import sys import numpy as np from src.read_input import * from src.out import * from src.utils import * if __name__=='__main__': verbose = 2 if len(sys.argv) == 1: print("Please provide the input file") sys.exit() elif len(sys.argv) == 3 : if sys.argv[2] == 's': verbose = 0 elif sys.argv[2] == 'v': verbose = 1 elif sys.argv[2] == 'vv': verbose = 2 elif sys.argv[2] == 'vvv': verbose = 3 else: print("Unknown argument -%s-"%sys.argv[2]) sys.exit() elif len(sys.argv) > 3: print("Too much arguments, please provide an input file and a verbose level (v, vv, vvv)") sys.exit() inputFile = sys.argv[1] # Reads all the parameters from the input file rB , rPP, center, xOy, xOz, yOz, X, Y, Z, symmetry, outputFile, pattern, npattern , atoms, dist, a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma, showBath, evjen, showFrag, notInPseudo, notInFrag, symGenerator, generator, translation = read_input(inputFile) if verbose > 0: out_input_param(rB , rPP, center, X, Y, Z, symmetry, outputFile, pattern, npattern , atoms, dist, a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma, showBath, evjen, showFrag, notInPseudo, notInFrag, symGenerator, generator, translation) # Converting the angles to radian alpha = alpha * np.pi / 180.0 beta = beta * np.pi / 180.0 gamma = gamma * np.pi / 180.0 # Computing the number of replications needed in each directions using the interreticular distance # for the planes 100, 010 and 001. # # The condition is : d_{hkl} >= 2*bath_radius + |translation_vector| fac = np.sqrt(1-np.cos(alpha)**2-np.cos(beta)**2-np.cos(gamma)**2+2*np.cos(alpha)*np.cos(beta)*np.cos(gamma)) nA = int(np.ceil(np.sin(alpha)*(2*rB+np.linalg.norm(translation))/(a*fac)))+1 nB = int(np.ceil(np.sin(beta)*(2*rB+np.linalg.norm(translation))/(b*fac)))+1 nC = int(np.ceil(np.sin(gamma)*(2*rB+np.linalg.norm(translation))/(c*fac)))+1 if verbose > 1: print("The big cell will be of dimensions %2ix%2ix%2i\n"%(nA,nB,nC)) coordinates = big_cell(generator,symGenerator,a,b,c,alpha,beta,gamma,nA,nB,nC) # Computing the translation vector by addition of the user translation vector and a translation # vector that puts the origin at the center of the big cell t = [-0.5,-0.5,-0.5] M = get_cell_matrix(nA*a,nB*b,nC*c,alpha,beta,gamma) t = np.matmul(M,t) t = [t[0]+translation[0],t[1]+translation[1],t[2]+translation[2]] # Translating the coordinates coordinates = translate(t, coordinates) # Finding the center and translating the coordinates # If this vector creates a displacment bigger than a, b or c # in any of the abc directions, this might result in an incomplete # sphere later, the user should provide a translation vector # to correct this if center != []: c = find_center(center,coordinates) coordinates = translate(-c,coordinates) # Orienting the big cell if xOy != []: a = find_center(xOy[0], coordinates) b = a w = [a] while np.absolute(np.absolute(,b/np.linalg.norm(b)))-1) < 1e-6: b = find_center(xOy[1], coordinates, without=w) w.append(b) c = np.cross(a,b) M = rotation_matrix(c, [0,0,1]) coordinates = rotate(M, coordinates) if xOz != []: a = find_center(xOz[0], coordinates) b = a w = [a] while np.absolute(np.absolute(,b/np.linalg.norm(b)))-1) < 1e-6: b = find_center(xOz[1], coordinates, without=w) w.append(b) c = np.cross(a,b) M = rotation_matrix(c, [0,1,0]) coordinates = rotate(M, coordinates) if yOz != []: a = find_center(yOz[0], coordinates) b = a w = [a] while np.absolute(np.absolute(,b/np.linalg.norm(b)))-1) < 