subroutine adrfull() implicit none BEGIN_DOC ! this subroutine provides the address of a detrminant ! given in old format. ! It searches in a list of generated determinants and ! matches the given determinant. END_DOC integer,dimension(natomax)::ideter integer(kind=selected_int_kind(16))::add integer(kind=selected_int_kind(16))::det,deth,addh,detnew integer::count,i,j det=0 detnew=0 deth=0 do j=1,detfound detnew=0 count=0 ideter=foundet(:,j) call conv(ideter,det,deth) Do i=0,natom-1 if(BTEST(deth,i))then count=count+1 endif if(BTEST(det,i))then detnew=IBSET(detnew,i-count) endif enddo det=detnew foundadd(j,1)=det foundadd(j,3)=j foundaddh(j,1)=deth foundaddh(j,3)=j enddo call sort() call searchdetfull() call desort() do i=1,detfound add = foundadd(i,2) addh = foundaddh(i,2) add = add + (nt1-addh)*(nt2) foundetadr(i)=add enddo 10 FORMAT(B64,I8,F8.2) 15 FORMAT(B64,I8,I8,I8) 11 FORMAT(B64,I3,B64) 12 FORMAT(I5,$) 13 FORMAT(B64,B64) 14 FORMAT(B64,I14) 16 FORMAT(B64,I14,I14) end