mirror of https://github.com/NehZio/Crystal-MEC synced 2025-01-03 01:56:11 +01:00

All the code at once

This commit is contained in:
Léo Gaspard 2021-02-26 15:48:23 +01:00
parent 76d3adcb0a
commit c5a5281810
4 changed files with 888 additions and 0 deletions

main.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
import sys
import numpy as np
from src.read_input import *
from src.out import *
from src.utils import *
if __name__=='__main__':
verbose = 2
if len(sys.argv) == 1:
print("Please provide the input file")
elif len(sys.argv) == 3 :
if sys.argv[2] == 's':
verbose = 0
elif sys.argv[2] == 'v':
verbose = 1
elif sys.argv[2] == 'vv':
verbose = 2
elif sys.argv[2] == 'vvv':
verbose = 3
print("Unknown argument -%s-"%sys.argv[3])
elif len(sys.argv) > 3:
print("Too much arguments, please provide an input file and a verbose level (v, vv, vvv)")
inputFile = sys.argv[1]
# Reads all the parameters from the input file
rB , rPP, center, X, Y, Z, symmetry, outputFile, pattern, npattern , atoms, dist, a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma, showBath, evjen, showFrag, notInPseudo, notInFrag, symGenerator, generator, translation = read_input(inputFile)
if verbose > 0:
out_input_param(rB , rPP, center, X, Y, Z, symmetry, outputFile, pattern, npattern , atoms, dist, a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma, showBath, evjen, showFrag, notInPseudo, notInFrag, symGenerator, generator, translation)
# Converting the angles to radian
alpha = alpha * np.pi / 180.0
beta = beta * np.pi / 180.0
gamma = gamma * np.pi / 180.0
# Computing the number of replications needed in each directions using the interreticular distance
# for the planes 100, 010 and 001.
# The condition is : d_{hkl} >= 2*bath_radius + |translation_vector|
fac = np.sqrt(1-np.cos(alpha)**2-np.cos(beta)**2-np.cos(gamma)**2+2*np.cos(alpha)*np.cos(beta)*np.cos(gamma))
nA = int(np.ceil(np.sin(alpha)*(2*rB+np.linalg.norm(translation))/(a*fac)))+1
nB = int(np.ceil(np.sin(beta)*(2*rB+np.linalg.norm(translation))/(b*fac)))+1
nC = int(np.ceil(np.sin(gamma)*(2*rB+np.linalg.norm(translation))/(c*fac)))+1
if verbose > 1:
print("The big cell will be of dimensions %2ix%2ix%2i\n"%(nA,nB,nC))
coordinates = big_cell(generator,symGenerator,a,b,c,alpha,beta,gamma,nA,nB,nC)
# Computing the translation vector by addition of the user translation vector and a translation
# vector that puts the origin at the center of the big cell
t = [-0.5,-0.5,-0.5]
M = get_cell_matrix(nA*a,nB*b,nC*c,alpha,beta,gamma)
t = np.matmul(M,t)
t = [t[0]+translation[0],t[1]+translation[1],t[2]+translation[2]]
# Translating the coordinates
coordinates = translate(t, coordinates)
# Finding the center and translating the coordinates
# If this vector creates a displacment bigger than a, b or c
# in any of the abc directions, this might result in an incomplete
# sphere later, the user should provide a translation vector
# to correct this
if center != []:
c = find_center(center,coordinates)
coordinates = translate(-c,coordinates)
# Orienting the big cell
if X != []:
k = [1,0,0]
xVec = find_center(X,coordinates)
M = rotation_matrix(k,xVec)
rotate(M, coordinates)
if Y != []:
k = [0,1,0]
yVec = find_center(Y,coordinates)
M = rotation_matrix(k,yVec)
rotate(M, coordinates)
if Z != []:
k = [0,0,1]
zVec = find_center(Z,coordinates)
M = rotation_matrix(k,zVec)
rotate(M, coordinates)
if verbose > 2:
print("The big cell contains %5i atoms and will be printed in the file big_cell.xyz\n"%len(coordinates))
# Cutting the sphere in the big cell
coordinates = cut_sphere(coordinates,rB)
if verbose > 2:
print("The sphere contains %5i atoms and will be printed in the file sphere.xyz\n"%len(coordinates))
