! EZFIO is an automatic generator of I/O libraries ! Copyright (C) 2009 Anthony SCEMAMA, CNRS ! ! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ! the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ! (at your option) any later version. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along ! with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ! 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. ! ! Anthony Scemama ! LCPQ - IRSAMC - CNRS ! Universite Paul Sabatier ! 118, route de Narbonne ! 31062 Toulouse Cedex 4 ! scemama@irsamc.ups-tlse.fr BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, PID ] &BEGIN_PROVIDER [ character*(256), PID_str ] implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Current process ID END_DOC integer :: getpid character*(240) :: hostname PID = getpid() write(PID_str,'(I8.8)') PID call HOSTNM(hostname) write(PID_str,'(A,''.'',I8.8,X)') trim(hostname), PID PID_str = trim(PID_str) END_PROVIDER logical function ezfio_exists(path) implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Checks if a file path exists END_DOC character*(*) :: path inquire(file=trim(path)//'/.version',exist=ezfio_exists) if (ezfio_exists) then open(unit=libezfio_iunit,file=trim(path)//'/.version') character*(32) :: V read(libezfio_iunit,*) V close(libezfio_iunit) endif end function subroutine ezfio_mkdir(path) implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Creates a directory END_DOC character*(*) :: path logical :: ezfio_exists if (libezfio_read_only) then call ezfio_error(irp_here,'Read-only file.') endif if (.not.ezfio_exists(path)) then call system('mkdir '//trim(path)) open(unit=libezfio_iunit,file=trim(path)//'/.version') write(libezfio_iunit,'(A)') libezfio_version close(libezfio_iunit) endif end subroutine subroutine libezfio_openz(filename,mode,err) implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Opens a compressed file END_DOC character*(*) :: filename, mode character*(1024) :: fifo integer :: err fifo = trim(filename)//'.'//trim(PID_str) err=1 if (mode(1:1) == 'r') then call system('zcat '//trim(filename)//' > '//trim(fifo)) open(unit=libezfio_iunit,file=trim(fifo),form='FORMATTED',action='READ') err=0 else if (mode(1:1) == 'w') then open(unit=libezfio_iunit,file=trim(fifo),form='FORMATTED',action='WRITE') err=0 else call ezfio_error(irp_here,'Mode '//trim(mode)//' is not implemented.') endif end subroutine libezfio_reopenz_unformatted(filename,mode,err) implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Opens a compressed file END_DOC character*(*) :: filename, mode character*(1024) :: fifo integer :: err fifo = trim(filename)//'.'//trim(PID_str) err=1 if (mode(1:1) == 'r') then call ezfio_error(irp_here,'Mode '//trim(mode)//' is not implemented.') else if (mode(1:1) == 'w') then close(unit=libezfio_iunit) open(unit=libezfio_iunit,file=trim(fifo),form='UNFORMATTED',action='WRITE',access='STREAM',position='APPEND') err=0 else call ezfio_error(irp_here,'Mode '//trim(mode)//' is not implemented.') endif end subroutine libezfio_closez(filename,mode) implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Closes a compressed file END_DOC character*(*) :: filename, mode character*(1024) :: fifo fifo = trim(filename)//'.'