########################################################### # # # __ __ # # ___( o)> Author : Léo GASPARD <(o )___ # # \ <_. ) Twitter : @leo_gaspard ( ._> / # # `---' Mail : leo.gaspard@outlook.fr `---' # # # # # ########################################################### import scipy.optimize as optimize import numpy as np import os import operator import sys import datetime ###### GLOBAL VARIABLES ####### dr = 0.001 da = 0.01 DA = 1.5 rBath = 'x' rPP = 'x' center = 'x' xAxis = 'x' yAxis = 'x' zAxis = 'x' sym = 'x' output_file = 'x' pattern = [] npattern = [] atoms = 'x' dist = 'x' lattice = 'x' a = 'x' b = 'x' c = 'x' alpha = 'x' beta = 'x' gamma = 'x' visu = 0 seefrag = 0 opti = 0 trsl = 'x' notIn = 'x' evj = 0 norep = 0 symop = [] generator = [] noinfrag = [] ############################## def big_cell(na,nb,nc): coords = [] newCoords = [] newNewCoords = [] for i in generator: x = i[1] y = i[2] z = i[3] for j in symop: coords.append([eval(j[0]),eval(j[1]),eval(j[2]),i[0]]) for i in coords: i[0] *= a i[1] *= b i[2] *= c if i[0] > a: i[0] -= a if i[1] > b: i[1] -= b if i[2] > c: i[2] -= c if i[0] < 0: i[0] += a if i[1] < 0: i[1] += b if i[2] < 0: i[2] += c for i in coords: if i not in newCoords: if i[0] < a and i[1] < b and i[2] < c: newCoords.append(i) for i in newCoords: newNewCoords.append(i) for j in range(1,na): newNewCoords.append([i[0]+a*j,i[1],i[2],i[3]]) for k in range(1,nb): newNewCoords.append([i[0]+a*j,i[1]+b*k,i[2],i[3]]) for l in range(1,nc): newNewCoords.append([i[0]+a*j,i[1]+b*k,i[2]+c*l,i[3]]) for k in range(1,nc): newNewCoords.append([i[0]+a*j,i[1],i[2]+c*k,i[3]]) for j in range(1,nb): newNewCoords.append([i[0],i[1]+b*j,i[2],i[3]]) for k in range(1,nc): newNewCoords.append([i[0],i[1]+b*j,i[2]+c*k,i[3]]) for j in range(1,nc): newNewCoords.append([i[0],i[1],i[2]+c*j,i[3]]) return newNewCoords def printProgressBar (start, now, iteration, total, prefix = '', suffix = '', decimals = 3, length = 100, fill = '\u2588'): """ Call in a loop to create terminal progress bar @params: iteration - Required : current iteration (Int) total - Required : total iterations (Int) prefix - Optional : prefix string (Str) suffix - Optional : suffix string (Str) decimals - Optional : positive number of decimals in percent complete (Int) length - Optional : character length of bar (Int) fill - Optional : bar fill character (Str) """ percent = ("{0:." + str(decimals) + "f}").format(100 * (iteration / float(total))) filledLength = int(length * iteration // total) bar = fill * filledLength + '-' * (length - filledLength) dif = now-start print('\r%30s |%s| %7s%% %s Elapsed time : %s ' % (prefix, bar, percent, suffix,str(dif)),end='\r') # Print New Line on Complete if iteration == total: print() def read_input(inputFile): global rBath global rPP global center global xAxis global yAxis global zAxis global sym global output_file global pattern global npattern global atoms global dist global lattice global a global b global c global alpha global beta global gamma global visu global evj global seefrag global opti global trsl global notIn global norep global symop global generator f = open(inputFile,'r') line = 'x' while line != ['END_OF_INPUT']: line = f.readline() line = line.split() if line == []: continue elif line[0] == 'BATH': rBath = float(line[1]) print("Bath radius : %f\n"%(rBath)) elif line[0] == 'PSEUDO': rPP = float(line[1]) print("First Shell radius : %f\n"%(rPP)) elif line[0] == 'CENTER': center = [] for i in