations 2 4 = List.map of_int
[ 3 ; 5 ; 6 ; 9 ; 10 ; 12 ]);
(* ~permutations~:3 ends here *)
(* General implementation:33 ends here *)
(* Tests :noexport: *)

View File

@ -69,6 +69,9 @@ with class 'color and highest min-color value."
(advice-add 'face-attribute :override #'my-face-attribute)
(setq org-html-htmlize-output-type 'css) ; default: 'inline-css
(setq org-html-htmlize-font-prefix "org-") ; default: "org-"
(setq ml "ml")
(setq mli "mli")
(setq test-ml "test-ml")