mirror of https://github.com/LCPQ/EMSL_Basis_Set_Exchange_Local synced 2024-12-22 12:23:39 +01:00

Suport of --average_number_mo

This commit is contained in:
Thomas Applencourt 2015-03-10 19:30:11 +01:00
parent 57c4ac024d
commit 70553f1779
2 changed files with 120 additions and 24 deletions

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@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
EMSL_api.py list_basis [--atom=<atom_name>...]
EMSL_api.py list_atoms --basis=<basis_name>
EMSL_api.py get_basis_data --basis=<basis_name>
@ -62,7 +63,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
if not(arguments['create_db']):
db_path, db_path_changed = checkSQLite3(db_path)
# _ _ _ ______ _
# | | (_) | | | ___ \ (_)
@ -75,10 +76,17 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
e = EMSL_local(db_path=db_path)
elts = arguments["--atom"]
l = e.get_list_basis_available(elts)
for name, des, n in l:
print name, "(", n, ")", "|", des
amn = arguments["--average_mo_number"]
l = e.get_list_basis_available(elts, average_mo_number=amn)
if amn:
for name, des, avg in l:
print "{0} ({2}) | {1}".format(name, des, avg)
for name, des in l:
print "{0} | {1}".format(name, des)
# _ _ _ _____ _ _
# | | (_) | | | ___| | | |

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@ -377,44 +377,120 @@ class EMSL_dump:
class EMSL_local:
def string_to_nb_mo(str_l):
assert len(str_l) == 1
d = {"S": 3,
"P": 5,
"D": 7,
"F": 9,
"L": 8}
if str_l in d:
return d[str_l]
# ord("G") = 72 and ord("Z") = 87
elif 72 <= ord(str_l) <= 87:
# orf("G") = 72 and l = 4 so ofset if 68
return 2 * (ord(str_l) - 68) + 1
raise BaseException
class EMSL_local:
All the method for using the EMSL db localy
def __init__(self, db_path=None):
self.db_path = db_path
def get_list_basis_available(self, elts=[]):
def get_list_basis_available(self, elts=[], average_mo_number=False):
return all the basis name who contant all the elts
conn = sqlite3.connect(self.db_path)
c = conn.cursor()
# If not elts just get the disctinct name
# Else: 1) fetch for geting the run_id available
# 2) If average_mo_number:
# * Get name,descripption,data
# * Then parse it
# Else Get name,description
# 3) Parse it
# ~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~ #
# G e t i n g B a s i s _ i d #
# ~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~#~ #
if not elts:
cmd = """SELECT DISTINCT name, description FROM basis_tab"""
info = c.fetchall()
cmd_ele = ["SELECT DISTINCT basis_id FROM data_tab WHERE elt=?"] * len(elts)
cmd = " INTERSECT ".join(cmd_ele) + ";"
c.execute(cmd, elts)
c.execute("""SELECT DISTINCT name,description, LENGTH(data)- LENGTH(REPLACE(data, X'0A', ''))
FROM output_tab""")
data = c.fetchall()
dump = [i[0] for i in c.fetchall()]
cmd_basis = " ".join(cond_sql_or("basis_id", dump))
cmd_ele = " ".join(cond_sql_or("elt", elts))
if average_mo_number:
cmd = """SELECT DISTINCT name,description,data
FROM output_tab"""
cmd = ["""SELECT name,description, LENGTH(data)- LENGTH(REPLACE(data, X'0A', ''))
FROM output_tab WHERE elt=?"""] * len(elts)
cmd = " INTERSECT ".join(cmd) + ";"
cmd = """SELECT DISTINCT name,description
FROM output_tab"""
c.execute(cmd, elts)
data = c.fetchall()
cmd += " WHERE" + cmd_ele + " AND " + cmd_basis
data = [i[:] for i in data]
info = c.fetchall()
return data
# ~#~#~#~#~#~#~ #
# P a r s i n g #
# ~#~#~#~#~#~#~ #
dict_info = {}
# dict_info[name] = [description, nb_mo, nb_ele]
if average_mo_number:
for name, description, data in info:
nb_mo = 0
nb_ele = 0
for line in data.split("\n")[1:]:
str_l = line.split()[0]
nb_mo += string_to_nb_mo(str_l)
nb_ele += 1
except BaseException:
dict_info[name][1] += nb_mo
dict_info[name][2] += 1
dict_info[name] = [description, nb_mo, nb_ele]
# ~#~#~#~#~#~ #
# R e t u r n #
# ~#~#~#~#~#~ #
if average_mo_number:
return[[k, v[0], v[1] / v[2]] for k, v in dict_info.iteritems()]
return [i[:] for i in info]
def get_list_element_available(self, basis_name):
conn = sqlite3.connect(self.db_path)
c = conn.cursor()
"SELECT DISTINCT elt from output_tab WHERE name=:name_us COLLATE NOCASE", {
"name_us": basis_name})
str_ = "SELECT DISTINCT elt from output_tab WHERE name=:name_us COLLATE NOCASE"
c.execute(str_, {"name_us": basis_name})
data = c.fetchall()
@ -424,10 +500,20 @@ class EMSL_local:
return data
def get_basis(self, basis_name, elts=None, with_l=False):
Return the data from the basis set
import re
def get_list_type(l_line):
Return the begin and the end of all the type of orbital
Usefull for tranforming the L in S, P
output : [ [type, begin, end], ...]
# Example
# [[u'S', 1, 5], [u'L', 5, 9], [u'L', 9, 12], [u'D', 16, 18]]"
l = []
for i, line in enumerate(l_line):
@ -440,6 +526,7 @@ class EMSL_local:
l[-1].append(i + 1)
print l
return l
# __ _
@ -476,6 +563,7 @@ class EMSL_local:
l_line_raw = basis.split("\n")
# l_line_raw[0] containt the name of the Atom
l_line = [l_line_raw[0]]
for symmetry, begin, end in get_list_type(l_line_raw):