range(1,len(line)): center.append(line[i]) elif line[0] == 'X_AXIS': xAxis = [] for i in range(1,len(line)): xAxis.append(line[i]) elif line[0] == 'Y_AXIS': yAxis = [] for i in range(1,len(line)): yAxis.append(line[i]) elif line[0] == 'Z_AXIS': zAxis = [] for i in range(1,len(line)): zAxis.append(line[i]) elif line[0] == 'SYMMETRY': print("Will treat symmetry") sym = [] for i in range(1,len(line)): sym.append(line[i]) elif line[0] == 'OUTPUT': output_file = line[1] elif line[0] == 'PATTERN': pattern = [] line = f.readline() while line.strip() != 'NRETTAP': pattern.append([]) line = line.split() for i in range(len(line)): if i%2 == 0: pattern[-1].append(int(line[i])) else: pattern[-1].append(line[i]) line = f.readline() elif line[0] == 'NPATTERN': for i in range(1,len(line)): npattern.append(int(line[i])) elif line[0] == 'LATTICE': a = float(f.readline().split()[1]) b = float(f.readline().split()[1]) c = float(f.readline().split()[1]) alpha = float(f.readline().split()[1]) beta = float(f.readline().split()[1]) gamma = float(f.readline().split()[1]) print("Lattice parameter : \na = %f \nb = %f \nc = %f \nalpha = %f \nbeta = %f \ngamma = %f \n"%(a,b,c,alpha,beta,gamma)) elif line[0] == 'ATOMS': atoms = [] for i in range(1,len(line)): if i%4 == 1: atoms.append(line[i]) elif i%4 == 2: atoms.append(float(line[i])) elif i%4 == 3: atoms.append(int(line[i])) elif i%4 == 0: atoms.append(float(line[i])) elif line[0] == 'DIST': dist = [] line = f.readline() while line.strip() != 'TSID': line = line.split() dist.append([line[0],line[1],float(line[2])]) line = f.readline() elif line[0] == 'COLOR': visu = 1 elif line[0] == 'NOCOLOR': visu = 2 elif line[0] == 'TRANSLATE': trsl = [float(line[1]),float(line[2]),float(line[3])] elif line[0] == 'NOTINPP': notIn = [] for i in range(1,len(line)): notIn.append(line[i]) elif line[0] == 'OPTIMIZATION': opti = 1 elif line[0] == 'SEEFRAG': seefrag = 1 elif line[0] == 'EVJEN': evj = 1 elif line[0] == 'NOREP': norep = 1 elif line[0] == 'SYMOP': line = f.readline() while line.strip() != 'POMYS': symop.append(line.split(',')) line = f.readline() elif line[0] == 'GENERATOR': line = f.readline() while line.strip() != 'ROTARENEG': gen = line.split() generator.append([gen[0],float(gen[1]),float(gen[2]),float(gen[3])]) line = f.readline() elif line[0] == 'NOINFRAG': line = f.readline() while line.strip() != 'GARFNION': noin = line.split() noinfrag.append([noin[0],float(noin[1]),float(noin[2]),float(noin[3])]) line = f.readline() def parse(fileName): f = open(fileName,'r') line = 0 dataTable = [] f.readline() f.readline() while True: line = f.readline().strip().split() if line == [] : break line[1] = float(line[1]) line[2] = float(line[2]) line[3] = float(line[3]) dataTable.append(line) return dataTable def distance(u,v): #Return the distance between two given points return np.sqrt((u[0]-v[0])**2+(u[1]-v[1])**2+(u[2]-v[2])**2) def vect_product(u,v): #Return the vectorial product between two vectors return [u[1]*v[2]-u[2]*v[1],u[2]*v[0]-u[0]*v[2],u[0]*v[1]-u[1]*v[0]] def dot_product(u,v): #Return the dot product between two vectors return (u[0]*v[0]+u[1]*v[1]+u[2]*v[2]) def normalize(u): #Normalize a vector norm = np.sqrt(u[0]**2+u[1]**2+u[2]**2) if norm != 0: return [u[0]/norm, u[1]/norm, u[2]/norm] else: return u def rot_matrix(oldAxis,newAxis): #Build a rotation matrix to change director vector newAxis = normalize(newAxis) vp = normalize(vect_product(oldAxis,newAxis)) angle = np.arccos(dot_product(oldAxis,newAxis)) rMat = [[np.cos(angle)+vp[0]*vp[0]*(1-np.cos(angle)),vp[0]*vp[1]*(1-np.cos(angle))-vp[2]*np.sin(angle),vp[0]*vp[2]*(1-np.cos(angle))+vp[1]*np.sin(angle)],[vp[0]*vp[1]*(1-np.cos(angle))+vp[2]*np.sin(angle),vp[1]*vp[1]*(1-np.cos(angle))+np.cos(angle),vp[1]*vp[2]*(1-np.cos(angle))-vp[0]*np.sin(angle)],[vp[0]*vp[2]*(1-np.cos(angle))-vp[1]*np.sin(angle),vp[1]*vp[2]*(1-np.cos(angle))+vp[0]*np.sin(angle),np.cos(angle)+vp[2]*vp[2]*(1-np.cos(angle))]] ##This is the formula for the rotation matrix to change axis return rMat def rotation(coord, rMat): #Apply a rotation to coordinates newCoord = [] for i in range(len(coord)): newX = coord[i][0]*rMat[0][0] + coord[i][1]*rMat[1][0] + coord[i][2]*rMat[2][0] newY = coord[i][0]*rMat[0][1] + coord[i][1]*rMat[1][1] + coord[i][2]*rMat[2][1] newZ = coord[i][0]*rMat[0][2] + coord[i][1]*rMat[1][2] + coord[i][2]*rMat[2][2] newCoord.append([newX,newY,newZ]) return newCoord def cut_bath(rBath, coords): #Select which atoms are in the bath with distance constraint (sphere) bath = [] start = datetime.datetime.now() for i in range(len(coords)): now = datetime.datetime.now() printProgressBar(start,now,i+1,len(coords),prefix='Cutting the bath',length=50) if distance([0,0,0],[coords[i][0],coords[i][1],coords[i][2]]) <= rBath: bath.append([coords[i][0], coords[i][1], coords[i][2], coords[i][3], 'C']) else: printProgressBar(start,now,1,1,prefix='Cutting the bath',length=50) return bath def set_pp(rPP,coords, notIn): #Select which atoms are in the first shell of pseudopotential pp = [] start = datetime.datetime.now() for i in range(len(coords)): now = datetime.datetime.now() printProgressBar(start,now,i+1,len(coords),prefix='Finding the first shell',length=50) for j in range(len(coords)): if coords[i][4] != 'O' or dist_zero(coords[j]) > 2*(max([atoms[k] for k in range(3,len(atoms),4)])*sum(npattern)+rPP): break if coords[i][4] == 'O': if coords[j][4] == 'C' and coords[j][3] not in notIn: if distance([coords[i][0],coords[i][1],coords[i][2]],[coords[j][0],coords[j][1],coords[j][2]]) <= rPP: coords[j][4] == 'Cl' pp.append(j) for i in pp: coords[i][4] = 'Cl' return coords def find_frag(pattern, n, coords): #We mark the atoms in the bath corresponding to #the fragment according to user input inFrag = [] start = datetime.datetime.now() inPattern = [] for k in range(n): closest = [100,100,100] now = datetime.datetime.now() printProgressBar(start,now,k+1,n,prefix='Finding the fragment',length=50) for j in coords: if j[3] == pattern[1]: if distance(j,[0,0,0]) < distance([0,0,0],closest) and [j[0],j[1],j[2],distance(j,j), coords.index(j)] not in inFrag: notin = 0 for noin in noinfrag: if distance(j,[noin[1],noin[2],noin[3]]) < da: notin = 1 if notin == 0: closest = [j[0],j[1],j[2],distance(j,j), coords.index(j)] for i in range(len(pattern)//2): inPattern = [closest] for j in range(int(pattern[2*i])): inPattern.append([100,100,100,distance([100,100,100],closest)]) for j in coords: inPattern = sorted(inPattern,key=operator.itemgetter(3)) if j[3] == pattern[2*i+1]: if distance(j,closest) <= inPattern[-1][3]: inPattern[-1] = [j[0],j[1],j[2], distance(j,closest), coords.index(j)] for j in inPattern: inFrag.append(j) for j in inFrag: coords[j[4]][4] = 'O' return coords def symmetry(coord,atoms,charges, operations): #Find symmetry elements in the coordinates newCoord = [] total = len(coord) start = datetime.datetime.now() progress = 0 coord = sorted(coord,key=dist_zero) while coord != []: toDel = [] newCoord.append(coord[0]) #Add the atom to a new list name = atoms[0] a = newCoord[-1][:] #label a = E b = [-a[0],a[1],a[2]] #label b = yOz mirror plan c = [-a[0],-a[1],a[2]] #label c = C2 rotation around z d = [a[0],-a[1],a[2]] #label d = xOz mirror plan e = [a[0],a[1],-a[2]] #label e = xOy mirror plan f = [-a[0],a[1],-a[2]] #label f = C2 rotation around y g = [a[0],-a[1],-a[2]] #label g = C2 rotation around x h = [-a[0],-a[1],-a[2]] #label h = i newCoord[-1].append(name+"a") newCoord[-1].append(charges[0]) progress += 1 del atoms[0] #Delete from old list del coord[0] del charges[0] now = datetime.datetime.now() printProgressBar(start,now,progress,total,prefix='Treating Symmetry',length=50,decimals=3) for t in coord: index = coord.index(t) if np.absolute(dist_zero(a) - dist_zero(t)) > da: break if name == atoms[index]: #Check if it is the same atom if distance(t,a) == 0: print("ERROR : Twice the same atom") if 'xOz' in operations: if distance(t,d) <= da: newCoord.append(d) progress += 1 newCoord[-1].append(name+'d') newCoord[-1].append(charges[index]) toDel.append(index) elif da < distance(t,d) and distance(t,d) < DA: print("Error : This atom should not be there",distance(t,d),t,d,a,charges[index]) print("Are you sure about the xOz symmetry operation ?") break if 'yOz' in operations: if distance(t,b) <= da: newCoord.append(b) progress += 1 newCoord[-1].append(name+'b') newCoord[-1].append(charges[index]) toDel.append(index) elif da < distance(t,b) and distance(t,b) < DA: print("Error : This atom should not be there",distance(t,d),t,d,a,charges[index]) print("Are you sure about the yOz symmetry operation ?") break if 'C2z' in operations: if distance(t,c) <= da: newCoord.append(c) progress += 1 newCoord[-1].append(name+'c') newCoord[-1].append(charges[index]) toDel.append(index) elif da < distance(t,c) and distance(t,c) < DA: print("Error : This atom should not be there",distance(t,d),t,d,a,charges[index]) print("Are you sure about the C2z symmetry operation ?") break if 'xOy' in operations: if distance(t,e) <= da: newCoord.append(e) progress += 1 newCoord[-1].append(name+'e') newCoord[-1].append(charges[index]) toDel.append(index) elif da < distance(t,e) and distance(t,e) < DA: print("Error : This atom should not be there",distance(t,d),t,d,a,charges[index]) print("Are you sure about the xOy symmetry operation ?") break if 'C2y' in operations: if distance(t,f) <= da: newCoord.append(f) progress += 1 newCoord[-1].append(name+'f') newCoord[-1].append(charges[index]) toDel.append(index) elif da < distance(t,f) and distance(t,f) < DA: print("Error : This atom should not be there",distance(t,d),t,d,a,charges[index]) print("Are you sure about the C2y symmetry operation ?") break if 'C2x' in operations: if distance(t,g) <= da: newCoord.append(g) progress += 1 newCoord[-1].append(name+'g') newCoord[-1].append(charges[index]) toDel.append(index) elif da < distance(t,g) and distance(t,g) < DA: print("Error : This atom should not be there",distance(t,d),t,d,a,charges[index]) print("Are you sure about the C2x symmetry operation ?") break if 'i' in operations: if distance(t,h) <= da: newCoord.append(h) progress += 1 newCoord[-1].append(name+'h') newCoord[-1].append(charges[index]) toDel.append(index) elif da < distance(t,h) and distance(t,h) < DA: print("Error : This atom should not be there",distance(t,d),t,d,a,charges[index]) print("Are you sure about the i symmetry operation ?") break now = datetime.datetime.now() printProgressBar(start,now,progress,total,prefix='Treating Symmetry',length=50,decimals=3) for m in range(len(toDel)): #We delete the atoms seen in the simmetry del coord[toDel[m]-m] del atoms[toDel[m]-m] del charges[toDel[m]-m] return newCoord def write_input(fragCoord,ppCoord,bathCoord,fileName, sym): g = open(fileName,'w') if sym != 'x': g.write('FRAGMENT\n') g.write('LABEL X Y Z CHARGE\n') for i in range(len(fragCoord)): if fragCoord[i][3][-1] == 'a': g.write('%8s % 7.3f % 7.3f % 7.3f % 8.5f\n' %(fragCoord[i][3][:-1]+str(i+1),fragCoord[i][0],fragCoord[i][1],fragCoord[i][2],fragCoord[i][4])) g.write("\n\n") g.write('PSEUDO \n') g.write('LABEL X Y Z CHARGE\n') for i in range(len(ppCoord)): if ppCoord[i][3][-1] == 'a': g.write('%8s % 7.3f % 7.3f % 7.3f % 8.5f\n' %(ppCoord[i][3][:-1]+str(i+1),ppCoord[i][0],ppCoord[i][1],ppCoord[i][2],ppCoord[i][4])) g.write("\n\n") g.write('CHARGES\n') g.write('LABEL X Y Z CHARGE\n') for i in range(len(bathCoord)): if bathCoord[i][3][-1] == 'a': g.write('%8s % 7.3f % 7.3f % 7.3f % 8.5f\n'%(bathCoord[i][3][:-1]+str(i+1),bathCoord[i][0],bathCoord[i][1],bathCoord[i][2],bathCoord[i][4])) if sym == 'x': g.write('FRAGMENT\n') g.write('LABEL X Y Z CHARGE\n') for i in range(len(fragCoord)): g.write('%8s % 7.3f % 7.3f % 7.3f % 8.5f\n' %(fragCoord[i][3]+str(i+1),fragCoord[i][0],fragCoord[i][1],fragCoord[i][2], fragCoord[i][4])) g.write('\n\n') g.write('PSEUDO\n') g.write('LABEL X Y Z CHARGE\n') for i in range(len(ppCoord)): g.write('%8s % 7.3f % 7.3f % 7.3f % 8.5f\n' %(ppCoord[i][3]+str(i+1),ppCoord[i][0],ppCoord[i][1],ppCoord[i][2],ppCoord[i][4])) g.write('\n\n') g.write('CHARGES\n') g.write('LABEL X Y Z CHARGE\n') for i in range(len(bathCoord)): g.write('%8s % 7.3f % 7.3f % 7.3f % 8.5f\n' %(bathCoord[i][3]+str(i+1),bathCoord[i][0],bathCoord[i][1],bathCoord[i][2], bathCoord[i][4])) g.close() def translation(vec, coords): for i in range(len(coords)): coords[i][0] -= vec[0] coords[i][1] -= vec[1] coords[i][2] -= vec[2] return coords def get_charge(charge,numbers,const): #Return the square of the charge of the atoms result = 0 for i in const: result += i[0]*i[1] for i in range(len(numbers)): result += numbers[i]*charge[i] return result**2 def optimization(coords): numbers = [] const = [] charge = [] nneighbour = [] for atom in coords: ini = 0 if atom[5] == 'full': for i in const: if i[0] == atoms[atoms.index(atom[3])+1]: i[1] += 1 ini = 1 if ini == 0: const.append([atoms[atoms.index(atom[3])+1],1]) else: ini = 0 for i in range(len(charge)): if nneighbour[i] == atom[5] and charge[i] == atoms[atoms.index(atom[3])+1]: numbers[i] += 1 ini = 1 if ini == 0: nneighbour.append(atom[5]) numbers.append(1) charge.append(atoms[atoms.index(atom[3])+1]) results = optimize.minimize(get_charge,charge,args=(numbers,const)) #Scipy built in method thad uses gradient descent to find the local minima of a given function, here it works with the square of the total charge (so that the minima will be at 0) print(' CHARGE OPTIMIZED CHANGE (%)') newCharges = results.x for i in range(len(charge)): print('% 7.5f % 7.5f % 3.2f\n'%(charge[i],newCharges[i],100-newCharges[i]/charge[i]*100)) for atom in coords: if atom[5] == 'full': atom[5] = atoms[atoms.index(atom[3])+1] else: for i in range(len(charge)): if atom[5] == nneighbour[i] and charge[i] == atoms[atoms.index(atom[3])+1]: atom[5] = newCharges[i] return coords def count_neighbours(coords): start = datetime.datetime.now() coords = sorted(coords,key=get_xyz) count = 0 for i in