1e-6: b = find_center(yOz[1], coordinates, without=w) w.append(b) c = np.cross(a,b) M = rotation_matrix(c, [1,0,0]) coordinates = rotate(M, coordinates) if X != []: k = [1,0,0] xVec = find_center(X,coordinates) M = rotation_matrix(xVec, k) coordinates = rotate(M, coordinates) if Y != []: k = [0,1,0] yVec = find_center(Y,coordinates) M = rotation_matrix(yVec, k) coordinates = rotate(M, coordinates) if Z != []: k = [0,0,1] zVec = find_center(Z,coordinates) M = rotation_matrix(zVec, k) coordinates = rotate(M, coordinates) if verbose > 2: print("The big cell contains %5i atoms and will be printed in the file\n"%len(coordinates)) write_coordinates(coordinates,'',3) # Cutting the sphere in the big cell coordinates = cut_sphere(coordinates,rB) if verbose > 2: print("The sphere contains %5i atoms and will be printed in the file\n"%len(coordinates)) write_coordinates(coordinates,'',3) # Finding the fragment coordinates = sorted(coordinates, key=lambda x:distance(x,[0,0,0])) nAt, coordinates = find_fragment(coordinates,pattern,npattern,notInFrag) if verbose > 2 or showFrag: print("The fragment contains %3i atoms and will be printed in the file\n"%nAt) write_coordinates(coordinates,'',4,'O') coordinates = find_pseudo(coordinates,rPP,notInPseudo) if verbose > 2 or showBath: print("The bath will be printed in the file\n") write_coordinates(coordinates,'',3) print("The bath sorted with the fragment/pseudo/charge will be printed in the file\n") write_coordinates(coordinates,'',3,color='yes') if evjen: charges = evjen_charges(coordinates,atoms) else: charges = [] atoms = np.array(atoms).flatten() for i in range(len(coordinates)): li = coordinates[i][3] ii = np.where(atoms==li)[0] charges.append(float(atoms[ii+1])) if verbose > 1: print("The total charge fragment+pseudopotential+bath is : % 8.6f\n"%np.sum(charges)) if symmetry != []: nuc1 = nuclear_repulsion(coordinates,charges) if verbose > 1: print("Nuclear repulsion before the symmetry : % 8.6f\n"%nuc1) coordinates,charges,indexList = compute_symmetry(coordinates,charges,symmetry) nuc2 = nuclear_repulsion(coordinates,charges) if verbose > 1: print("Nuclear repulsion after the symmetry : % 8.6f\n"%nuc2) print("The total charge fragment+pseudopotential+bath after symmetry is : % 8.6f\n"%np.sum(charges)) if verbose > 2: print("The symmetrized coordinates contain %5i atoms \n"%len(indexList)) else: indexList = [i for i in range(len(coordinates))] write_output(outputFile,coordinates,charges,indexList) if verbose > 2: print("The output has been written to %s \n"%outputFile) out_interatomic_distances(coordinates) with open("output.tcl",'w') as f: tp = [atoms[i] for i in range(0, len(atoms), 4)] f.write("mol new\nmol delrep 0 0\nmol representation CPK\n") for i in tp: if i in ["Sc", "Ti", "V" , "Cr", "Mn", "Fe", "Co", "Ni", "Cu", "Zn", "Y" , "Zr", "Nb", "Mo", "Tc", "Ru", "Rh", "Pd", "Ag", "Cd", "La", "Hf", "Ta", "W" , "Re", "Os", "Ir", "Pt", "Au", "Hg"]: f.write('mol selection "type {:s}"\nmol color ColorID 3\nmol addrep 0\n'.format(i)) elif i in ["F", "Cl", "Br", "I"]: f.write('mol selection "type {:s}"\nmol color ColorID 7\nmol addrep 0\n'.format(i)) else: f.write('mol selection "type {:s}"\nmol color Name\nmol addrep 0\n'.format(i)) f.write("mol new\nmol delrep 0 1\nmol representation Points\n") f.write('mol selection "type Cl"\nmol color colorID 17\nmol addrep 1\n') f.write('mol selection "type C"\nmol color colorID 0\nmol addrep 1\n')