#!/usr/bin/env python3 # EZFIO is an automatic generator of I/O libraries # Copyright (C) 2009 Anthony SCEMAMA, CNRS # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # # Anthony Scemama # LCPQ - IRSAMC - CNRS # Universite Paul Sabatier # 118, route de Narbonne # 31062 Toulouse Cedex 4 # scemama@irsamc.ups-tlse.fr import re from read_config import groups from groups_templates import * from f_types import t_short, f2c file_py = open("libezfio_groups-gen.py","w") file = open("../version","r") v = file.readline() file.close() v = v.split('=')[1].strip() print >>file_py, """ def get_version(self): return '%s' version = property(fset=None,fget=get_version) """%(v) import sys for group in groups.keys(): print path%{ 'group' : group } print >>file_py, path_py%{ 'group' : group } for var,type,dims,command in groups[group]: command_py = command dims_py = str(dims) for g in groups.keys(): command_py = command_py.replace(g,'self.'+g) dims_py = dims_py.replace(g,'self.'+g) var = var.lower() group = group.lower() strdims = tuple(map(lambda x: '('+str(x)+')',dims)) strdims = str(strdims).replace("'","") if len(dims) == 1: strdims = strdims[:-2]+")" dim_max = strdims[1:-1].replace(',','*') type_set = type cstring = "" cstring2 = "" if type.lower().startswith('character'): type_set = 'character*(*)' cstring = ',long size_'+var+'_string' cstring2 = ',strlen(size_'+var+'_string)' if dims == (): if command == "": d = { 'type_short': t_short(type), 'type': type, 'ctype': f2c[t_short(type)], 'cstring': cstring, 'cstring2': cstring2, 'type_set': type_set, 'var': var, 'group': group, 'dims': strdims} print attributes%d print >>file_py, attributes_py%d else: d = { 'type': type, 'var': var, 'ctype': f2c[t_short(type)]+"*", 'cstring': cstring, 'group': group, 'expr': command, 'expr_py': command_py} buffer = calculated%d buffer = re.sub(r"at\((.*),(.*)\)",r'\1(\2)',buffer) print buffer print >>file_py, calculated_py%d elif type == "buffered": d = { 'group': group, 'var': var, 'dims_py': dims_py, 'dims': dims } print buffered%d print >>file_py, buffered_py%d else: dims_loop = '' copy_loop = '' dims_loop_py = '' declar_loop = ' integer :: ' for k,d in enumerate(dims): declar_loop += "i"+str(k+1)+"," declar_loop = declar_loop[:-1] for k,d in enumerate(dims): dims_loop += " dims("+str(k+1)+") = "+str(d)+"\n" dims_loop_py += " dims["+str(k)+"] = "+str(d)+"\n" for k,d in enumerate(dims): copy_loop += k*" "+" do i"+str(k+1)+"=1,"+str(d)+'\n' copy_loop += (k+1)*" "+" %(var)s (" for k,d in enumerate(dims): copy_loop += "i"+str(k+1)+"," copy_loop = copy_loop[:-1] + ") = %(group)s_%(var)s (" for k,d in enumerate(dims): copy_loop += "i"+str(k+1)+"," copy_loop = copy_loop[:-1]%{'var': var,'group': group} + ")\n" for k,d in enumerate(dims): copy_loop += (len(dims)-k-1)*" "+" enddo\n" for g in groups.keys(): dims_loop_py = dims_loop_py.replace(" "+g,' self.'+g) dims_loop_py = dims_loop_py.replace("*"+g,'*self.'+g) dims_loop_py = dims_loop_py.replace("/"+g,'/self.'+g) dims_loop_py = dims_loop_py.replace("+"+g,'+self.'+g) dims_loop_py = dims_loop_py.replace("-"+g,'-self.'+g) dims_loop_py = dims_loop_py.replace("("+g,'(self.'+g) d = { 'type_short': t_short(type), 'type': type, 'type_set': type_set, 'var': var, 'ctype': f2c[t_short(type)]+"*", 'cstring': cstring, 'group': group, 'rank' : str(len(dims)), 'dims': strdims, 'dim_max': str(dim_max), 'dims_loop': dims_loop, 'dims_loop_py': dims_loop_py, 'copy_loop': copy_loop, 'declar_loop' : declar_loop} print attributes_arr%d print >>file_py, attributes_arr_py%d file_py.close()