# Finding the fragment
nAt, coordinates = find_fragment(coordinates,pattern,npattern,notInFrag)
if verbose > 2 or showFrag:
print("The fragment contains %3i atoms and will be printed in the file fragment.xyz\n"%nAt)
coordinates = find_pseudo(coordinates,rPP,notInPseudo)
if verbose > 2 or showBath:
print("The bath will be printed in the file bath.xyz\n")
print("The bath sorted with the fragment/pseudo/charge will be printed in the file bath_coloured.xyz\n")
if evjen:
charges = evjen_charges(coordinates,atoms)
charges = []
for i in range(len(coordinates)):
li = coordinates[i][3]
ii = np.where(atoms=li)[0]
if verbose > 1:
print("The total charge fragment+pseudopotential+bath is : % 8.6f\n"%np.sum(charges))
if symmetry != []:
nuc1 = nuclear_repulsion(coordinates,charges)
if verbose > 1:
print("Nuclear repulsion before the symmetry : % 8.6f\n"%nuc1)
coordinates,charges,indexList = compute_symmetry(coordinates,charges,symmetry)
nuc2 = nuclear_repulsion(coordinates,charges)
if verbose > 1:
print("Nuclear repulsion after the symmetry : % 8.6f\n"%nuc2)
print("The total charge fragment+pseudopotential+bath after symmetry is : % 8.6f\n"%np.sum(charges))
if verbose > 2:
print("The symmetrized coordinates contain %5i atoms \n"%len(indexList))
indexList = [i for i in range(len(coordinates))]
if verbose > 2:
print("The output has been written to %s \n"%outputFile)

src/out.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
import numpy as np
import operator
from src.utils import distance
def out_input_param(rB , rPP, center, X, Y, Z, symmetry, outputFile, pattern, npattern , atoms, dist, a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma, showBath, evjen, showFrag, notInPseudo, notInFrag, symGenerator, generator, translation):
print("Output file is : %s\n"%outputFile)
print("Bath radius : % 16.10f\n"%rB)
print("Pseudo-potential width : % 16.10f\n"%rPP)
print("Lattice parameters :")
print(" a = % 8.5f"%a)
print(" b = % 8.5f"%b)
print(" c = % 8.5f"%c)
print(" alpha = % 6.5f"%alpha)
print(" beta = % 6.5f"%beta)
print(" gamma = % 6.5f\n"%gamma)
print("Group symmetry operations :")
for i in symGenerator:
print(" %10s %10s %10s"%(i[0],i[1],i[2]))
print("\nAtomic positions :")
for i in generator:
print(" %2s % 8.5f % 8.5f % 8.5f"%(i[0],i[1],i[2],i[3]))
print("\nThere %3s %2i %8s :"%('is'*(len(pattern)==1)+'are'*(len(pattern)>1),len(pattern),'pattern'+'s'*(len(pattern)>1)))
for i in range(len(pattern)):
print("The following pattern will appear %2i %5s"%(npattern[i],'time'+'s'*(npattern[i]>1)))
for j in range(0,len(pattern[i]),2):
print(" %2i %2s\n"%(pattern[i][j],pattern[i][j+1]),end='')
print("\nThere %3s %2i %5s"%('is'*(len(atoms)==1)+'are'*(len(atoms)>1), len(atoms), 'atom'+'s'*(len(atoms)>1)))
print("Label Charge Number of neighbours Maximum bond length")
for i in atoms:
print(" %2s % 5.2f %2i % 6.4f\n"%(i[0],i[1],i[2],i[3]))
print("Centering between the following atom(s) :")
for i in center:
print(" %2s \n"%i,end='')
if(len(X) > 0):
print("Aligning the X axis with the following atom(s) :")
for i in X:
print(" %2s "%i,end='')
if(len(Y) > 0):
print("Aligning the Y axis with the following atom(s) :")
for i in Y:
print(" %2s "%i,end='')
if(len(Z) > 0):
print("Aligning the Z axis with the following atom(s) :")
for i in Z:
print(" %2s "%i,end='')
if translation != [0.0,0.0,0.0]:
print("The following translation will be applied : % 5.3f % 5.3f % 5.3f"%(translation[0],translation[1],translation[2]))
if(len(symmetry) > 0):
print("Treating the following symmetry operations :")
for i in symmetry:
print(" %3s "%i,end='')
print("The program will reequilibrate the charges at the limits of the spheres using Evjen method\n")
print("The program will print the fragment coordinates in the file fragment.xyz\n")
