import numpy as np import operator from src.utils import distance def out_input_param(rB , rPP, center, X, Y, Z, symmetry, outputFile, pattern, npattern , atoms, dist, a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma, showBath, evjen, showFrag, notInPseudo, notInFrag, symGenerator, generator, translation): print("Output file is : %s\n"%outputFile) print("Bath radius : % 16.10f\n"%rB) print("Pseudo-potential width : % 16.10f\n"%rPP) print("Lattice parameters :") print(" a = % 8.5f"%a) print(" b = % 8.5f"%b) print(" c = % 8.5f"%c) print(" alpha = % 6.5f"%alpha) print(" beta = % 6.5f"%beta) print(" gamma = % 6.5f\n"%gamma) print("Group symmetry operations :") for i in symGenerator: print(" %10s %10s %10s"%(i[0],i[1],i[2])) print("\nAtomic positions :") for i in generator: print(" %2s % 8.5f % 8.5f % 8.5f"%(i[0],i[1],i[2],i[3])) print("\nThere %3s %2i %8s :"%('is'*(len(pattern)==1)+'are'*(len(pattern)>1),len(pattern),'pattern'+'s'*(len(pattern)>1))) for i in range(len(pattern)): print("The following pattern will appear %2i %5s"%(npattern[i],'time'+'s'*(npattern[i]>1))) for j in range(0,len(pattern[i]),2): print(" %2i %2s\n"%(pattern[i][j],pattern[i][j+1]),end='') print("\nThere %3s %2i %5s"%('is'*(len(atoms)==1)+'are'*(len(atoms)>1), len(atoms), 'atom'+'s'*(len(atoms)>1))) print("Label Charge Number of neighbours Maximum bond length") for i in atoms: print(" %2s % 5.2f %2i % 6.4f\n"%(i[0],i[1],i[2],i[3])) if(len(center)>0): print("Centering between the following atom(s) :") for i in center: print(" %2s \n"%i,end='') print() if(len(X) > 0): print("Aligning the X axis with the following atom(s) :") for i in X: print(" %2s "%i,end='') print() if(len(Y) > 0): print("Aligning the Y axis with the following atom(s) :") for i in Y: print(" %2s "%i,end='') print() if(len(Z) > 0): print("Aligning the Z axis with the following atom(s) :") for i in Z: print(" %2s "%i,end='') print() if translation != [0.0,0.0,0.0]: print("The following translation will be applied : % 5.3f % 5.3f % 5.3f"%(translation[0],translation[1],translation[2])) if(len(symmetry) > 0): print("Treating the following symmetry operations :") for i in symmetry: print(" %3s "%i,end='') print() if(evjen): print("The program will reequilibrate the charges at the limits of the spheres using Evjen method\n") if(showFrag): print("The program will print the fragment coordinates in the file\n") if(showFrag): print("The program will print the bath coordinates in the files and\n") if len(notInPseudo) > 0: print("The following %5s will not be considered in the pseudopotential shell :"%('atom'+'s'*(len(notInPseudo)>1))) for i in notInPseudo: print(" %2s "%i) print() if len(notInFrag) > 0: print("The following %5s will be excluded from the fragment :"%('atom'+'s'*(len(notInFrag)>1))) for i in notInFrag: print(" % 8.6f % 8.6f % 8.6f"%(i[0],i[1],i[2])) print() # Write the coordinates to a file using the string # at the position 'label' as atom name # if which is specified, it must be an array of labels # color = 'no' means that the label will be printed # color = 'yes' means that the color in the bath will be printed def write_coordinates(coordinates, fileName, label, which='all',color='no'): f = open(fileName,'w') l = [i[label] for i in coordinates] if color=='no': lab = 3 else: lab = 4 unique, count = np.unique(l,return_counts=True) labelDic = dict(zip(unique,count)) if which=='all': f.write("%i \n\n"%len(coordinates)) for i in coordinates: f.write("%2s % 10.6f % 10.6f % 10.6f\n"%(i[lab],i[0],i[1],i[2])) else: count = 0 for la in which: count += labelDic[la] f.write("%i \n\n"%count) for i in coordinates: if i[label] in which: f.write("%2s % 10.6f % 10.6f % 10.6f\n"%(i[lab],i[0],i[1],i[2])) f.close() # Writes the output file def write_output(outputFile, coordinates, charges, indexList): f = open(outputFile,'w') d = {'O':'FRAGMENT','Cl':'PSEUDOPOTENTIAL','C':'BATH'} count = 0 for t in d: f.write("%s\n"%d[t]) f.write(" Label x y z Charge\n") for i in indexList: if coordinates[i][4] == t: count += 1 l = coordinates[i][3]+str(count) f.write("%6s % 16.10f % 16.10f % 16.10f % 8.5f\n"%(l,coordinates[i][0],coordinates[i][1],coordinates[i][2],charges[i])) f.write("\n") # Writes the interatomic distances inferior to 4 A def out_interatomic_distances(coordinates): distanceList = [] for i in range(len(coordinates)-1): for j in range(i+1,len(coordinates)): a = coordinates[i] b = coordinates[j] d = distance(a,b) accept = True if d > 4: accept = False else: for k in distanceList: if ((a[3] == k[0] and b[3] == k[1]) or (a[3] == k[1] and b[3] == k[0])) and np.abs(d-k[2]) < 1e-5: accept = False if accept: distanceList.append([a[3],b[3],d]) distanceList = sorted(distanceList,key=operator.itemgetter(2)) print("All the interatomic distances < 5 A :") print("Atom1 Atom2 Distance") for i in distanceList: print(" %2s %2s %6.4f"%(i[0],i[1],i[2]))