mirror of https://github.com/LCPQ/EMSL_Basis_Set_Exchange_Local synced 2024-10-06 16:26:00 +02:00
Thomas Applencourt a7dba23654 pep 8
2015-03-16 15:48:02 +01:00

162 lines
4.4 KiB

import sys
def get_dict_ele():
"""Return dict[atom]=[abreviation]"""
elt_path = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]) + "/src/elts_abrev.dat"
with open(elt_path, "r") as f:
data = f.readlines()
dict_ele = dict()
for i in data:
l = i.split("-")
dict_ele[l[1].strip().lower()] = l[2].strip().lower()
return dict_ele
# ______
# | ___ \
# | |_/ /_ _ _ __ ___ ___ _ __
# | __/ _` | '__/ __|/ _ \ '__|
# | | | (_| | | \__ \ __/ |
# \_| \__,_|_| |___/\___|_|
# __
# /__ _. ._ _ _ _ _ _
# \_| (_| | | | (/_ _> _> |_| _>
def parse_basis_data_gamess_us(data, name, des, elts, debug=False):
"""Parse the basis data raw html of gamess-us to get a nice tuple
Return [name, description, [[ele, data_ele],...]]"""
basis_data = []
b = data.find("$DATA")
e = data.find("$END")
if (b == -1 or data.find("$DATA$END") != -1):
if debug:
print data
raise Exception("WARNING not DATA")
dict_replace = {"PHOSPHOROUS": "PHOSPHORUS",
"D+": "E+",
"D-": "E-"}
for k, v in dict_replace.iteritems():
data = data.replace(k, v)
data = data[b + 5:e - 1].split('\n\n')
dict_ele = get_dict_ele()
for (elt, data_elt) in zip(elts, data):
elt_long_th = dict_ele[elt.lower()]
elt_long_exp = data_elt.split()[0].lower()
if "$" in data_elt:
if debug:
print "Eror",
raise Exception("WARNING bad split")
if elt_long_th == elt_long_exp:
basis_data.append([elt, data_elt.strip()])
if debug:
print "th", elt_long_th
print "exp", elt_long_exp
print "abv", elt
raise Exception("WARNING not a good ELEMENT")
return [name, des, basis_data]
import os
format_dict = {"Gaussian94": None,
"GAMESS-US": parse_basis_data_gamess_us,
"GAMESS-UK": None,
"Turbomole": None,
"TX93": None,
"Molpro": None,
"MolproInt": None,
"Hondo": None,
"SuperMolecule": None,
"Molcas": None,
"HyperChem": None,
"Dalton": None,
"deMon-KS": None,
"deMon2k": None,
"AcesII": None}
# _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
# | | | | | | | ( | ) | ( | )
# | |_| | __ _ _ __ __| | | ___ V V| | V V
# | _ |/ _` | '_ \ / _` | |/ _ \ | |
# | | | | (_| | | | | (_| | | __/ | |____
# \_| |_/\__,_|_| |_|\__,_|_|\___| \_____/
def handle_f_gamess_us(l_atom_basis, list_symetry):
Read l_atom_basis, if "L" orbital before "D" one, split them into S and P
l_data = []
for atom_basis in l_atom_basis:
# Split the data in line
l_line_raw = atom_basis.split("\n")
l_line = [l_line_raw[0]]
# l_line_raw[0] containt the name of the Atom
maybe_good_l = True
for symmetry, begin, end in list_symetry(l_line_raw):
if maybe_good_l and symmetry in "L":
body_s = []
body_p = []
for i_l in l_line_raw[begin + 1:end]:
# one L => S & P
a = i_l.split()
common = "{:>3}".format(a[0])
common += "{:>15.7f}".format(float(a[1]))
tail_s = common + "{:>23.7f}".format(float(a[2]))
# Maybe only One coefficient for L function
# I guess it mean S and L are equal
tail_p = common + "{:>23.7f}".format(float(a[3]))
except IndexError:
tail_p = tail_s
l_line += [l_line_raw[begin].replace("L", "S")]
l_line += body_s
l_line += [l_line_raw[begin].replace("L", "P")]
l_line += body_p
l_line += l_line_raw[begin:end]
if symmetry not in ["S", "P", "L"]:
maybe_good_l = False
return l_data
handle_f_dict = {"GAMESS-US": handle_f_gamess_us}