print("The program will print the bath coordinates in the files bath.xyz and bath_coloured.xyz\n")
if len(notInPseudo) > 0:
print("The following %5s will not be considered in the pseudopotential shell :"%('atom'+'s'*(len(notInPseudo)>1)))
for i in notInPseudo:
print(" %2s "%i)
if len(notInFrag) > 0:
print("The following %5s will be excluded from the fragment :"%('atom'+'s'*(len(notInFrag)>1)))
for i in notInFrag:
print(" %2s % 8.6f % 8.6f % 8.6f"%(i[0],i[1],i[2],i[3]))
# Write the coordinates to a file using the string
# at the position 'label' as atom name
# if which is specified, it must be an array of labels
# color = 'no' means that the label will be printed
# color = 'yes' means that the color in the bath will be printed
def write_coordinates(coordinates, fileName, label, which='all',color='no'):
f = open(fileName,'w')
l = [i[label] for i in coordinates]
if color=='no':
lab = 3
lab = 4
unique, count = np.unique(l,return_counts=True)
labelDic = dict(zip(unique,count))
if which=='all':
f.write("%i \n\n"%len(coordinates))
for i in coordinates:
f.write("%2s % 10.6f % 10.6f % 10.6f\n"%(i[lab],i[0],i[1],i[2]))
count = 0
for la in which:
count += labelDic[la]
f.write("%i \n\n"%count)
for i in coordinates:
if i[label] in which:
f.write("%2s % 10.6f % 10.6f % 10.6f\n"%(i[lab],i[0],i[1],i[2]))
# Writes the output file
def write_output(outputFile, coordinates, charges, indexList):
f = open(outputFile,'w')
count = 0
for t in d:
f.write(" Label x y z Charge\n")
for i in indexList:
if coordinates[i][4] == t:
count += 1
l = coordinates[i][3]+str(count)
f.write("%6s % 16.10f % 16.10f % 16.10f % 8.5f\n"%(l,coordinates[i][0],coordinates[i][1],coordinates[i][2],charges[i]))
# Writes the interatomic distances inferior to 4 A
def out_interatomic_distances(coordinates):
distanceList = []
for i in range(len(coordinates)-1):
for j in range(i+1,len(coordinates)):
a = coordinates[i]
b = coordinates[j]
d = distance(a,b)
accept = True
if d > 4:
accept = False
for k in distanceList:
if ((a[3] == k[0] and b[3] == k[1]) or (a[3] == k[1] and b[3] == k[0])) and np.abs(d-k[2]) < 1e-5:
accept = False
if accept:
distanceList = sorted(distanceList,key=operator.itemgetter(2))
print("All the interatomic distances < 5 A :")
print("Atom1 Atom2 Distance")
for i in distanceList:
print(" %2s %2s %6.4f"%(i[0],i[1],i[2]))

src/read_input.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
import sys
# Parses the input file
def read_input(inputFile):
rB = 0.0
rPP = 0.0
center = []
X = []
Y = []
Z = []
symmetry = []
outputFile = ""
pattern = []
npattern = []
atoms = []
dist = []
a = 0.0
b = 0.0
c = 0.0
alpha = 90.0
beta = 90.0
gamma = 90.0
showBath = False
evjen = False
showFrag = False
notInPseudo = []
notInFrag = []
symGenerator = []
generator = []
translate = [0.0,0.0,0.0]
checkInput = {'bath':False,'pseudo':False,'output':False,'pattern':False,'npattern':False,'a':False,'b':False,'c':False,'atoms':False,'symmetry_generator':False,'generator':False}
f = open(inputFile,'r')
line = 'x'
while line.casefold() != 'end_of_input':
line = f.readline().strip()
ls = line.split()
if ls == []:
if ls[0].casefold() in checkInput:
checkInput[ls[0].casefold()] = True
if ls[0].casefold() == 'bath':
rB = float(ls[1])
except ValueError:
print("Error while parsing the input file : %s is not a valid bath radius value"%(ls[1]))
elif ls[0].casefold() == 'pseudo':
rPP = float(ls[1])
except ValueError:
print("Error while parsing the input file : %s is not a valid pseudopotential radius value"%(ls[1]))
elif ls[0].casefold() == 'center':
center = [i for i in ls]
elif ls[0].casefold() == 'x_axis':
X = [i for i in ls]
elif ls[0].casefold() == 'y_axis':
Y = [i for i in ls]
elif ls[0].casefold() == 'z_axis':
Z = [i for i in ls]