//trim(PID_str) if (mode(1:1) == 'w') then close(unit=libezfio_iunit) call system('gzip -c < '//trim(fifo)//' > '//trim(filename)) open(unit=libezfio_iunit,file=trim(fifo),form='FORMATTED',action='WRITE') endif close(unit=libezfio_iunit,status='DELETE') end BEGIN_SHELL [ /usr/bin/env python2 ] from f_types import format, t_short template = """ subroutine ezfio_read_%(type_short)s(dir,fil,dat) implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Reads a %(type_short)s END_DOC character*(*), intent(in) :: dir, fil %(type)s, intent(out) :: dat character*(1024) :: l_filename l_filename=trim(dir)//'/'//fil open(unit=libezfio_iunit,file=l_filename,form='FORMATTED', & action='READ',err=9) read(libezfio_iunit,%(fmt)s,end=9,err=9) dat close(libezfio_iunit) return 9 continue call ezfio_error(irp_here,'Attribute '//trim(dir)//'/'//trim(fil)//' is not set') end subroutine ezfio_write_%(type_short)s(dir,fil,dat) implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Writes a %(type_short)s END_DOC character*(*), intent(in) :: dir, fil %(type)s, intent(in) :: dat character*(1024) :: l_filename(2) if (libezfio_read_only) then call ezfio_error(irp_here,'Read-only file.') endif l_filename(1)=trim(dir)//'/.'//fil//'.'//trim(PID_str) l_filename(2)=trim(dir)//'/'//fil open(unit=libezfio_iunit,file=l_filename(1),form='FORMATTED',action='WRITE') write(libezfio_iunit,%(fmt)s) dat close(libezfio_iunit) call system( 'mv -f '//trim(l_filename(1))//' '//trim(l_filename(2)) ) end subroutine ezfio_read_array_%(type_short)s(dir,fil,rank,dims,dim_max,dat) implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Reads a %(type_short)s array END_DOC character*(*), intent(in) :: dir, fil integer :: rank integer :: dims(rank) integer :: dim_max %(type)s :: dat(dim_max) integer :: err character*(1024) :: l_filename character*(32), allocatable :: buffer(:) l_filename=trim(dir)//'/'//fil//'.gz' err = 0 call libezfio_openz(trim(l_filename),'rb',err) if (err == 0) then integer :: rank_read integer :: dims_read(rank), i read(libezfio_iunit,'(I3)') rank_read if (rank_read /= rank) then call ezfio_error(irp_here,'Rank of data '//trim(l_filename)// & ' different from array.') endif if (err /= 0) then call ezfio_error(irp_here,'Error reading data in '//trim(l_filename)//& '.') endif read(libezfio_iunit,'(30(I20,X))') dims_read(1:rank) do i=1,rank if (dims_read(i) /= dims(i)) then call ezfio_error(irp_here,'Dimensions of data '//trim(l_filename)//& ' different from array.') endif enddo allocate (buffer(dim_max)) read(libezfio_iunit,'(A)') buffer(1:dim_max) !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(i) do i=1,dim_max read(buffer(i),%(fmt)s) dat(i) enddo !$OMP END PARALLEL DO deallocate(buffer) call libezfio_closez(trim(l_filename),'r') return else call ezfio_error(irp_here,'Attribute '//trim(l_filename)//' is not set') endif end subroutine ezfio_write_array_%(type_short)s(dir,fil,rank,dims,dim_max,dat) implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Writes a %(type_short)s array END_DOC character*(*), intent(in) :: dir, fil integer, intent(in) :: rank integer, intent(in) :: dims(rank) integer, intent(in) :: dim_max %(type)s, intent(in) :: dat(dim_max) integer :: err integer :: i character*(1024) :: l_filename(2) character*(25), allocatable :: buffer(:) if (libezfio_read_only) then call ezfio_error(irp_here,'Read-only file.') endif l_filename(1)=trim(dir)//'/.'//fil//trim(PID_str)//'.gz' l_filename(2)=trim(dir)//'/'//fil//'.gz' err = 0 call libezfio_openz(trim(l_filename(1)),'wb',err) if (err == 0) then write(libezfio_iunit,'(I3)') rank write(libezfio_iunit,'(30(I20,X))') dims(1:rank) close(unit=libezfio_iunit) allocate (buffer(dim_max)) !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(i) do i=1,dim_max write(buffer(i)(1:24), %(fmt)s) dat(i) buffer(i)(25:25) = ACHAR(10) enddo !