Time Dependent Density Functional Theory with Molecular Dynamics
Time-dependent local-density approximation plus ionic molecular dynamics
(This is a very short summary of our formal scheme. A most detailed description is found in [303].)
The electron cloud is
described by density functional theory at the level of TDLDA.
The dynamical degrees of freedom are the set of occupied
single-electron wavefunctions .
The ions are treated by
classical MD and their degrees of freedom are the
positions RI and momenta PI
The starting point is the total energy given by:
The electronic kinetic energy employs the single-electron wavefunctions which maintains the quantum mechanical shell effects. All other electronic energies refer only to the local spin-densities or total density ; the Coulomb energy naturally, and the exchange-correlation energy by virtue of the LDA (often augmented by a self-interaction correction (SIC) [277]). The electron-ion coupling is realized by pseudo-potentials, mostly soft local ones [249]. The ionic part is composed of Coulomb interaction and kinetic energy. Excitation mechanisms (laser, ionic collisions) are described in as external time-dependent potentials.
The coupled equations of motion are obtained in standard manner by variation. They read
where is the spin orientation of the state . The equations imply a non-adiabatic coupling which goes beyond usual Born-Oppenheimer approach. Non-adiabatic effects become crucial in cluster dynamics induced by strong fields. The numerical solution involves the representation of the wavefunctions on a spatial grid, time-splitting for the electronic propagation and the Verlet algorithm for MD, for details see [254]. The obtained wavefunctions, densities, and ionic coordinates allow to compute a wide variety of observables, e.g. optical absorption spectra [9], angular distributions [313], emission spectra [304], or ionization [208] for electronic degrees of freedom. The ionic configurations can be measured indirectly through optical response and its dynamics with various pump and probe scenarios [290].
Often, we use a semi-classical description for the electronic dynamics at the level of Vlasov-LDA, particularly for energetic processes and/or large clusters. Instead of the wavefunctions, the key ingredient becomes here the one-electron phase-space distribution . The quantum-mechanical propagation for the electrons is replaced by the Vlasov equation
again non-adiabatically coupled to ionic motion as above. Note that formally the same Kohn-Sham potential is employed. For a derivation and justification from TDLDA see [182]. The Vlasov-LDA equation is solved with the test-particle method where the distribution function is represented as a sum of Gaussian test-particles which are propagated again by the Verlet algorithm [273].
The semi-classical description makes it feasible to include dynamical correlations from electron-electron collisions. This is achieved by adding an Ühling-Uhlenbeck collision term leading to
The collision term is a non-linear functional of the distribution function . It contains terms up to third power in . It is constructed from local and instantaneous collisions which obey energy conservation, momentum conservation, and the Pauli principle [273]. The resulting equation is called the Vlasov-Ühling-Uhlenbeck approach (VUU).
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