elif ls[0].casefold() == 'symmetry':
symmetry = [i for i in ls]
elif ls[0].casefold() == 'output':
outputFile = ls[1]
elif ls[0].casefold() == 'pattern':
line = f.readline()
while line.strip().casefold() != 'end':
ls = line.split()
for i in range(len(ls)):
if i%2 == 0:
line = f.readline()
elif ls[0].casefold() == 'npattern':
npattern = [int(i) for i in ls]
except ValueError:
print("Error while parsing the input file : the number of patterns is not valid %s"%(line))
elif ls[0].casefold() == 'lattice':
line = f.readline()
while line.strip().casefold() != 'end':
ls = line.split()
if ls[0].casefold() in checkInput:
checkInput[ls[0].casefold()] = True
if ls[0].casefold() == 'a':
a = float(ls[1])
except ValueError:
print("Error while parsing the input file : bad value for the lattice parameter %s"%ls[1])
elif ls[0].casefold() == 'b':
b = float(ls[1])
except ValueError:
print("Error while parsing the input file : bad value for the lattice parameter %s"%ls[1])
elif ls[0].casefold() == 'c':
c = float(ls[1])
except ValueError:
print("Error while parsing the input file : bad value for the lattice parameter %s"%ls[1])
elif ls[0].casefold() == 'alpha':
alpha = float(ls[1])
except ValueError:
print("Error while parsing the input file : bad value for the lattice parameter %s"%ls[1])
elif ls[0].casefold() == 'beta':
beta = float(ls[1])
except ValueError:
print("Error while parsing the input file : bad value for the lattice parameter %s"%ls[1])
elif ls[0].casefold() == 'gamma':
gamma = float(ls[1])
except ValueError:
print("Error while parsing the input file : bad value for the lattice parameter %s"%ls[1])
line = f.readline()
elif ls[0].casefold() == 'atoms':
line = f.readline()
while line.strip().casefold() != 'end':
ls = line.split()
if(len(ls)) != 4:
print("Error while parsing the input file : not enough values given for the atom in line %s"%line)
atoms.append([ls[0], float(ls[1]), int(ls[2]), float(ls[3])])
except ValueError:
print("Error while parsing the input file : bad value for the atom %s"%line)
line = f.readline()
elif ls[0].casefold() == 'show_bath':
showBath = True
elif ls[0].casefold() == 'translate':
translate = [float(ls[0]),float(ls[1]),float(ls[2])]
except ValueError:
print("Error while parsing the input file : the translation vector is not valid %s"%line)
elif ls[0].casefold() == 'not_in_pseudo':
notInPseudo = [i for i in ls]
elif ls[0].casefold() == 'show_frag':
showFrag = True
elif ls[0].casefold() == 'evjen':
evjen = True
elif ls[0].casefold() == 'symmetry_generator':
line = f.readline()
while line.strip().casefold() != 'end':
line = f.readline()
elif ls[0].casefold() == 'generator':
line = f.readline()
while line.strip().casefold() != 'end':
ls = line.split()
except ValueError:
print("Error while parsing the input file : bad value for the generator atom %s"%line)
line = f.readline()
elif ls[0].casefold() == 'not_in_frag':
line = f.readline()
while line.strip().casefold() != 'end':
ls = line.split()
except ValueError:
print("Error while parsing the input file : bad value for the atom %s"%line)
line = f.readline()
for t in checkInput:
if checkInput[t] == False:
print("Bad input : missing the keyword -- %s --"%t)
return rB , rPP, center, X, Y, Z, symmetry, outputFile, pattern, npattern , atoms, dist, a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma, showBath, evjen, showFrag, notInPseudo, notInFrag, symGenerator, generator, translate

src/utils.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,373 @@
import numpy as np
import operator
import sys
def distance(a,b):
# Returns the 3D distance between a and b where
# a and b are array where x, y and z are at the
# position 0, 1 and 2
x = a[0]-b[0]
y = a[1]-b[1]
z = a[2]-b[2]
return np.sqrt(x**2+y**2+z**2)