$OMP END PARALLEL DO call libezfio_reopenz_unformatted(trim(l_filename(1)),'wb',err) write(libezfio_iunit) buffer call libezfio_closez(trim(l_filename(1)),'w') deallocate(buffer) endif call system( 'mv -f '//trim(l_filename(1))//' '//trim(l_filename(2)) ) end """ template_no_logical = """ integer function n_count_%(type_short)s(array,isize,val) implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Count number of elements of array of type %(type)s END_DOC %(type)s, intent(in) :: array(*) integer, intent(in) :: isize %(type)s, intent(in) :: val integer :: i n_count_%(type_short)s = 0 do i=1,isize if (array(i) == val) then n_count_%(type_short)s = n_count_%(type_short)s +1 endif enddo end function ! Build Python functions """ for t in format.keys(): print template%{ 'type_short' : t_short(t), 'type' : t, 'fmt':format[t][0] } if t != "logical": print template_no_logical%{ 'type_short' : t_short(t), 'type' : t, 'fmt':format[t][0] } template_py = """ def read_%(type_short)s(self,dir,fil): conv = get_conv("%(type_short)s") l_filename=dir.strip()+'/'+fil try: file = open(l_filename,"r") except IOError: self.error('read_%(type_short)s',\ 'Attribute '+dir.strip()+'/'+fil+' is not set') dat = file.readline().strip() try: dat = conv(dat) except SyntaxError: pass file.close() return dat def write_%(type_short)s(self,dir,fil,dat): if self.read_only: self.error('Read-only file.') conv = get_conv("%(type_short)s") l_filename= [ dir.strip()+'/.'+fil ] l_filename += [ dir.strip()+'/'+fil ] dat = conv(dat) file = open(l_filename[0],'w') print >>file,'%(fmt)s'%%(dat,) file.close() os.rename(l_filename[0],l_filename[1]) def read_array_%(type_short)s(self,dir,fil,rank,dims,dim_max): l_filename=dir.strip()+'/'+fil+'.gz' conv = get_conv("%(type_short)s") try: file = GzipFile(filename=l_filename,mode='rb') lines = file.read().splitlines() rank_read = int(lines[0]) assert (rank_read == rank) dims_read = map(int,lines[1].split()) for i,j in zip(dims_read,dims): assert i == j lines.pop(0) lines.pop(0) dat = map(conv,lines) file.close() return reshape(dat,dims) except IOError: self.error('read_array_%(type_short)s', 'Attribute '+l_filename+' is not set') def write_array_%(type_short)s(self,dir,fil,rank,dims,dim_max,dat): if self.read_only: self.error('Read-only file.') l_filename = [ tempfile.mktemp(dir=dir.strip()), dir.strip()+'/'+fil+'.gz' ] try: file = StringIO.StringIO() file.write("%%3d\\n"%%(rank,)) for d in dims: file.write("%%20d "%%(d,)) file.write("\\n") dat = flatten(dat) for i in xrange(dim_max): file.write("%(fmt)s\\n"%%(dat[i],)) file.flush() buffer = file.getvalue() file.close() file = GzipFile(filename=l_filename[0],mode='wb') file.write(buffer) file.close() os.rename(l_filename[0],l_filename[1]) except: self.error("write_array_%(type_short)s", "Unable to write "+l_filename[1]) """ file_py = open("libezfio_util-gen.py","w") for t in format.keys(): print >>file_py, template_py%{ 'type_short' : t_short(t), 'type' : t, 'fmt':format[t][1] } import os command = "'echo %s > '//libezfio_filename//'/ezfio/last_library'" cwd = os.getcwd() cwd = cwd.split('src')[:-1] cwd = '/'.join(cwd) print >>file_py, """ LIBRARY = "%s" """%cwd file_py.close() END_SHELL BEGIN_PROVIDER [ integer, libezfio_buffer_rank ] BEGIN_DOC ! Rank of the buffer ready for reading END_DOC libezfio_buffer_rank = -1 END_PROVIDER subroutine ezfio_open_write_buffer(dir,fil,rank) implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Opens a buffer for writing END_DOC character*(*),intent(in) :: dir character*(*),intent(in) :: fil integer,intent(in) :: rank