coords: i.append(0) for i in range(len(coords)-1): for j in range(i+1,len(coords)): if np.absolute(coords[j][0] - coords[i][0]) > max([atoms[i] for i in range(3,len(atoms),4)]): count += len(coords)-j printProgressBar(start,now,count,(len(coords)*(len(coords)-1))/2,prefix='Counting neighbours',length=50) break elif np.absolute(coords[j][1] - coords[j][1]) > max([atoms[i] for i in range(3,len(atoms),4)]): count += len(coords)-j printProgressBar(start,now,count,(len(coords)*(len(coords)-1))/2,prefix='Counting neighbours',length=50) break elif np.absolute(coords[j][2] - coords[j][2]) > max([atoms[i] for i in range(3,len(atoms),4)]): count += len(coords)-j printProgressBar(start,now,count,(len(coords)*(len(coords)-1))/2,prefix='Counting neighbours',length=50) break elif coords[i][5] == atoms[atoms.index(coords[i][3])+2]: count += len(coords)-j printProgressBar(start,now,count,(len(coords)*(len(coords)-1))/2,prefix='Counting neighbours',length=50) break count += 1 now = datetime.datetime.now() printProgressBar(start,now,count,(len(coords)*(len(coords)-1))/2,prefix='Counting neighbours',length=50) if distance(coords[i],coords[j]) < atoms[atoms.index(coords[i][3])+3] and coords[i][3] != coords[j][3]: coords[i][5] += 1 coords[j][5] += 1 for i in coords: if i[5] == atoms[atoms.index(i[3])+2]: i[5] == 'full' return coords def get_xyz(a): return (a[0],a[1],a[2]) def evjen(coords): for i in range(len(coords)): if coords[i][5] == 'full': coords[i][5] = atoms[atoms.index(coords[i][3])+1] else: coords[i][5] = atoms[atoms.index(coords[i][3])+1] * coords[i][5]/atoms[atoms.index(coords[i][3])+2] return coords def dist_zero(atom): return np.sqrt(atom[0]**2+atom[1]**2+atom[2]**2) def main(): print("Input file is : %s"%(sys.argv[1])) read_input(sys.argv[1]) nA = int(np.floor(2*rBath/a)+2) #We chose the number of time we need to replicate nB = int(np.floor(2*rBath/(b*np.sin(np.radians(gamma))))+2) #to be able to cut the bath nC = int(np.floor(2*rBath/(c*np.sin(np.radians(beta))))+2) coords = big_cell(nA,nB,nC) coords = translation([nA*a/2,nB*b/2,nC*c/2],coords) #Putting the origin at the center of the cell labels = [i[3] for i in coords] if trsl != 'x': translation(trsl,coords) centers = [] #input, and translating the coordinates for i in range(len(center)): centers.append([100,100,100]) for i in centers: i.append(distance([0,0,0],i)) for i in coords: centers = sorted(centers,key=operator.itemgetter(3)) if i[3] in center: if distance(i,[0,0,0]) <= centers[-1][3]: centers[-1] = [i[0],i[1],i[2],distance(i,[0,0,0])] newOgn = np.mean(np.array(centers),axis=0) newOgn = [newOgn[0], newOgn[1], newOgn[2]] coords = translation(newOgn,coords) axis = ['x','y','z'] for k in axis: if k == 'x': #Loop to find the 3 axis nAxis = xAxis if k == 'y': nAxis = yAxis if k == 'z': nAxis = zAxis nAxiss = [] #according to user input, and #rotating the coordinates if nAxis[0] == 'x': continue for i in range(len(nAxis)): nAxiss.append([100,100,100]) for i in nAxiss: i.append(distance([0,0,0],i)) for i in coords: nAxiss = sorted(nAxiss,key=operator.itemgetter(3)) if i[3] in nAxis and dist_zero(i) > da: if distance(i,[0,0,0]) <= nAxiss[-1][3]: nAxiss[-1] = [i[0],i[1],i[2],distance(i,[0,0,0])] newN = np.mean(np.array(nAxiss),axis=0) newN = [newN[0],newN[1],newN[2]] if k == 'x': oldN = [1,0,0] elif k == 'y': oldN = [0,1,0] elif k == 'z': oldN = [0,0,1] rMat = rot_matrix(oldN,newN) coords = rotation(coords,rMat) coords = [[coords[i][0],coords[i][1],coords[i][2],labels[i]] for