def get_cell_matrix(a,b,c,alpha,beta,gamma):
# Computing the volume of the primitive cell
omega = a*b*c*np.sqrt(1-np.cos(alpha)**2-np.cos(beta)**2-np.cos(gamma)**2+2*np.cos(alpha)*np.cos(beta)*np.cos(gamma))
# Computing the matrix
M = [
return M
def big_cell(generator,symGenerator,a,b,c,alpha,beta,gamma,nA,nB,nC):
coords = []
# Computing the matrix converting fractional to cartesian
fracToCart = get_cell_matrix(a,b,c,alpha,beta,gamma)
for gen in generator:
x = gen[1]
y = gen[2]
z = gen[3]
for sym in symGenerator:
u = eval(sym[0])
v = eval(sym[1])
w = eval(sym[2])
# Making sure the value is within the range [0,1]
u = u + 1*(u<0) - 1*(u>1)
v = v + 1*(v<0) - 1*(v>1)
w = w + 1*(w<0) - 1*(w>1)
# Deleting the redundant atoms
toDel = []
for i in range(len(coords)-1):
for j in range(i+1,len(coords)):
# Computing the distance using the minimum image convention
# as described in Appendix B equation 9 of
# "Statistical Mechanics : Theory and Molecular Simulations
# Mark E. Tuckerman"
r1 = np.array(coords[i][:3])
r2 = np.array(coords[j][:3])
r12 = r1-r2
r12 = r12 - np.round(r12)
r12 = np.matmul(fracToCart,r12)
d = np.sqrt(r12[0]**2+r12[1]**2+r12[2]**2)
# We check if we don't already want to delete this atom
if j not in toDel:
# We delete the atoms in the list
for i in range(len(toDel)):
newCoords = []
# We replicate the cell nA, nB, nC times
for at in coords:
for a in range(1,nA):
for b in range(1,nB):
for c in range(1,nC):
for c in range(1,nC):
for b in range(1,nB):
for c in range(1,nC):
for c in range(1,nC):
# Now we convert the fractionnal coordinates to cartesian coordinates
coords = []
for at in newCoords:
r = [at[0],at[1],at[2]]
rxyz = np.matmul(fracToCart,r)
# Returns the list of the atoms [x,y,z,label,second_label]
return coords
# Translates all the coordinates with the vector v
def translate(v,coordinates):
for c in coordinates:
c[0] += v[0]
c[1] += v[1]
c[2] += v[2]
return coordinates
# Finds the point at the center of the given atoms that are the
# closest to the origin
def find_center(centerList, coordinates):
centers = []
for i in range(len(centerList)):
centers.append([100,100,100]) # Setting a large value for each center
for c in centers:
c.append(distance(c,[0,0,0])) # Computing the distance to the origin
for at in coordinates:
if at[3] in centerList:
centers = sorted(centers, key=operator.itemgetter(3)) # Sorting the list with respect to the distance to the origin
d = distance(at,[0,0,0])
if d <= centers[-1][-1]:
centers[-1] = [at[0],at[1],at[2],d]
center = np.mean(centers,axis=0)[:3] # Computing the barycenter
return center
# Defines a rotation matrix that will put r1 at the position r2
def rotation_matrix(r1,r2):
r1 = np.array(r1)/np.linalg.norm(r1)
r2 = np.array(r2)/np.linalg.norm(r2)
# Computing the cross product which is the vector around which
# the rotation is done
crossProduct = np.cross(r1,r2)
crossProduct = crossProduct/np.linalg.norm(crossProduct)
# Computing the angle of the rotation
a = np.arccos(np.dot(r1,r2))
c = np.cos(a)
s = np.sin(a)
x = crossProduct[0]
y = crossProduct[1]
z = crossProduct[2]
M = [
return M
# Rotates all the coordinates using the rotation matric M
def rotate(M,coordinates):
for i in range(len(coordinates)):
r = [coordinates[i][0],coordinates[i][1],coordinates[i][2]]
rV = np.matmul(M,r)
coordinates[i][0] = rV[0]
coordinates[i][1] = rV[1]
coordinates[i][2] = rV[2]
return coordinates
# Cuts a sphere centered on the origin in the coordinates
def cut_sphere(coordinates,r):
sphere = []
for i in range(len(coordinates)):
if distance(coordinates[i],[0,0,0]) <= r:
return sphere
# Finds the fragment in the coordinates
def find_fragment(coordinates, patterns, npatterns,notInFrag):
inFrag = []
for n in range(len(patterns)):
