# Writing an INPUT file There is no obligation to put any order in the keywords ## MANDATORY KEYWORDS * BATH bath_radius * PSEUDO first_shell_radius * OUTPUT output_file_name * PATTERN nAtom1 labelAtom1 nAtom2 labelAtom2 ... ... NRETTAP * NPATTERN nPattern1 nPattern2 ... * LATTICE a cell_parameter_a b cell_parameter_b c cell_parameter_c alpha cell_angle_alpha beta cell_angle_beta gamma cell_angle_gamma * ATOMS label charge neighbours radius_of_the_coordination_sphere ... * SYMOP x,y,z ... POMYS * GENERATOR atom1 x_frac y_frac z_frac ... ROTARENEG * END_OF_INPUT ## OPTIONNAL KEYWORDS * NOINFRAG label x y z ... GARFNION * TRANSLATE x y z Crystal MET has some trouble finding specific pattern, sometimes forcing a translation can help finding it * CENTER atom1 atom2 ... Will chose the atom (or the center of the atoms) as the center of the sphere * X_AXIS atom1 atom2 ... Will chose the atom (or the center of the atoms) as the x axis * Y_AXIS atom1 atom2 ... Will chose the atom (or the center of the atoms) as the y axis * Z_AXIS atom1 atom2 ... Will chose the atom (or the center of the atoms) as the z axis * NOTINPP atoms not in the first shell * COLOR Shows the bath sorted with colors * NOCOLOR Shows the bath sorted by atoms * SEEFRAG Shows the fragment once found (recommended) * OPTIMIZATION Will use an optimization method to set the total charge to 0 by slightly changing the charges of the outer shell atoms * EVJEN Simili Evjen method to calculate the charge of the atom on the outer shell, note that OPTIMIZATION and EVJEN keywords can not be used together