subroutine searchdet(det,add,deth,addh) BEGIN_DOC ! this subroutine is at the heart of the idea ! it will generate all the determinants in a fixed order ! then find the posistion of the determinant given and ! return it's position in add. END_DOC integer(kind=selected_int_kind(16)),INTENT(INOUT)::det integer(kind=selected_int_kind(16)),INTENT(INOUT)::add integer(kind=selected_int_kind(16)),INTENT(INOUT)::deth integer(kind=selected_int_kind(16)),INTENT(INOUT)::addh integer(kind=selected_int_kind(16))::dethsh integer(kind=selected_int_kind(16))::a integer(kind=selected_int_kind(16))::i integer::const i=1 a=0 add=0 const=0 If( const=0 dethsh = ISHFT(deth,-natom/2) addh=0 ! i=nt1 do while (i.le.(nt1)) if(a.eq.dethsh)then addh=i-1 EXIT endif i+=1 a+=1 do while(popcnt(a).ne.ntrou) a+=1 enddo enddo if(a.eq.dethsh .and. addh.eq.0)then addh=nt1 endif endif !C if det=0 then exit a=0 i=0 count=0 if(a.eq.det)then add=1 Return endif do while (i.le.(nt2)) if(a.eq.det)then if(a.eq.1)then add=i count=-1 EXIT else add=i count=-1 EXIT endif endif i+=1 a+=1 !C write(6,16)a,a,i-2 do while(popcnt(a).ne.nbeta) a+=1 enddo enddo if(a.eq.det .and. add=i-1 endif 10 FORMAT(B64,I8,F8.2) 15 FORMAT(B64,I8,I8,I8) 11 FORMAT(B64,I3,B64) 12 FORMAT(I5,$) 13 FORMAT(B64,B64) 14 FORMAT(B64,I8) 16 FORMAT(B64,I8,I8) end