pattern = patterns[n]
npattern = npatterns[n]
for i in range(npattern):
c = [100,100,100]
dc = distance([0,0,0],c)
inPattern = []
# Finding the closest atom of the first type in the pattern
for at in coordinates:
if at[3] == pattern[1]:
d = distance([0,0,0],at)
if d < dc :
accept = True
for exc in notInFrag:
d = distance(exc,at)
if d < 1e-5:
accept = False
if accept and coordinates.index(at) not in inFrag:
c = [at[0],at[1],at[2],0.0, coordinates.index(at)]
dc = distance([0,0,0],c)
# Finding the rest of the pattern around the atom previously found
atIn = []
for j in range(0,len(pattern),2):
d = distance(c,[100,100,100])
# Initializing the atoms
for k in range(pattern[j]):
for at in coordinates:
if at[3] == pattern[j+1]:
atIn = sorted(atIn,key=operator.itemgetter(3))
d = distance(at,c)
trial = [at[0],at[1],at[2],d,coordinates.index(at)]
if d < atIn[-1][3] and trial not in atIn:
atIn[-1] = trial
for at in atIn:
for at in inPattern:
if at not in inFrag:
for at in inFrag:
coordinates[at][4] = 'O'
return len(inFrag), coordinates
# Finds the pseudopotential layer around
# the fragment
def find_pseudo(coordinates, rPP, notInPseudo):
for at in coordinates:
if at[4] != 'O':
for i in range(len(coordinates)):
if coordinates[i][4] != 'C':
d = distance(at,coordinates[i])
if d < rPP:
coordinates[i][4] = 'Cl'
return coordinates
# Creates lists containing the neighbours of each
# atom
def find_neighbours(coordinates, atoms):
neighbourList = [[] for i in range(len(coordinates))]
atoms = np.array(atoms).flatten()
for i in range(len(coordinates)-1):
for j in range(i+1,len(coordinates)):
li = coordinates[i][3] # Label of the atom i
lj = coordinates[j][3] # Label of the atom j
ii = np.where(atoms==li)[0]
jj = np.where(atoms==lj)[0]
ci = float(atoms[ii+1]) # Charge of the atom i
cj = float(atoms[jj+1]) # Charge of the atom j
if ci*cj < 0: # Checking if the charges have opposite signs
d = distance(coordinates[i],coordinates[j])
if d < float(atoms[ii+3]) and d < float(atoms[jj+3]):
return neighbourList
# For each atom, finds if it has the correct number of neighbours,
# if not, modify its charge
def evjen_charges(coordinates,atoms):
neighbourList = find_neighbours(coordinates,atoms)
atoms = np.array(atoms).flatten()
charges = []
for i in range(len(coordinates)):
li = coordinates[i][3]
ii = np.where(atoms==li)[0]
nr = len(neighbourList[i])
nt = int(atoms[ii+2])
ci = float(atoms[ii+1])
if nr > nt:
print("Error : too much neighbours for atom n°%i, count %i neighbours where it should have a maximum of %i"%(i,nr,nt))
return charges
# Computes the nuclear repulsion
def nuclear_repulsion(coordinates,charges):
rep = 0.0
for i in range(len(coordinates)-1):
for j in range(i+1,len(coordinates)):
rij = distance(coordinates[i],coordinates[j])
ci = charges[i]
cj = charges[j]
if(rij < 1):
rep += (ci*cj)/rij
return rep
# Computes the symmetry in the whole system
def compute_symmetry(coordinates,charges,symmetry):
symmetrizedCoordinates = []
symmetrizedCharges = []
uniqueIndexList = [] # The list containing the indexes of the unique atoms
treated = [] # Will store the index of the atoms already treated
symOp = []
# Storing all the symmetry operations
for s in symmetry:
if s == 'C2x':
elif s == 'C2y':
elif s == 'C2z':
elif s == 'xOy':
elif s == 'xOz':
elif s == 'yOz':
elif s == 'i':
for i in range(len(coordinates)):
if i in treated:
at1 = np.array(coordinates[i][:3])
for j in range(len(coordinates)):
if j in treated or coordinates[i][3] != coordinates[j][3]:
at2 = np.array(coordinates[j][:3])
for s in symOp:
if distance(at1,at1*s) > 1e-4 and distance(at2,at1*s) < 1e-4: # Checking if op.at1 != at1 and that op.at2 = at1
p = at1*s
return symmetrizedCoordinates,symmetrizedCharges,uniqueIndexList