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2021-02-26 15:48:23 +01:00
import numpy as np
import operator
from src.utils import distance
def out_input_param(rB , rPP, center, X, Y, Z, symmetry, outputFile, pattern, npattern , atoms, dist, a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma, showBath, evjen, showFrag, notInPseudo, notInFrag, symGenerator, generator, translation):
print("Output file is : %s\n"%outputFile)
print("Bath radius : % 16.10f\n"%rB)
print("Pseudo-potential width : % 16.10f\n"%rPP)
print("Lattice parameters :")
print(" a = % 8.5f"%a)
print(" b = % 8.5f"%b)
print(" c = % 8.5f"%c)
print(" alpha = % 6.5f"%alpha)
print(" beta = % 6.5f"%beta)
print(" gamma = % 6.5f\n"%gamma)
print("Group symmetry operations :")
for i in symGenerator:
print(" %10s %10s %10s"%(i[0],i[1],i[2]))
print("\nAtomic positions :")
for i in generator:
print(" %2s % 8.5f % 8.5f % 8.5f"%(i[0],i[1],i[2],i[3]))
print("\nThere %3s %2i %8s :"%('is'*(len(pattern)==1)+'are'*(len(pattern)>1),len(pattern),'pattern'+'s'*(len(pattern)>1)))
for i in range(len(pattern)):
print("The following pattern will appear %2i %5s"%(npattern[i],'time'+'s'*(npattern[i]>1)))
for j in range(0,len(pattern[i]),2):
print(" %2i %2s\n"%(pattern[i][j],pattern[i][j+1]),end='')
print("\nThere %3s %2i %5s"%('is'*(len(atoms)==1)+'are'*(len(atoms)>1), len(atoms), 'atom'+'s'*(len(atoms)>1)))
print("Label Charge Number of neighbours Maximum bond length")
for i in atoms:
print(" %2s % 5.2f %2i % 6.4f\n"%(i[0],i[1],i[2],i[3]))
print("Centering between the following atom(s) :")
for i in center:
print(" %2s \n"%i,end='')
if(len(X) > 0):
print("Aligning the X axis with the following atom(s) :")
for i in X:
print(" %2s "%i,end='')
if(len(Y) > 0):
print("Aligning the Y axis with the following atom(s) :")
for i in Y:
print(" %2s "%i,end='')
if(len(Z) > 0):
print("Aligning the Z axis with the following atom(s) :")
for i in Z:
print(" %2s "%i,end='')
if translation != [0.0,0.0,0.0]:
print("The following translation will be applied : % 5.3f % 5.3f % 5.3f"%(translation[0],translation[1],translation[2]))
if(len(symmetry) > 0):
print("Treating the following symmetry operations :")
for i in symmetry:
print(" %3s "%i,end='')
print("The program will reequilibrate the charges at the limits of the spheres using Evjen method\n")
print("The program will print the fragment coordinates in the file\n")
print("The program will print the bath coordinates in the files and\n")
if len(notInPseudo) > 0:
print("The following %5s will not be considered in the pseudopotential shell :"%('atom'+'s'*(len(notInPseudo)>1)))
for i in notInPseudo:
print(" %2s "%i)
if len(notInFrag) > 0:
print("The following %5s will be excluded from the fragment :"%('atom'+'s'*(len(notInFrag)>1)))
for i in notInFrag:
print(" % 8.6f % 8.6f % 8.6f"%(i[0],i[1],i[2]))
2021-02-26 15:48:23 +01:00
# Write the coordinates to a file using the string
# at the position 'label' as atom name
# if which is specified, it must be an array of labels
# color = 'no' means that the label will be printed
# color = 'yes' means that the color in the bath will be printed
def write_coordinates(coordinates, fileName, label, which='all',color='no'):
f = open(fileName,'w')
l = [i[label] for i in coordinates]
if color=='no':
lab = 3
lab = 4
unique, count = np.unique(l,return_counts=True)
labelDic = dict(zip(unique,count))
if which=='all':
f.write("%i \n\n"%len(coordinates))
for i in coordinates:
f.write("%2s % 10.6f % 10.6f % 10.6f\n"%(i[lab],i[0],i[1],i[2]))
count = 0
for la in which:
count += labelDic[la]
f.write("%i \n\n"%count)
for i in coordinates:
if i[label] in which:
f.write("%2s % 10.6f % 10.6f % 10.6f\n"%(i[lab],i[0],i[1],i[2]))
# Writes the output file
def write_output(outputFile, coordinates, charges, indexList):
f = open(outputFile,'w')
count = 0
for t in d:
f.write(" Label x y z Charge\n")
for i in indexList:
if coordinates[i][4] == t:
count += 1
l = coordinates[i][3]+str(count)
f.write("%6s % 16.10f % 16.10f % 16.10f % 8.5f\n"%(l,coordinates[i][0],coordinates[i][1],coordinates[i][2],charges[i]))
# Writes the interatomic distances inferior to 4 A
def out_interatomic_distances(coordinates):
distanceList = []
for i in range(len(coordinates)-1):
for j in range(i+1,len(coordinates)):
a = coordinates[i]
b = coordinates[j]
d = distance(a,b)
accept = True
if d > 4:
accept = False
for k in distanceList:
if ((a[3] == k[0] and b[3] == k[1]) or (a[3] == k[1] and b[3] == k[0])) and np.abs(d-k[2]) < 1e-5:
accept = False
if accept:
distanceList = sorted(distanceList,key=operator.itemgetter(2))
print("All the interatomic distances < 5 A :")
print("Atom1 Atom2 Distance")
for i in distanceList:
print(" %2s %2s %6.4f"%(i[0],i[1],i[2]))