2018-01-19 17:42:12 +01:00
include Constants
2018-01-18 23:42:48 +01:00
2018-01-17 15:56:57 +01:00
let factmax = 150
(** Generalized Boys function. Uses GSL's incomplete Gamma function.
maxm : Maximum total angular momentum
let boys_function ~maxm t =
if t = 0. then
Array.init (maxm+1) (fun m -> 1. /. float_of_int (m+m+1))
let incomplete_gamma ~alpha x =
Gsl.Sf.gamma alpha *. ( Gsl.Sf.gamma_inc_P alpha x )
let t_inv =
1. /. t
let factor =
Array.make (maxm+1) (0.5, sqrt t_inv);
for i=1 to maxm
let (dm, f) = factor.(i-1) in
factor.(i) <- (dm +. 1., f *. t_inv);
Array.map (fun (dm, f) -> (incomplete_gamma dm t ) *. 0.5 *. f) factor
let fact_memo =
let rec aux accu_l accu = function
| 0 -> aux [1.] 1. 1
| i when (i = factmax) ->
let x = (float_of_int factmax) *. accu in
List.rev (x::accu_l)
| i -> let x = (float_of_int i) *. accu in
aux (x::accu_l) x (i+1)
aux [] 0. 0
|> Array.of_list
(** Factorial function.
@raise Invalid_argument for negative or arguments >100. *)
let fact = function
| i when (i < 0) ->
raise (Invalid_argument "Argument of factorial should be non-negative")
| i when (i > 150) ->
raise (Invalid_argument "Result of factorial is infinite")
| i -> fact_memo.(i)
(** Integer powers of floats *)
let rec pow a = function
| 0 -> 1.
| 1 -> a
| 2 -> a *. a
| 3 -> a *. a *. a
| -1 -> 1. /. a
| n when (n<0) -> pow (1./.a) (-n)
| n ->
let b = pow a (n / 2) in
b *. b *. (if n mod 2 = 0 then 1. else a)
2018-01-22 23:19:24 +01:00
(** In chop f g, evaluate g only if f is non zero, and return f *. (g ()) *)
let chop f g =
if (abs_float f) < cutoff then 0.
else f *. (g ())