2014-11-12 14:30:26 +01:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sqlite3
import re
import sys
class EMSL_dump:
def __init__(self, db_path=None, format="GAMESS-US", contraction="True"):
self.db_path = db_path
self.format = format
self.contraction = contraction
import requests
self.requests = requests
def set_db_path(self, path):
"""Define the database path"""
self.db_path = path
def dwl_basis_list_raw(self):
print "Dwl the basis list info",
"""Download the source code of the iframe who contains the list of the basis set available"""
url = "https://bse.pnl.gov/bse/portal/user/anon/js_peid/11535052407933/panel/Main/template/content"
page = self.requests.get(url).text
print "Done"
return page
def bl_raw_to_array(self, data_raw):
"""Parse the raw html to create a basis set array whith all the info:
url, name,description"""
d = []
for line in data_raw.split('\n'):
if "new basisSet(" in line:
b = line.find("(")
e = line.find(");")
s = line[b + 1:e]
tup = eval(s)
url = tup[0]
name = tup[1]
junkers = re.compile('[[" \]]')
elts = junkers.sub('', tup[3]).split(',')
des = tup[-1]
if "-ecp" in url.lower():
d.append([name, url, des, elts])
d_sort = sorted(d, key=lambda x: x[0])
return d_sort
def create_url(self, url, name, elts):
"""Create the adequate url to get the basis data"""
elts_string = " ".join(elts)
path = "https://bse.pnl.gov:443/bse/portal/user/anon/js_peid/11535052407933/action/portlets.BasisSetAction/template/courier_content/panel/Main/"
path += "/eventSubmit_doDownload/true"
path += "?bsurl=" + url
path += "&bsname=" + name
path += "&elts=" + elts_string
path += "&format=" + self.format
path += "&minimize=" + self.contraction
return path
def basis_data_row_to_array(self, data, name, des, elts):
"""Parse the basis data raw html to get a nice tuple"""
d = []
b = data.find("$DATA")
e = data.find("$END")
if (b == -1 or data.find("$DATA$END") != -1):
print data
raise StandardError("WARNING not DATA")
data = data[b + 5:e].split('\n\n')
for (elt, data_elt) in zip(elts, data):
d.append((name, des, elt, data_elt))
return d
def create_sql(self, list_basis_array):
"""Create the sql from the list of basis available data"""
conn = sqlite3.connect(self.db_path)
c = conn.cursor()
# Create table
c.execute('''CREATE TABLE all_value
(name text, description text, elt text, data text)''')
for i, [name, url, des, elts] in enumerate(list_basis_array):
print i, [name, url, des, elts]
url = self.create_url(url, name, elts)
basis_raw = self.requests.get(url).text
basis_data = self.basis_data_row_to_array(
basis_raw, name, des, elts)
"INSERT INTO all_value VALUES (?,?,?,?)", basis_data)
print "Done"
def new_db(self):
"""Create new_db from scratch"""
_data = self.dwl_basis_list_raw()
array_basis = self.bl_raw_to_array(_data)
del _data
class EMSL_local:
def __init__(self, db_path=None):
self.db_path = db_path
def get_list_basis_available(self):
conn = sqlite3.connect(self.db_path)
c = conn.cursor()
c.execute("SELECT DISTINCT name from all_value")
data = c.fetchall()
data = [i[0] for i in data]
return data
def get_list_element_available(self, basis_name):
conn = sqlite3.connect(self.db_path)
c = conn.cursor()
2014-11-12 15:34:43 +01:00
c.execute("SELECT DISTINCT elt from all_value WHERE name=:name_us COLLATE NOCASE",
2014-11-12 14:30:26 +01:00
{"name_us": basis_name})
data = c.fetchall()
data = [str(i[0]) for i in data]
return data
def get_basis(self, basis_name, elts):
conn = sqlite3.connect(self.db_path)
c = conn.cursor()
d = []
for elt in elts:
2014-11-12 15:34:43 +01:00
c.execute("SELECT DISTINCT data from all_value WHERE name=:name_cur COLLATE NOCASE AND elt=:elt_cur COLLATE NOCASE",
2014-11-12 14:30:26 +01:00
{"name_cur": basis_name,
"elt_cur": elt})
data = c.fetchone()
return d
if __name__ == "__main__":
e = EMSL_local(db_path="EMSL.db")
l = e.get_list_basis_available()
for i in l:
print i
l = e.get_list_element_available("pc-0")
print l
l = e.get_basis("cc-pVTZ", ["H", "He"])
for i in l:
print i