******************************************************* ======================================================= LOCCASCF' ======================================================= ******************************************************* Local CASSCF The program executes a succession of steps 1. Orbital transformation - 2 possibilities: - motra/molcost - ijkl 2. CASCI calculation - casdet/casdi 3. Density matrix calculation - 2 possibilities: - casdet/casdi (diagonalization of CAS+S) - costnevpt/rodyall (contracted perturbation) 4. Diagonalization of the Density Matrix --> natural Orbitals locnats --> iterate: goto 1. Input Files: One Electron Atomic Integrals prefix_One Two Electron Atomic Integrals prefix_Two Orbitals INPORB Output Files LOCORB2 Data: (case letters: compulsory) &LOCCASSCF Default PREFIX SYMM data SYMMetry of seward transf IJKL IJKL to run ijkl (step 1.) MOTRA to run motra CHOLESKY density RODYALL RODYALL to perform contracted perturbation CASDI to perform CAS+S nmat 1 number of different matrices (= nb of symmetries...) netat nmat*1 number of states for each one of the nmat matrices metat rank of the nmat states coef n*1. example: 2 singlets (1st and 2nd), 3 triplets (2n,3rd and 5th) weights: 2.,1., 1.,0.5,2. nmat=2,netat==2,3,metat=1,2, 2,3,5, coef= 2.,1., 1.,0.5,2. frozen,delete nsym*0 maxit 30 max number of iterations conv 1.d-6 Energy convergence inac nsym*0 nb of core orbitals in each symmetry act nsym*0 nb of active orbitals in each symmetry nactel 0 nb of active electrons casdet 'casdet' casdi 'casdi90' costnevpt 'costnevpt' rodyall 'rodyall locnat 'locnat' ijkl 'ijkl' reordens 'reordens' (location of the programs to be used) &casdi Among the data of namelist &dav of casdi: gener,ms2,is0,iprec,niter,syspin nessai= two different data for the corresponding one of &dav nessai: nessai of the first iteration of casdi (default: 0) nessai2: nessai of the other iterations of casdi (default: 2)