i in range(len(coords))] #We now have one big cell oriented and centered as we want coords = sorted(coords,key=dist_zero) coords = cut_bath(rBath,coords) for i in range(len(pattern)): coords = find_frag(pattern[i], npattern[i],coords) coords = sorted(coords,key=operator.itemgetter(4)) coords = set_pp(rPP,coords,notIn) coords = sorted(coords,key=dist_zero,reverse=True) if evj == 1: coords = count_neighbours(coords) coords = evjen(coords) elif opti == 1: coords = count_neighbours(coords) coords = optimization(coords) else: for i in coords: i.append(atoms[atoms.index(i[3])+1]) # coords = sorted(coords,key=operator.itemgetter(5)) # frag = sorted([i for i in coords if i[4] == 'O'],key=operator.itemgetter(3)) # pp = sorted([i for i in coords if i[4] == 'Cl'],key=operator.itemgetter(3)) # bath = sorted([i for i in coords if i[4] == 'C'],key=operator.itemgetter(3)) frag = sorted([i for i in coords if i[4] == 'O'],key=dist_zero) pp = sorted([i for i in coords if i[4] == 'Cl'],key=dist_zero) bath = sorted([i for i in coords if i[4] == 'C'],key=dist_zero) if seefrag == 1: g = open('tmp.xyz','w') g.write('%i \n \n'%len(frag)) for j in frag: g.write('%s % 6.5f % 6.5f % 6.5f \n'%(j[3],j[0],j[1],j[2])) g.close() os.system('avogadro tmp.xyz') os.system('rm tmp.xyz') ch = 0 for i in range(len(coords)): ch += coords[i][5] print("Total charge : % 8.5f"%ch) if sym != 'x': if norep == 0: rep = 0 prog = 0 start = datetime.datetime.now() for i in range(len(coords)-1): for j in range(i+1,len(coords)): prog += 1 now = datetime.datetime.now() printProgressBar(start,now,prog,((len(coords)-1)*len(coords))/2,prefix='Calculating nuclear repulsion',length=50) rep += (coords[i][5]*coords[j][5])/distance(coords[i],coords[j]) print("Nuclear repulsion before symmetry : %f"%rep) frag = symmetry([[i[0],i[1],i[2]] for i in frag],[i[3] for i in frag], [i[5] for i in frag], sym) pp = symmetry([[i[0],i[1],i[2]] for i in pp],[i[3] for i in pp], [i[5] for i in pp], sym) bath = symmetry([[i[0],i[1],i[2]] for i in bath],[i[3] for i in bath], [i[5] for i in bath], sym) coords = frag+pp+bath if norep == 0: start = datetime.datetime.now() rep = 0 prog = 0 for i in range(len(coords)-1): for j in range(i+1,len(coords)): prog += 1 now = datetime.datetime.now() printProgressBar(start,now,prog,((len(coords)-1)*len(coords))/2,prefix='Calculating nuclear repulsion',length=50) rep += (coords[i][4]*coords[j][4])/distance(coords[i],coords[j]) print("Nuclear repulsion after symmetry : %f"%rep) else: frag = [[i[0],i[1],i[2],i[3],i[5]] for i in frag] pp = [[i[0],i[1],i[2],i[3],i[5]] for i in pp] bath = [[i[0],i[1],i[2],i[3],i[5]] for i in bath] frag = sorted(frag,key=operator.itemgetter(3)) pp = sorted(pp,key=operator.itemgetter(3)) bath = sorted(bath,key=operator.itemgetter(3)) write_input(frag,pp,bath,output_file,sym) if visu != 0: g = open('tmp.xyz','w') if visu == 1: g.write('%i \n\n'%(len(frag)+len(pp)+len(bath))) for i in frag: g.write('O % 7.3f % 7.3f % 7.3f \n'%(i[0],i[1],i[2])) for i in pp: g.write('Cl % 7.3f % 7.3f % 7.3f \n'%(i[0],i[1],i[2])) for i in bath: g.write('C % 7.3f % 7.3f % 7.3f \n'%(i[0],i[1],i[2])) elif visu == 2: coords = frag+pp+bath if sym != 'x': for i in coords: l = ['a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h'] if i[3][-1] in l: i[3] = i[3][:-1] g.write('%i \n \n'%len(coords)) for i in coords: g.write('%s % 7.3f % 7.3f % 7.3f \n'%(i[3],i[0],i[1],i[2])) g.close() os.system('avogadro tmp.xyz') os.system('rm tmp.xyz') main()