character*(1024) :: l_filename if (libezfio_read_only) then call ezfio_error(irp_here,'Read-only file.') endif l_filename=trim(dir)//'/'//fil//'.gz' if (libezfio_buffer_rank /= -1) then call ezfio_error(irp_here,'Another buffered file is already open.') endif libezfio_buffer_rank = rank if (libezfio_buffer_rank <= 0) then call ezfio_error(irp_here,'In file '//trim(l_filename)//': rank <= 0.') endif TOUCH libezfio_buffer_rank integer :: err call libezfio_openz(trim(l_filename),'wb',err) if (err /= 0) then call ezfio_error(irp_here,'Unable to open buffered file '//trim(l_filename)//'.') endif write(libezfio_iunit,'(I2)') rank end subroutine ezfio_open_read_buffer(dir,fil,rank) implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Opens a buffer for reading END_DOC character*(*),intent(in) :: dir character*(*),intent(in) :: fil integer,intent(in) :: rank character*(1024) :: l_filename l_filename=trim(dir)//'/'//fil//'.gz' if (libezfio_buffer_rank /= -1) then call ezfio_error(irp_here,'Another buffered file is already open.') endif integer :: err call libezfio_openz(trim(l_filename),'rb',err) if (err /= 0) then print *, err, l_filename call ezfio_error(irp_here,'Unable to open buffered file '//trim(l_filename)//'.') endif if (err /= 0) then print *, err, l_filename call ezfio_error(irp_here,'Unable to read buffered file '//trim(l_filename)//'.') endif read(libezfio_iunit,'(I2)') libezfio_buffer_rank if (libezfio_buffer_rank /= rank) then call ezfio_error(irp_here,'In file '//trim(l_filename)//': Rank is not correct') endif TOUCH libezfio_buffer_rank end subroutine ezfio_close_read_buffer(dir,fil,rank) implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Closes a buffer END_DOC character*(*),intent(in) :: dir character*(*),intent(in) :: fil integer,intent(in) :: rank character*(1024) :: l_filename l_filename=trim(dir)//'/'//fil//'.gz' ASSERT (libezfio_buffer_rank > 0) call libezfio_closez(l_filename,'r') FREE libezfio_buffer_rank end subroutine ezfio_close_write_buffer(dir,fil,rank) implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Closes a buffer END_DOC character*(*),intent(in) :: dir character*(*),intent(in) :: fil integer,intent(in) :: rank character*(1024) :: l_filename l_filename=trim(dir)//'/'//fil//'.gz' ASSERT (libezfio_buffer_rank > 0) call libezfio_closez(l_filename,'w') FREE libezfio_buffer_rank end subroutine ezfio_read_buffer(indices,values,isize) implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Reads a buffer END_DOC integer, intent(inout) :: isize integer, intent(out) :: indices(*) double precision, intent(out) :: values(isize) integer :: i, j if (libezfio_buffer_rank == -1) then call ezfio_error(irp_here,'No buffered file is open.') endif do i=1,isize read(libezfio_iunit,err=10) (indices((i-1)*libezfio_buffer_rank+j), j=1,libezfio_buffer_rank), values(i) enddo return 10 continue isize=i-1 end subroutine ezfio_write_buffer(indices,values,isize) implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! Writes a buffer END_DOC integer, intent(in) :: isize integer, intent(in) :: indices(*) double precision, intent(in) :: values(isize) character*(80) :: cformat integer :: i, j, k, num, imax, l1, l2 if (libezfio_read_only) then call ezfio_error(irp_here,'Read-only file.') endif if (libezfio_buffer_rank == -1) then call ezfio_error(irp_here,'No buffered file is open.') endif write(cformat,*) '(',num,'(',libezfio_buffer_rank,'(I4,X),E24.15,A1))' write(libezfio_iunit,cformat) ((indices((i-1)*libezfio_buffer_rank+j), j=1,libezfio_buffer_rank),& values(i), i=1,isize) end