GCASdeloc GCASdeloc GCASdeloc GCASdeloc GCASdeloc ------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: If you know GCAS, GCASdeloc is a simplified version, without reference to use of local orbitals Definition: merge the orbitals or several rasscf orbital files, to get average orbitals Method: Get Occupied, Active and Virtuals from several RasOrb files. Some of them appear more than once, as they were generated by different rasscf calculations. In that case they are almost identical. Step 1 Actives: Buils overlap matrix between actives, diagonalise. One gets almost integer eigenvalues. If ~1: the active was generated once. The eigenvector corresponds to the active orbital. If eigenvalue ~n (n>0) the state was present in n rasscf calculations. The eingenvector will result in an average vector of the n states. If eigenvalue ~0, the eigenvector should be eliminated, as it is the result or a linear dependency. there are n-1 eliminated vectors for a eigen value equal to n. Step 2 Once constructed the Active space, one must build the occupied and virtual spaces Occupied : It would be convenient to use the same method, but the number of cumulated occupied orbitals could be to large. it would be impossible to diagonalise Then: - take RasOrb file number 1 - loop on orbitals - for occupied n, look for an equivalent in all other files if one equivalent is found, and if it corresponds to an active, forget the orbital - Otherwise, one has nf orbitals, where nf is the number of RasOrb files - Apply same method, as it was done for actives (overlap matrix, diagonalisation, get only eigenvalue equal to nf. Virtuelles : as for occupied Step 4 hierarchised orthogonalisation act, then occ+virt ------------------------------------------------------------------- Input files: (on $WorkDir) : - Info et Mono files - RasOrb files Input files: (on $CurrDir) - rasin files (data files for rasscf calculations. Input data: 1. &gcas prefix='...',nprint=..,symm= ,ninac= ,noac= ,nelac= / prefix : compulsory symm : needed on old molcas versions, if one wants a molden file. ninac,noac: number of doubly occupied, and active orbitals in each symmetry. nelac: number of active electrons. ninac,numac and nelac correspond to the final active space, once merged all active orbitals. 2. &ras namelists, one for each RasOrb file &ras input= ,'rasorb= / input: name of rasscf input file (is on CurrDir!) rasorb: name of rasOrb file (is on WorkDir!) Output: sortie :- A RasOrb file with many actives ($Project.GCasOrb) Example of data: gcasdeloc << EOF &gcas prefix='Ni.',nprint=0,ninac=35,24,35,24,31,21,31,21, noac=1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,nelac=6 / &ras input='rasin_357S',rasorb='Ni.RasOrb_357S' / &ras input='rasin_1357T',rasorb='Ni.RasOrb_1357T' / EOF